The Lombok earthquake in July 2018 caused considerable damage to public facilities and residentia... more The Lombok earthquake in July 2018 caused considerable damage to public facilities and residential areas. Most of the houses in the north of the island of Lombok were damaged by the 6.9 magnitude earthquake. We want to know what parameters cause houses and buildings in North Lombok not to experience a severe liquefaction process. We used near-surface tomographic resistivity imaging to characterize the subsurface of North Lombok to map the subsurface of the most affected areas in North Lombok. The geological condition of northern Lombok is the most vulnerable area to liquefaction due to volcanic loose sand layers, shallow groundwater, and thick deposits. However, almost all subsurface images from resistivity tomography from North Lombok show limestone layers at shallow depths, which may play an important role as a protective layer from liquefaction phenomena in this area.
Software testing is one of the important phases in determining software quality. In the software ... more Software testing is one of the important phases in determining software quality. In the software development cycle, the testing phase takes more than 50% of the development time. The process of creating test cases in software testing is the most difficult process and determines the success of the testing phase. Test cases for software testing can be created based on the existing analytical modeling in the software specifications. This kind of testing technique is known as model-based testing, which is one of the black box testing approaches. In this study, the analytical model used is the UML Activity diagram. The reason for choosing UML Activity diagrams is because this diagram can model activities in software based on behaviors and conditions that are by the sequence. The output of this research is a prototype of a test case generator using an activity diagram. The analysis of the suitability of the test cases generated for the Digi-OTA application using the equivalence partitioni...
Abstrak Proses monitoring dan evaluasi kinerja merupakan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan secara ber... more Abstrak Proses monitoring dan evaluasi kinerja merupakan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan secara berkala oleh berbagai perusahaan, salah satunya pada Bandar Udara X. Kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi kinerja pada Bandar Udara ini masih dilakukan secara manual dengan melibatkan setiap divisi sehingga kontrol terhadap informasi kinerja belum terpusat dan kurang informatif. Banyaknya data yang tidak terkoordinasi dengan baik dapat terjadi suatu ketidakakuratan yang dapat menyebabkan risiko pengambilan keputusan tidak tepat. Hal tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa belum terdapat tolok ukur kinerja perusahaan secara menyeluruh dan terstruktur. Pengukuran kinerja komprehensif dengan penggunaan metode balanced scorecard yang dikombinasikan dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) sebagai proses pembobotan dan metode Objective Matrix (OMAX) sebagai proses scoring yang diimplementasikan pada sistem dashboard dapat membantu proses monitoring dan evaluasi kinerja secara efektif pada perusahaan....
Pada Tugas Akhir ini mengimplementasikan metode evaluasi Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh dengan metode Mu... more Pada Tugas Akhir ini mengimplementasikan metode evaluasi Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh dengan metode Multi Criteria Methodology. Multi Criteria Methodology mendefinisikan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh menjadi 4 dimensi dan diturunkan menjadi 13 kriteria. Pada Tugas Akhir kali ini digunakan media kuisioner untuk mengumpulkan pendapat dari responden (mahasiswa Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Telkom University). Untuk perhitungan membutuhkan suatu pendekatan yang cocok yaitu Analytic Hierarchy Process, dimana pendekatan ini memilih satu solusi tunggal dari permasalahan yang ada. Data Tugas Akhir menggunakan kuisioner perbandingan dengan menggunakan The fundamental scale sebagai skala kuisioner. Hasil dari tugas akhir ini diperoleh urutan kriteria yang perlu mendapatkan prioritas untuk ditingkatkan kualitasnya dari nilai terendah sampai nilai tertinggi, yaitu User friendliness, Ease of use, Operation Stability, Ease of Understanding, Up to date content, Ease of discussion with other learner, sufficient con...
Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan: The Indonesian Journal of Development Planning, 2021
We present engineering airflow to intercept the transmission of Covid19 in public spaces and publ... more We present engineering airflow to intercept the transmission of Covid19 in public spaces and public transportations, which relatively fast and simple. This technique is to suppress effectively and as massive as possible the spread of aerosols and droplets contaminated with the COVID-19 virus that is flying in the air by providing a vertical downward flow using fans placed on the ceilings and the use of floors of the certain material so that aerosol and microdroplets will not bounce back up, difficult to roll, and firmly attached to the floor. The numerical airflow simulation shows that positioning the fan on the ceiling of the room will cause the air particle to move faster downward, which will push the microdroplets to fall to the floor more quickly, so that the microdroplets and aerosols will quickly move away from the most risk organs from the transmission, namely the mouth and nose. The contactangle test results on several floor materials always show a value of fewer than 90 deg...
