Showing posts with label getoffmylawn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label getoffmylawn. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Google, nobody asked for a new Blogger interface

Even New Coke is better than New Blogger!

I'm writing this post in what Google is euphemistically referring to as an improvement. I don't understand this. I managed to ignore New Blogger for a few weeks but Google's ability to fark stuff up has the same air of inevitability as rotting corpses. Perhaps on mobile devices it's better, and even that is a matter of preference, but it's space-inefficient on desktop due to larger buttons and fonts, it's noticeably slower, it's buggy, and very soon it's going to be your only choice.

My biggest objection, however, is what they've done to the HTML editor. I'm probably the last person on earth to do so, but I write my posts in raw HTML. This was fine in the old Blogger interface which was basically a big freeform textbox you typed tags into manually. There was some means to intercept tags you didn't close, which was handy, and when you added elements from the toolbar you saw the HTML as it went in. Otherwise, WYTIWYG (what you typed is what you got). Since I personally use fairly limited markup and rely on the stylesheet for most everything, this worked well.

The new one is a line editor ... with indenting. Blogger has always really, really wanted you to use <p> as a container, even though a closing tag has never been required. But now, thanks to the indenter, if you insert a new paragraph then it starts indenting everything, including lines you've already typed, and there's no way to turn this off! Either you close every <p> tag immediately to defeat this behaviour, or you start using a lot of <br>s, which specifically defeats any means of semantic markup. (More about this in a moment.) First world problem? Absolutely. But I didn't ask for this "assistance" either, nor to require me to type additional unnecessary content to get around a dubious feature.

But wait, there's less! By switching into HTML view, you lose ($#@%!, stop indenting that line when I type emphasis tags!) the ability to insert hyperlinks, images or other media by any other means other than manually typing them out. You can't even upload an image, let alone automatically insert the HTML boilerplate and edit it.

So switch into Compose view to actually do any of those things, and what happens? Like before, Blogger rewrites your document, but now this happens all the time because of what you can't do in HTML view. Certain arbitrarily-determined naughtytags(tm) like <em> become <i> (my screen-reader friends will be disappointed). All those container close tags that are unnecessary bloat suddenly appear. Oh, and watch out for that dubiously-named "Format HTML" button, the only special feature to appear in the HTML view, as opposed to anything actually useful. To defeat the HTML autocorrupt while I was checking things writing this article, I actually copied and repasted my entire text multiple times so that Blogger would stop the hell messing with it. Who asked for this?? Clearly the designers of this travesty, assuming it isn't some cruel joke perpetuated by a sadistic UI anti-expert or a covert means to make people really cheesed off at Blogger so Google can claim no one uses it and shut it down, now intend HTML view to be strictly touch-up only, if that, and not a primary means of entering a post. Heaven forbid people should learn HTML anymore and try to write something efficient.

Oh, what else? It's slower, because of all the additional overhead (remember, it used to be just a big ol' box o' text that you just typed into, and a selection of mostly static elements making up the UI otherwise). Old Blogger was smart enough (or perhaps it was a happy accident) to know you already had a preview tab open and would send your preview there. New Blogger opens a new, unnecessary tab every time. The fonts and the buttons are bigger, but the icons are of similar size, defeating any reasonable argument of accessibility and just looks stupid on the G5 or the Talos II. There's lots of wasted empty space, too. This may reflect the contents of the crania of the people who worked on it, and apparently they don't care (I complained plenty of times before switching back, I expect no reply because they owe me nothing), so I feel no shame in abusing them.

Most of all, however, there is no added functionality. There is no workflow I know of that this makes better, and by removing stuff that used to work, demonstrably makes at least my own workflow worse.

So am I going to rage-quit Blogger? Well, no, at least not for the blogs I have that presently exist (feel free to visit, linked in the blogroll). I have years of documents here going back to TenFourFox's earliest inception in 2010, many of which are still very useful to vintage Power Mac users, and people know where to find them. It was the lowest effort move at the time to start a blog here and while Blogger wasn't futzing around with their own secret sauce it worked out well.

