Papers by afzal sadat Hosseini
Imagination and creativity as a higher cognitive function, is of a great importance in today s wo... more Imagination and creativity as a higher cognitive function, is of a great importance in today s world. Sustainability of communities and the development of human culture Depends on the imagination and creativity of the people. Educational system should provide the infrastructure necessary for the imagination and creativity, as a gift from God is a full set to all mankind. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of imagination and creativity of soul in scope of the philosophy of Mulla Sadra Shirazi. Mulla Sadra looks to human and imagination from special perspective Among Islamic philosophers, Mulla Sadra,the founder of transcendent philosophy, has many ideas that can be translated into educational implications for the development of imagination. To achieve this important in the study used of Analytical and deductive methods.

—This paper addresses creativity as an educational approach, reviews the related theories and pat... more —This paper addresses creativity as an educational approach, reviews the related theories and patterns of creative learning, and deals with teaching creativity to teachers generally, and Iranian teachers specifically. This idea has been proposed and studied by the researcher. The main focus of this program is the pattern of creativity development, in which five basic aspects of teacher performance have been dealt with: contextual-social, affective-cognitive, mental, educational, and physical aspects. A part of this study deals with the effect of the program and the pattern of creativity development on teachers' skills. Data analysis by T-test for this quasi-experimental research indicated the positive effect of the program and led to the confirmation of the research hypothesis. Feedback from the teachers regarding their change of performance in the classroom, in spite of the passing of several years, indicates that they made positive use the pattern. All the teachers participating in the course stated that attending the course helped them to move away from teacher-centered toward learner-centered classes, which has made their students very enthusiastic.

Today execution of philosophy teaching programs to children in different countries in order to de... more Today execution of philosophy teaching programs to children in different countries in order to develop intellectual skills of students makes training sponsors of our country pay attention to the necessity of this program's performance. Regarding the deconstruction of such program in the Educa tion it is common that its performance in any country needs preparation in society and Education to confirm such changes. So, performing such program requires a long way. Certainly, studies in relation to performing such program can help us success. Studying executive experiences bring us face to face with proper patterns for required activities, makes us needless to test and error, it requires strong experiences for performing such a program in the country. Thus we are going to focus on what pioneers exper ienced. America, Brazil, Australia, and England are among countries that have provided appropriate patterns for required activities to perform such a program. The findings show that different countries share the same activities as emphasis on domesticating the content and teacher training. So, performing such activities must be at the head of necessary activities for performing such a program in order to have more proper results in educational system of the country. Key word: Teaching of Philosophy, Teaching of Philosophy to Children. Introduction Extensive, cultural, social and economical changes have caused new problems and new expectations for universal education systems and schools. Increasing development of information resources and technologies, complexities of economical and social conditions as well as coordination with such progressive process require capabilities and special skills. In such situation students should improve their critical and creative skills of thought to make good decisions and solve complicated problems of the society(Marashiandet al,2008) They should enhance research skills, problem solutions and researching mood in themselves. It is clear that to reach such goals, gives big responsibilities to educational places, particularly E ducation system. This institute undertakes to teach students and provide necessary information as well as make preparation to help their creativity, innovation and correct application of such talents and capabilities develop. Among programs, philosophy teaching to students has been emphasized by specialists. This program includes a set of stories with philosophical contents, it tries to grow deep layers of knowledge and establish creative thought through exploratory techniques and methods.(Cam,2001,22) This program is used through methods such as creative play, games, doll play and participation in other artistic activities to grow creativity (Hosseini, 2009, 22). Today, success in providing Education " s new needs have been warmly received by the Education in different countries. Now this program is performed in more than 100 countries around the world. That this program is not coordinated by factors of the Education requires moving along a long way to perform such a program. It is obvious that experiences of pioneer countries in the performance of such a program can have a considerable effect on following such a way. Achievements of these countries in performing such a program and their record to perform this program are among evidences that ensure us to imitate in this way. This research is going to study considerable activities for the performance of such a program in four pioneer countries of the

The purpose of this research is that the relationship between job training and creativity in teac... more The purpose of this research is that the relationship between job training and creativity in teaching examine. The purpose of this research is applied based on the nature, cross-correlation. The research method was survey. The population of all primary school teachers is in Isfahan. The sample size of 300 was set in groups of 150 teachers participated in in-service training and in-service training courses were not involved. In this study, a questionnaire is measuring devices. The questionnaire consists of three levels of knowledge, attitudes and skills that a total of forty-five items are. To check the validity of the content validity, including the validity of the judgment (expert opinion) and face were used. Because the Cronbach's alpha coefficient obtained for the questionnaire / 76 was above 0.7 indicates the internal consistency and reliability of the questionnaire items and was approved. Test hypotheses using independent t-test performed using software SPSS22 Results showed that the average knowledge of creative teaching approach, teachers and creative teaching methods teachers participated in in-service training periods was higher.