Abstrak Reliability prediction merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat kita lakukan untuk prediksi t... more Abstrak Reliability prediction merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat kita lakukan untuk prediksi tingkat keandalan sebuah aplikasi. Dengan melakukan prediksi sejak tahap awal pembangunan aplikasi, output yang dihasilkan juga memiliki keandalan yang jauh lebih baik. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi keandalan sebuah sistem yaitu metode Rayleigh. Implementasi metode ini akan dilakukan sejak tahap awal pembangunan sistem. Sehingga sebelum aplikasi tersebut ke tangan pengguna, kita sudah dapat membayangkan keandalan yang dimiliki oleh aplikasi tersebut nantinya. Prediksi ini juga berguna dalam meningkatkan kualitas dalam proses desain dan pengambilan keputusan untuk proses selajutnya. Kata kunci : aplikasi berbasis web, keandalan sistem, reliability prediction, metode Rayleigh.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The Lombok earthquake in 2018 was unique, the shocks occurred sequentially. Several major earthqu... more The Lombok earthquake in 2018 was unique, the shocks occurred sequentially. Several major earthquakes were followed by thousands of aftershocks. The earthquake caused a devastating disaster which destroyed many homes, buildings including wells as the main fresh water supply in the Lombok Island. The focal mechanism of main earthquake shows a thrust fault mechanism. Lombok Island is originally a volcano Island which is still growing actively. Therefore surface of Island is dominated by volcanic materials, such as: volcanic rock, volcanic ash, pumice. This paper describes the phenomenon of sanding wells in Lombok, including the physical mechanisms among rock’s grains when vibrating earthquake waves. These earthquake waves can eliminate static friction between grains and reduce cohesion between grains of rock. Some subsurface images shows a strong correlation between damage grade and the existence of loose sand and hard rock.
The subsurface temperature has many impacts on geological phenomena such as hydrocarbon generatio... more The subsurface temperature has many impacts on geological phenomena such as hydrocarbon generation, geothermal energy, mineralization, and geological hazards. The Northeast Java Basin has various interesting phenomena, such as many oil fields, active faults, mud eruptions, and some active and dormant volcanoes. We measured temperature data from tens of wells along a 130 km survey line with an average spacing of 5 km. We also measured the thermal conductivity of rocks of various lithologies along the survey line to provide geothermal heat flow data. We propose integrated modeling for profiling the subsurface temperature beneath the survey line from Mt. Lawu to Mt. Muriah in the Northeast Java Basin. The modeling of subsurface temperature integrates various input data such as a thermal conductivity model, surface temperature, gradient temperature, a geological model, and geothermal heat flow. The thermal conductivity model considers the subsurface geological model. The temperature mod...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Thermal conductivity is an important parameter for many applications, including having an essenti... more Thermal conductivity is an important parameter for many applications, including having an essential role in the thermal history reconstruction of a petroleum system. This paper will present an accurate methodology of rock's thermal conductivity measurement by timevarying heat flow. The thermal conductivity measurements were done to various lithologies of rock samples from Java and Sumatra, including mud from Purwodadi Bledug Kuwu mudflow. The collected sample cover many lithologies, such as Limestone, Volcanic, Shale, Coal, and Sand.Particular measurement of time-varying heat flow has been designed and applied to various samples. The equipment consists temperature sensors, heat source, heat measurement and data recorder. The measurement results show that the thermal conductivity of shale rocks ranges from 0.414-2.749 J / s.m. o C, sandstone 0.931-2.748 J / s.m. o C, coal 0.353 J / s.m. o C whereas limestone carbonate is 0.92-6.86 J / s.m. o C. The thermal conductivity of each type of rock is unique, even for the same rock's lithology may have different values. The thermal conductivity parameter is influenced by the particle size distribution, pore parameter including pore shape or pore structure, fracture parameter of rock, and even the fluid or water content in the rock pores.
Migration is important issue for seismic imaging in complex structure. In this decade, depth imag... more Migration is important issue for seismic imaging in complex structure. In this decade, depth imaging becomes important tools for producing accurate image in depth imaging instead of time domain imaging. The challenge of depth migration method, however, is in revealing the complex structure of subsurface. There are many methods of depth migration with their advantages and weaknesses. In this paper, we show our propose method of pre-stack depth migration based on time domain inverse scattering wave equation. Hopefully this method can be as solution for imaging complex structure in Indonesia, especially in rich thrusting fault zones. In this research, we develop a recent advance wave equation migration based on time domain inverse scattering wave which use more natural wave propagation using scattering wave. This wave equation pre-stack depth migration use time domain inverse scattering wave equation based on Helmholtz equation. To provide true amplitude recovery, an inverse of divergence procedure and recov...