So, for future posts, my anticipated Rube Goldbergian nightmare is to use Compose view to load my images, copy the generated HTML off, type the rest of the tags manually in a text editor as God and Sir Tim intended and cut and paste it into a blank HTML view before New Blogger has a chance to mess with it. Hopefully they don't close the hole with paste not auto-indenting, for all that's holy. And if this is the future of Blogger, then if I have any future projects in mind, I think it's time for me to start self-hosting them and take a hike. Maybe this really is Google's way of getting this place to shut down.

(I actually liked New Coke, by the way.)

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Xserves still lurk

Xserves, the last true Apple server systems, apparently still lurk in dark corners in data centres near you. But for me, the quintessential Apple server line will always be the Apple Network Servers.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


One of my periodic "drop by now and then" sites is System7Today, extolling the virtues of System 7 to those people still rocking 60x-series Power Macs (that's Mac OS 7.0 through 7.6.1 for those of you who only know Mac OS as starting with a lower-case m, and also, get off my lawn), and I was disheartened to see that the System7Today forums are going read-only. I regretfully understand his reasoning though one wonders what will happen to the rest of the site. It hasn't changed in years, but it hasn't had to, and I love the frozen-in-time mockery of the Apple front page from at least a decade or so prior.

The only Macs I have still running System 7 are all running 7.1 (not counting the NetBSD 68K systems, which just use System 7 as a bootloader): one is my IIci with a 50MHz DayStar '030 and a MacIvory Lisp card, another is my recapped SE/30 looking for a job to do, and the last is my super-cute Mystic Color Classic. I like 7.1 a lot more than 7.5 or 7.6, and you can transplant lots of the 7.5 CDEVs and such back to 7.1 for a slimmer but still feature-filled experience. That said, I have to confess that I jumped to OS 8, and then OS 9, whenever I got the chance on my Power Macs. Part of this was that I upgraded those systems aggressively -- all of my Old World Power Macs in regular use have G3 or G4 upgrade cards, including my beloved PowerBook 1400, so they all run 9.1 or 9.2.2 -- and part of it is to run Classilla, but the biggest reason was just that OS 8 looked nicer and felt better, and 8.1 and 8.6 were still pretty speedy. I still run OS 8 on my PowerBook 2300c and Quadra 800.

But still, nostalgia dies hard. (No doubt being a TenFourFox user, you'd empathize.) While I've got lots of classic System 7-era software backed up for posterity on the Floodgap gopher server, it just doesn't have System7Today's throwback vibe and playful attitude. I'll miss it dearly pending its inevitable slow-motion decommissioning, most of all because it remains a great example of doing the most you can with the little you've got. Typing this blog post on a 2002-vintage 1GHz iMac G4, us PowerPC holdouts are still living in that spirit today.

Watch for 45.4 later this week(end).

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Après moi, le Tier-3 holocaust

Well, it finally happened: Mozilla's going to end support for 10.6-10.8. Actually, I'm surprised it took this long:

The motivation for this change is that we have continued failures that are specific to these old operating systems and don't have the resources on engineering teams to prioritize these bugs. Especially with the deployment of e10s we're seeing intermittent and permanently [sic] failures on MacOS 10.6 that we are not seeing elsewhere.

This confirms my suspicions that Electrolysis would have been seriously problematic on 10.4 and 10.5 given the permafails Mozilla is seeing on 10.6, even if we got it to compile (it doesn't even do that on Tiger yet). That's why we're forking after 45ESR, which doesn't have E10S enabled by default.

Interestingly, Mozilla's plan is nearly identical to ours: move 10.6-10.8 users onto 45ESR as well so that they'll still get a year-ish of support on that branch in a sort of graceful wind-down. The difference is that we plan to make hacks to the core to support certain post-45 features (making TenFourFox essentially into an OS X Classilla), and of course backport future security updates from 52ESR and so on. I guess if you're running Snow Leopard you can use TenFourFox post-fork with the usual limitations, but I still currently have no plans for an Intel-native version unless someone steps up to maintain it (although I have a 10.6 machine that might benefit, I just don't have the time right now).

