I do not really understand, what you are trying, but the first argument of \ifthenelse
should surely be a comparison, maybe something like:
{This is text 1 and the name of this file is \currfilebase}%
{This is text 2 and the name of this file is \currfilebase}%
{This is text 3 and the name of this file is \currfilebase}
Experimental text fragement for John: \textforpicture{John}
Experimental text fragement for Jack: \textforpicture{Jack}
Experimental text fragement for Jill: \textforpicture{Jill}
For such cases, you can also use l3:
\newcommand%\newcommand{\textforpicture}[1][1]% could be used, but using
\NewDocumentCommand \textforpicture { m } % is usual for defining a user command in l3 context.
\str_case:nnF { #1 }
{John} {This~is~text~1}
{Jack} {This~is~text~2}
{Jill} {This~is~text~3}
Experimental text fragement for John: \textforpicture{John}
Experimental text fragement for Jack: \textforpicture{Jack}
Experimental text fragement for Jill: \textforpicture{Jill}
I've removed currfile
in this second example, because I've not understood, why you are using it. And IMHO it is also not needed to show, how to use \str_case:nnF
Please have a look into “The LaTeX3 interfaces” for more information about using LaTeX3.