Seismic tomography becomes important tool recently for imaging complex subsurface. It is well kno... more Seismic tomography becomes important tool recently for imaging complex subsurface. It is well known that imaging complex rich fault zone is difficult. In this paper, The application of time domain inverse scattering wave tomography to image the complex fault zone would be shown on this paper, especially an efficient time domain inverse scattering tomography and their run in cluster parallel computer which has been developed. This algorithm is purely based on scattering theory through solving Lippmann Schwienger integral by using Born's approximation. In this paper, it is shown the robustness of this algorithm especially in avoiding the inversion trapped in local minimum to reach global minimum. A large data are solved by windowing and blocking technique of memory as well as computation. Parameter of windowing computation is based on shot gather's aperture. This windowing technique reduces memory as well as computation significantly. This parallel algorithm is done by means cluster system of 120 processors from 20 nodes of AMD Phenom II. Benchmarking of this algorithm is done by means Marmoussi model which can be representative of complex rich fault area. It is shown that the proposed method can image clearly the rich fault and complex zone in Marmoussi model even though the initial model is quite far from the true model. Therefore, this method can be as one of solution to image the very complex mode.
Abstrak Rekayasa kebutuhan adalah proses didalam menggali kebutuhan dan keinginan stakeholder dan... more Abstrak Rekayasa kebutuhan adalah proses didalam menggali kebutuhan dan keinginan stakeholder dan mengembangkannya menjadi sebuah persyaratan terperinci yang harus disepakati dengan tujuan untuk landasan dalam pembangunan sitem informasi nantinya. Kegagalan dalam proses rekayasa kebutuhan akan meyebabkan gagalnya sistem infromasi yang dibangun. SMK Telkom Bandung adalah sekolah swasta terbaik di Kabupaten Bandung. Pada bidang bimbingan dan konseling di SMK Telkom Bandung belum dapat dirasakana manfaaatnya semaksimal mungkin oleh para siswanya, karena sulitnya siswa dalam mengatur jadwal guru yang hannya terdiri dari beberapa guru saja, waktu bimbingan dan konseling yang singkat, privasi yang kurang terjamin dan lain sebagai nya, sehingga membuat beberapa siswa mengalami penurunan prestasi akademik. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkannya sebuah sistem informasi yang berkualitas agar dapat meningkatkan pemanfaatkan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah. Salah satu metode rekayasa kebutuhan user t...
Pariwisata merupakan program unggulan pemerintah khususnya pemerintah daerah. Dalam menyebarkan i... more Pariwisata merupakan program unggulan pemerintah khususnya pemerintah daerah. Dalam menyebarkan informasi dan meningkatkan pelayanan publik pada bidang pariwisata, Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Bandung telah menerapkan sistem informasi e-government berbasis website. Namun, terdapat berbagai keluhan dari pengguna website Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Bandung yang menyebutkan bahwa informasi pada website sulit ditemukan, respon website cukup lama, dan lain sebagainya. Maka dari itu, perlu dilakukan evaluasi usability pada website tersebut untuk meningkatkan kemudahan dan efisiensi saat digunakan. Untuk mengevaluasi usability website digunakan metode pengukuran dari sudut pandang pengguna, yaitu Website Usability Evaluation Tool (WEBUSE). Hasil evaluasi WEBUSE diukur menggunakan metode Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) untuk mengetahui perbaikan-perbaikan yang perlu diprioritaskan. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan usability website saat ini berada pada level Moderate deng...
The quality of the software is defined ISO as the totality of the features and characteristics of... more The quality of the software is defined ISO as the totality of the features and characteristics of the product or services that depend on the ability to satisfy user needs. Sapawarga is software used to meet the needs of citizens in channeling aspirations, proposals, and obtaining information in one application. There are some negative comments about the app on Google's app store. This indicates there are quality issues in sapawarga software. The results of a follow-up survey showed users of the application experienced a 45.20% decrease, due to the server not responding, difficulty finding information, etc. This research was conducted to evaluate the quality of the software based on ISO 25010 consisting of eight characteristics including functional suitability, reliability, usability, performance efficiency, maintainability, portability, security, and compatibility. The AHP pairing comparison method is used to select the three most important ISO characteristics. These three most ...