The interesting part is that Mozilla still has more users on 10.6 than 10.7 and 10.8 combined, and 10.6 still accounts for something like 13% of all Firefox Mac users. As late as 2014 19% of all Macs ran it. Snow Leopard really is the Windows XP of the Intel Mac.

Mozilla also did a wholesale pruning of most of the other Tier-3 ports, as part of shifting from autoconf:

Following our official move off autoconf, the core build team is faced with having to convert more than 17k lines of shell+m4. A large part of those are to support Tier-3 platforms such as Solaris, HPUX, AIX, etc., with compilers that are not MSVC, GCC or clang (e.g. SunPro, XL C++...). To simplify the conversion, from day one, we will support only the following set of platforms and toolchains:

- Linux
- Android
- Windows
- OSX/Darwin
- multiple flavors of BSD (kFreeBSD, FreeBSD, DragonFly, NetBSD, OpenBSD)

- GCC/mingw
- clang
- clang-cl

This is a little different than the end of 10.[678] support, however:

This does not mean Firefox/Gecko/etc. will forever drop support for these platforms and toolchains. It simply means we can't assess what parts of the shell+m4 are relevant (as opposed to cruft accumulated over years or decades) and will continue to work (since we don't have automation to verify these configurations).


The good news is that dropping support now will help make the overall conversion happen sooner, *and*, once the conversion is done, interested parties can come back with working patches that should be easier to write.

My SPARC Ultra-3 laptop (a rebadged Tadpole Viper) runs an ESR build of Firefox just fine in Solaris 10, the last Solaris supported on that platform. Unfortunately I don't have the Sun compiler, or I'd take a whack at building it myself. At least someone out there is still popping out contrib builds for SPARC and i386, but I don't know if they will continue to.

On the other hand, some of those other platforms haven't worked in years. I know of a Firefox 3.6 for AIX, at least on POWER (my PowerPC AIX systems barf on it), but HP/sUX ended support somewhere around 3.5.9 and was always a mess to build (I hated HP's ANSI C-compiler back in the day when I had to administer those systems). I even remember seeing some Digital UNIX/Tru64 stuff deep within xpcom/, but I can't imagine full support persisted much beyond Mozilla 1.8 something. None of the rest of them got much further.

Really, these are all dusty legacies of how portable the old codebase used to be. At one time, Netscape ran on Windows (as early as 3.1), Mac OS (System 7 and up), OS/2, Linux, Digital UNIX (Tru64), SunOS 4, VMS (VAX and Alpha), Solaris, BSD, HP/UX, IRIX, AIX, and probably some other minority ports I don't remember, and all with almost total feature parity. In fact, I myself have personally used every single one of those ports at one time or another. As late as Mozilla 1.7 almost all of those platforms were still working (SunOS 4 and VMS were gone, and Mac OS was replaced with OS X, but the rest were still functioning), but Firefox 2 and 3 gradually winnowed the rest, and by Firefox 4 it was pretty much just Windows, OS X (including us), Linux, the BSDs and Solaris. Soon it'll just be those OSes on x86-64 and ARM.

So, while it may have been hell to maintain, that's a lot of history gone that I personally lived through and good cause or not it still makes me sad to see these last remnants drift away, even on the abandoned platforms. (You can cram it if you're going to post some uninsightful comment like "paying back technological debt" or "no one maintains platforms for free." I'm well aware of the cost of cruft. That doesn't mean it doesn't have historical value, and that historical value should be appreciated, even if doing so is best done in archives rather than current code bases.) It used to be neat to compare how heterogeneous and diverse computing platforms were back in the day, but sadly today's platforms are more alike than they're different, and I think we've lost something there.

It's not really fun anymore.