One of my favorites; this one's not so involved but I enjoy the simplicity of the code and the quality of the result. It uses pgfplots
to display streamline data for vortex shedding from a square block at Re=100. The streamline data were computed by a Fortran code I wrote to model the flow.
The code:
\usepackage{pgfplots} % plot stuff
\pgfplotsset{compat=1.6} % avoid warnings
axis equal image,
xlabel={$x/D$ (-)},
ylabel={$y/D$ (-)},
\foreach \num in {1,2,...,18} {
\addplot[black] file {time43.39stream\num.dat};
\draw[fill=black] (axis cs:15,1) rectangle (axis cs:16,2);
The data files are quite large; they are available herehere for anyone wishing to reproduce my result. The full paper is available for download herehere. It includes many similar figures showing different times during the vortex shedding process.