Abstrak Software documentation merupakan salah satu bagian terpenting dalam proses rekayasa peran... more Abstrak Software documentation merupakan salah satu bagian terpenting dalam proses rekayasa perangkat lunak. Dokumen ini berperan penting dalam rekayasa perangkat lunak karena dokumen ini menjadi salah satu faktor keberhasilan perangkat lunak yang dibangun. Dokumentasi yang buruk dapat menyebabkan adanya hambatan saat pembangunan perangkat lunak seperti kesalahan pada pembangunan perangkat lunak serta mengurangi efisiensi pada semua tahap pembangunan dan penggunaan perangkat lunak. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini adalah dengan melakukan software redocumentation dengan menggunakan metode reverse engineering. Software documentation adalah suatu kegiatan pembuatan dokumen yang digunakan pada lingkup pembangunan perangkat lunak untuk menyampaikan fungsi-fungsi, operasi dan kegiatan kepada stakeholder. Sedangkan Reverse engineering adalah sebuah proses menganalisa sebuah sistem untuk mengidentifikasi komponen dan keterkaitan sistem tersebut, dan membuat representasi sist...
Abstrak Basis path merupakan salah satu metode pengujian perangkat lunak unit testing. Dengan met... more Abstrak Basis path merupakan salah satu metode pengujian perangkat lunak unit testing. Dengan metode ini kita dapat menghitung jumlah dari setiap percabangan pada alur logika.[3] Dengan menghitung jumlah jalur percabangan maka dapat pula menentukan test case untuk digunakan dalam sekenario pengujian unit testing. Melakukan pekerjaan tersebut tidak mudah, belum lagi ketika menemukan algoritma yang kompleks seperti terdapatnya fungsi nested, sehingga dirasa perlu dibuatkan alat yang dapat membangkitkan test case secara otomatis dengan mengimplementasikan metode basis path, alat ini dibangun menggunakan teknik parsing agar mengetahui seluruh komponen percabangan pada source code kemudian dibuatkan algortima penghitungan rekursif pada method untuk dapat menghitung dan mendefinisikan setiap kondisi percabangan. Test case yang dihasilkan oleh tool pembangkit kemudian dilakukan pengujian terhadap beberapa studi kasus dengan bermacam kondisi dan dilakukan pengujian false test. Kesimpulan ya...
Traffic congestion problems generally caused by the increasing use of private vehicles and public... more Traffic congestion problems generally caused by the increasing use of private vehicles and public transportations. In order to overcome the situation, the optimization of public transportation’s route is required particularly the urban transportation. In this research, the performance analysis of Firefly and Tabu Search algorithm is conducted to optimize eleven public transportation’s routes in Bandung. This optimization aims to increase the dispersion of public transportation’s route by expanding the scope of route that are crossed by public transportation so that it can reach the entire Bandung city and increase the driver’s income by providing the passengers easier access to public transportations in order to get to their destinations. The optimal route is represented by the route with most roads and highest number of incomes. In this research, the comparison results between the reference route and the public transportation’s optimized route increasing the dispersion of public tr...
Pada era sekarang aplikasi berbasis objek banyak dikembangkan dalam pembuatan sebuah aplikasi. Ta... more Pada era sekarang aplikasi berbasis objek banyak dikembangkan dalam pembuatan sebuah aplikasi. Tahap design dan implementasi aplikasi tidak menjamin sebuah aplikasi terbebas dari kesalahan, sehingga aplikasi berbasis objek perlu dilakukan pengujian. Salah satu tahap yang penting dalam pengujian adalah pembangkitan kasus uji sebuah aplikasi. Pembangkitan kasus uji untuk pengujian dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara, salah satu cara untuk membangkitkan kasus uji pada aplikasi berbasis objek adalah dengan memanfaatkan UML model. Diagram UML model selain digunakan untuk mengoreksi sebuah perancangan dapat pula digunakan untuk menghasilkan serangkaian kasus uji sehingga kasus uji dapat dihasilkan pada saat tahap design. Terdapat delapan UML Model yang dapat digunakan untuk membangkitkan kasus uji. Sequence diagram merupakan diagram yang menggambarkan interaksi behavior sistem yang dapat digunakan untuk membangkitkan kasus uji. Dengan dibangkitkannya kasus uji dengan sequence diagram mak...
The Lombok earthquake in July 2018 caused considerable damage to public facilities and residentia... more The Lombok earthquake in July 2018 caused considerable damage to public facilities and residential areas. Most of the houses in the north of the island of Lombok were damaged by the 6.9 magnitude earthquake. We want to know what parameters cause houses and buildings in North Lombok not to experience a severe liquefaction process. We used near-surface tomographic resistivity imaging to characterize the subsurface of North Lombok to map the subsurface of the most affected areas in North Lombok. The geological condition of northern Lombok is the most vulnerable area to liquefaction due to volcanic loose sand layers, shallow groundwater, and thick deposits. However, almost all subsurface images from resistivity tomography from North Lombok show limestone layers at shallow depths, which may play an important role as a protective layer from liquefaction phenomena in this area.
Software testing is one of the important phases in determining software quality. In the software ... more Software testing is one of the important phases in determining software quality. In the software development cycle, the testing phase takes more than 50% of the development time. The process of creating test cases in software testing is the most difficult process and determines the success of the testing phase. Test cases for software testing can be created based on the existing analytical modeling in the software specifications. This kind of testing technique is known as model-based testing, which is one of the black box testing approaches. In this study, the analytical model used is the UML Activity diagram. The reason for choosing UML Activity diagrams is because this diagram can model activities in software based on behaviors and conditions that are by the sequence. The output of this research is a prototype of a test case generator using an activity diagram. The analysis of the suitability of the test cases generated for the Digi-OTA application using the equivalence partitioni...
Abstrak Proses monitoring dan evaluasi kinerja merupakan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan secara ber... more Abstrak Proses monitoring dan evaluasi kinerja merupakan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan secara berkala oleh berbagai perusahaan, salah satunya pada Bandar Udara X. Kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi kinerja pada Bandar Udara ini masih dilakukan secara manual dengan melibatkan setiap divisi sehingga kontrol terhadap informasi kinerja belum terpusat dan kurang informatif. Banyaknya data yang tidak terkoordinasi dengan baik dapat terjadi suatu ketidakakuratan yang dapat menyebabkan risiko pengambilan keputusan tidak tepat. Hal tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa belum terdapat tolok ukur kinerja perusahaan secara menyeluruh dan terstruktur. Pengukuran kinerja komprehensif dengan penggunaan metode balanced scorecard yang dikombinasikan dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) sebagai proses pembobotan dan metode Objective Matrix (OMAX) sebagai proses scoring yang diimplementasikan pada sistem dashboard dapat membantu proses monitoring dan evaluasi kinerja secara efektif pada perusahaan....
Pada Tugas Akhir ini mengimplementasikan metode evaluasi Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh dengan metode Mu... more Pada Tugas Akhir ini mengimplementasikan metode evaluasi Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh dengan metode Multi Criteria Methodology. Multi Criteria Methodology mendefinisikan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh menjadi 4 dimensi dan diturunkan menjadi 13 kriteria. Pada Tugas Akhir kali ini digunakan media kuisioner untuk mengumpulkan pendapat dari responden (mahasiswa Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Telkom University). Untuk perhitungan membutuhkan suatu pendekatan yang cocok yaitu Analytic Hierarchy Process, dimana pendekatan ini memilih satu solusi tunggal dari permasalahan yang ada. Data Tugas Akhir menggunakan kuisioner perbandingan dengan menggunakan The fundamental scale sebagai skala kuisioner. Hasil dari tugas akhir ini diperoleh urutan kriteria yang perlu mendapatkan prioritas untuk ditingkatkan kualitasnya dari nilai terendah sampai nilai tertinggi, yaitu User friendliness, Ease of use, Operation Stability, Ease of Understanding, Up to date content, Ease of discussion with other learner, sufficient con...
Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan: The Indonesian Journal of Development Planning, 2021
We present engineering airflow to intercept the transmission of Covid19 in public spaces and publ... more We present engineering airflow to intercept the transmission of Covid19 in public spaces and public transportations, which relatively fast and simple. This technique is to suppress effectively and as massive as possible the spread of aerosols and droplets contaminated with the COVID-19 virus that is flying in the air by providing a vertical downward flow using fans placed on the ceilings and the use of floors of the certain material so that aerosol and microdroplets will not bounce back up, difficult to roll, and firmly attached to the floor. The numerical airflow simulation shows that positioning the fan on the ceiling of the room will cause the air particle to move faster downward, which will push the microdroplets to fall to the floor more quickly, so that the microdroplets and aerosols will quickly move away from the most risk organs from the transmission, namely the mouth and nose. The contactangle test results on several floor materials always show a value of fewer than 90 deg...
Abstrak Reliability prediction merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat kita lakukan untuk prediksi t... more Abstrak Reliability prediction merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat kita lakukan untuk prediksi tingkat keandalan sebuah aplikasi. Dengan melakukan prediksi sejak tahap awal pembangunan aplikasi, output yang dihasilkan juga memiliki keandalan yang jauh lebih baik. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi keandalan sebuah sistem yaitu metode Rayleigh. Implementasi metode ini akan dilakukan sejak tahap awal pembangunan sistem. Sehingga sebelum aplikasi tersebut ke tangan pengguna, kita sudah dapat membayangkan keandalan yang dimiliki oleh aplikasi tersebut nantinya. Prediksi ini juga berguna dalam meningkatkan kualitas dalam proses desain dan pengambilan keputusan untuk proses selajutnya. Kata kunci : aplikasi berbasis web, keandalan sistem, reliability prediction, metode Rayleigh.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The Lombok earthquake in 2018 was unique, the shocks occurred sequentially. Several major earthqu... more The Lombok earthquake in 2018 was unique, the shocks occurred sequentially. Several major earthquakes were followed by thousands of aftershocks. The earthquake caused a devastating disaster which destroyed many homes, buildings including wells as the main fresh water supply in the Lombok Island. The focal mechanism of main earthquake shows a thrust fault mechanism. Lombok Island is originally a volcano Island which is still growing actively. Therefore surface of Island is dominated by volcanic materials, such as: volcanic rock, volcanic ash, pumice. This paper describes the phenomenon of sanding wells in Lombok, including the physical mechanisms among rock’s grains when vibrating earthquake waves. These earthquake waves can eliminate static friction between grains and reduce cohesion between grains of rock. Some subsurface images shows a strong correlation between damage grade and the existence of loose sand and hard rock.
The subsurface temperature has many impacts on geological phenomena such as hydrocarbon generatio... more The subsurface temperature has many impacts on geological phenomena such as hydrocarbon generation, geothermal energy, mineralization, and geological hazards. The Northeast Java Basin has various interesting phenomena, such as many oil fields, active faults, mud eruptions, and some active and dormant volcanoes. We measured temperature data from tens of wells along a 130 km survey line with an average spacing of 5 km. We also measured the thermal conductivity of rocks of various lithologies along the survey line to provide geothermal heat flow data. We propose integrated modeling for profiling the subsurface temperature beneath the survey line from Mt. Lawu to Mt. Muriah in the Northeast Java Basin. The modeling of subsurface temperature integrates various input data such as a thermal conductivity model, surface temperature, gradient temperature, a geological model, and geothermal heat flow. The thermal conductivity model considers the subsurface geological model. The temperature mod...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Thermal conductivity is an important parameter for many applications, including having an essenti... more Thermal conductivity is an important parameter for many applications, including having an essential role in the thermal history reconstruction of a petroleum system. This paper will present an accurate methodology of rock's thermal conductivity measurement by timevarying heat flow. The thermal conductivity measurements were done to various lithologies of rock samples from Java and Sumatra, including mud from Purwodadi Bledug Kuwu mudflow. The collected sample cover many lithologies, such as Limestone, Volcanic, Shale, Coal, and Sand.Particular measurement of time-varying heat flow has been designed and applied to various samples. The equipment consists temperature sensors, heat source, heat measurement and data recorder. The measurement results show that the thermal conductivity of shale rocks ranges from 0.414-2.749 J / s.m. o C, sandstone 0.931-2.748 J / s.m. o C, coal 0.353 J / s.m. o C whereas limestone carbonate is 0.92-6.86 J / s.m. o C. The thermal conductivity of each type of rock is unique, even for the same rock's lithology may have different values. The thermal conductivity parameter is influenced by the particle size distribution, pore parameter including pore shape or pore structure, fracture parameter of rock, and even the fluid or water content in the rock pores.
Migration is important issue for seismic imaging in complex structure. In this decade, depth imag... more Migration is important issue for seismic imaging in complex structure. In this decade, depth imaging becomes important tools for producing accurate image in depth imaging instead of time domain imaging. The challenge of depth migration method, however, is in revealing the complex structure of subsurface. There are many methods of depth migration with their advantages and weaknesses. In this paper, we show our propose method of pre-stack depth migration based on time domain inverse scattering wave equation. Hopefully this method can be as solution for imaging complex structure in Indonesia, especially in rich thrusting fault zones. In this research, we develop a recent advance wave equation migration based on time domain inverse scattering wave which use more natural wave propagation using scattering wave. This wave equation pre-stack depth migration use time domain inverse scattering wave equation based on Helmholtz equation. To provide true amplitude recovery, an inverse of divergence procedure and recov...
Seismic tomography becomes important tool recently for imaging complex subsurface. It is well kno... more Seismic tomography becomes important tool recently for imaging complex subsurface. It is well known that imaging complex rich fault zone is difficult. In this paper, The application of time domain inverse scattering wave tomography to image the complex fault zone would be shown on this paper, especially an efficient time domain inverse scattering tomography and their run in cluster parallel computer which has been developed. This algorithm is purely based on scattering theory through solving Lippmann Schwienger integral by using Born's approximation. In this paper, it is shown the robustness of this algorithm especially in avoiding the inversion trapped in local minimum to reach global minimum. A large data are solved by windowing and blocking technique of memory as well as computation. Parameter of windowing computation is based on shot gather's aperture. This windowing technique reduces memory as well as computation significantly. This parallel algorithm is done by means cluster system of 120 processors from 20 nodes of AMD Phenom II. Benchmarking of this algorithm is done by means Marmoussi model which can be representative of complex rich fault area. It is shown that the proposed method can image clearly the rich fault and complex zone in Marmoussi model even though the initial model is quite far from the true model. Therefore, this method can be as one of solution to image the very complex mode.
Abstrak Rekayasa kebutuhan adalah proses didalam menggali kebutuhan dan keinginan stakeholder dan... more Abstrak Rekayasa kebutuhan adalah proses didalam menggali kebutuhan dan keinginan stakeholder dan mengembangkannya menjadi sebuah persyaratan terperinci yang harus disepakati dengan tujuan untuk landasan dalam pembangunan sitem informasi nantinya. Kegagalan dalam proses rekayasa kebutuhan akan meyebabkan gagalnya sistem infromasi yang dibangun. SMK Telkom Bandung adalah sekolah swasta terbaik di Kabupaten Bandung. Pada bidang bimbingan dan konseling di SMK Telkom Bandung belum dapat dirasakana manfaaatnya semaksimal mungkin oleh para siswanya, karena sulitnya siswa dalam mengatur jadwal guru yang hannya terdiri dari beberapa guru saja, waktu bimbingan dan konseling yang singkat, privasi yang kurang terjamin dan lain sebagai nya, sehingga membuat beberapa siswa mengalami penurunan prestasi akademik. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkannya sebuah sistem informasi yang berkualitas agar dapat meningkatkan pemanfaatkan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah. Salah satu metode rekayasa kebutuhan user t...
Pariwisata merupakan program unggulan pemerintah khususnya pemerintah daerah. Dalam menyebarkan i... more Pariwisata merupakan program unggulan pemerintah khususnya pemerintah daerah. Dalam menyebarkan informasi dan meningkatkan pelayanan publik pada bidang pariwisata, Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Bandung telah menerapkan sistem informasi e-government berbasis website. Namun, terdapat berbagai keluhan dari pengguna website Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Bandung yang menyebutkan bahwa informasi pada website sulit ditemukan, respon website cukup lama, dan lain sebagainya. Maka dari itu, perlu dilakukan evaluasi usability pada website tersebut untuk meningkatkan kemudahan dan efisiensi saat digunakan. Untuk mengevaluasi usability website digunakan metode pengukuran dari sudut pandang pengguna, yaitu Website Usability Evaluation Tool (WEBUSE). Hasil evaluasi WEBUSE diukur menggunakan metode Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) untuk mengetahui perbaikan-perbaikan yang perlu diprioritaskan. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan usability website saat ini berada pada level Moderate deng...
The quality of the software is defined ISO as the totality of the features and characteristics of... more The quality of the software is defined ISO as the totality of the features and characteristics of the product or services that depend on the ability to satisfy user needs. Sapawarga is software used to meet the needs of citizens in channeling aspirations, proposals, and obtaining information in one application. There are some negative comments about the app on Google's app store. This indicates there are quality issues in sapawarga software. The results of a follow-up survey showed users of the application experienced a 45.20% decrease, due to the server not responding, difficulty finding information, etc. This research was conducted to evaluate the quality of the software based on ISO 25010 consisting of eight characteristics including functional suitability, reliability, usability, performance efficiency, maintainability, portability, security, and compatibility. The AHP pairing comparison method is used to select the three most important ISO characteristics. These three most ...
Abstrak Software documentation merupakan salah satu bagian terpenting dalam proses rekayasa peran... more Abstrak Software documentation merupakan salah satu bagian terpenting dalam proses rekayasa perangkat lunak. Dokumen ini berperan penting dalam rekayasa perangkat lunak karena dokumen ini menjadi salah satu faktor keberhasilan perangkat lunak yang dibangun. Dokumentasi yang buruk dapat menyebabkan adanya hambatan saat pembangunan perangkat lunak seperti kesalahan pada pembangunan perangkat lunak serta mengurangi efisiensi pada semua tahap pembangunan dan penggunaan perangkat lunak. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini adalah dengan melakukan software redocumentation dengan menggunakan metode reverse engineering. Software documentation adalah suatu kegiatan pembuatan dokumen yang digunakan pada lingkup pembangunan perangkat lunak untuk menyampaikan fungsi-fungsi, operasi dan kegiatan kepada stakeholder. Sedangkan Reverse engineering adalah sebuah proses menganalisa sebuah sistem untuk mengidentifikasi komponen dan keterkaitan sistem tersebut, dan membuat representasi sist...
Abstrak Basis path merupakan salah satu metode pengujian perangkat lunak unit testing. Dengan met... more Abstrak Basis path merupakan salah satu metode pengujian perangkat lunak unit testing. Dengan metode ini kita dapat menghitung jumlah dari setiap percabangan pada alur logika.[3] Dengan menghitung jumlah jalur percabangan maka dapat pula menentukan test case untuk digunakan dalam sekenario pengujian unit testing. Melakukan pekerjaan tersebut tidak mudah, belum lagi ketika menemukan algoritma yang kompleks seperti terdapatnya fungsi nested, sehingga dirasa perlu dibuatkan alat yang dapat membangkitkan test case secara otomatis dengan mengimplementasikan metode basis path, alat ini dibangun menggunakan teknik parsing agar mengetahui seluruh komponen percabangan pada source code kemudian dibuatkan algortima penghitungan rekursif pada method untuk dapat menghitung dan mendefinisikan setiap kondisi percabangan. Test case yang dihasilkan oleh tool pembangkit kemudian dilakukan pengujian terhadap beberapa studi kasus dengan bermacam kondisi dan dilakukan pengujian false test. Kesimpulan ya...
Traffic congestion problems generally caused by the increasing use of private vehicles and public... more Traffic congestion problems generally caused by the increasing use of private vehicles and public transportations. In order to overcome the situation, the optimization of public transportation’s route is required particularly the urban transportation. In this research, the performance analysis of Firefly and Tabu Search algorithm is conducted to optimize eleven public transportation’s routes in Bandung. This optimization aims to increase the dispersion of public transportation’s route by expanding the scope of route that are crossed by public transportation so that it can reach the entire Bandung city and increase the driver’s income by providing the passengers easier access to public transportations in order to get to their destinations. The optimal route is represented by the route with most roads and highest number of incomes. In this research, the comparison results between the reference route and the public transportation’s optimized route increasing the dispersion of public tr...
Pada era sekarang aplikasi berbasis objek banyak dikembangkan dalam pembuatan sebuah aplikasi. Ta... more Pada era sekarang aplikasi berbasis objek banyak dikembangkan dalam pembuatan sebuah aplikasi. Tahap design dan implementasi aplikasi tidak menjamin sebuah aplikasi terbebas dari kesalahan, sehingga aplikasi berbasis objek perlu dilakukan pengujian. Salah satu tahap yang penting dalam pengujian adalah pembangkitan kasus uji sebuah aplikasi. Pembangkitan kasus uji untuk pengujian dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara, salah satu cara untuk membangkitkan kasus uji pada aplikasi berbasis objek adalah dengan memanfaatkan UML model. Diagram UML model selain digunakan untuk mengoreksi sebuah perancangan dapat pula digunakan untuk menghasilkan serangkaian kasus uji sehingga kasus uji dapat dihasilkan pada saat tahap design. Terdapat delapan UML Model yang dapat digunakan untuk membangkitkan kasus uji. Sequence diagram merupakan diagram yang menggambarkan interaksi behavior sistem yang dapat digunakan untuk membangkitkan kasus uji. Dengan dibangkitkannya kasus uji dengan sequence diagram mak...
Papers by sri widowati