This study aims to address the relationship between creativity of educational planners and their ... more This study aims to address the relationship between creativity of educational planners and their performance. In terms of the purpose, the current study is an applied study and inn terms of the method, it is descriptive -correlation. The study population includes all educational planners in 19 Districts of Tehran Education Organization that with regard to the report, they were 104people (46 females and 58 males). Using Cochran formula, 80 people were selected as the sample of the study (40 females and 40 males). Accordingly, 80 Questionnaires were attributed and statistically analyzed. In this study, simple random sampling was applied to select the samples. Also, measuring instruments include a researchermade questionnaire called Creative and performance Assessment Questionnaire (achive) of Hersy Blanchard and goldsmith (1998). For statistical analysis, Pearson correlation test, independent t test, one way ANOVA and Scheffe post hoc test were used. The results of data analysis show that there is a significant positive correlation between creativity components (innovation, consciousness, flexibility, intellectual development, curiosity and imagination) and performance and the more these characteristics are in educational planners, the more the performance will be. However, no significant relationship was found between two components of creativity (involvement with ambiguity and risk taking) and the performance of educational planners. Educational planners are considered as valuable corporate assets in educational organizations and that the necessity to acquire the features of creativity to better perform the activities of an organization and promote organizational performance is evident. Planners should be provided with suitable conditions so that they can create new and innovative ways and use more efficient and productive methods because the optimum functioning of Education Organization is realized when the organization enjoys creative, innovative and curious human forces. 174 Organization, it can be concluded that the educational planners are considered as a valuable organizational capital in the educational organization and need for creativity for better carrying out the activities of the organization and promoting the organizational performance is obvious. Conditions should be provided on which planners create new and innovative ways and use more effective methods with more efficiency. The good performance of Education Organization is achieved when the organization has labors with initiation in practice, consciousness, intellectual flexibility, intellectual expansion, curiosity and imagination, in a word, creative, innovative and curious employees. Therefore, for better performance of the organization using a set of required stated capacity, the creative human resources have been proven as one of the main factors for the success in a given organization.

Teachers, as one of the most important training and education elements, have a key role in nouris... more Teachers, as one of the most important training and education elements, have a key role in nourishing creativity. The teachers attitude toward creativity, their level of understanding of it, and also their type of attitude and teaching method have direct relationship on enriching the class environment for students' growth of creativity. Therefore it is necessary to help the teachers gain the attitude and skills for the growth of the students’ capacity of creativity. In order to assess how creativity is taught in elementary school period, 120 instructors were participating (60 instructorsin a test group and 60 instructors in a control group). The test group became involved in "teaching of creativity" program so that the impact of the program and training model on instructors ' knowledge, attitude, and skill would be assessed. The results were examined through T test and showed that there is significant difference between the two groups, the "test group" and the "control group". The results stated the positive impact of the training period. A set of suggestions have been made for the growth of students’ creativity based on the finding this research.

زمینه : درس هنر تجارب تربیتي و آموزشیییي نرانییایي را براو کودکان و دانم آموزان به
وجود مي آورد.
... more زمینه : درس هنر تجارب تربیتي و آموزشیییي نرانییایي را براو کودکان و دانم آموزان به
وجود مي آورد.
هدف: پژوهم حا ضر به منظور تعیین اثر بخ شي برنامه آموزش خلاقیت در قالب فعالیت هاو
هنرو در رشد خلاقیت دانم آموزان دختر سوم ابتدایي انجام شده است.
روش: پژوهم حاضییر از نور رح تح یب شیییه آزمایشییي همراه با نروه نواه و داراو پیم
آزمون و پس آزمون است . 90 دانم آموز دختر سوم ابتدایي ) 80 دانم آموز در این پژوهم، 8
در نروه آزمایم و 30 دانم آموز در نروه نواه (مشارکت داشتند .نروه آزمایم در 33 جلسه
تحت آموزش برنامه خلاقیت در قالب درس هنر قرار نرفتند. هم چنین از پرسمنامه هاو خلاقیت
تورنس )فرم الف و ب( و چک لیست خلاقیت جانسون در پیم آزمون و پس آزمون استفاده شده
یافته ها: تحلیل داده هاو آزمون تورنس به روش تحلیل کوواریانس نشان داد که میزان خلاقیت
نروه آزمایم به ور معنادارو نسییییت به نروه کنترف افزایم یافته اسیییتلا به علاوه در نروه
آزمایم بر خلاف نروه کنترف، تفاوت معنا د ارو بین وضیییعیت دانم آموزان در چک لیسیییت
خلاقیت جانسون در پیم آزمون و پس آزمون وجود داشته است.
نتیجه نیرو: با توجه به تفاوت معنادار بین دو نروه، آموزش خلاقیت در قالب فعالیت هاو
هنرو بر رشد خلاقیت مؤثر ست .

در تاريخ فلسفة علم، در قرن بيستم، از چهار تحول مهم ميتوان سخن گفت كه هريك دربرگيرندة گفتمان خاصي... more در تاريخ فلسفة علم، در قرن بيستم، از چهار تحول مهم ميتوان سخن گفت كه هريك دربرگيرندة گفتمان خاصي در عرصة فلسفة علم هستند.گفتمان نخست، پوزيتيويسم و استقراگرايي ؛ گفتمان دوم،
ابطال گرايي كارل پوپر و قواعد رياضي گونة لاكاتوش؛ گفتمان سوم، ساختارگرايي و نسبيت گرايي تامس كوهن و گفتمان چهارم، هرمنوتيك.هدف از مقاله حاضر بررسي تاريخچه و ريشه هرمنوتيك و استخراج آن در حوزة تعليم و تربيت است. در واقع هدف از اين پژوهش، بررسي هرمنوتيك به عنواني گفتماني است كه تعليم و تربيت را تحت تأثير قرار داده است، با توجه به اينكه مباحث و مباني هرمنوتيك در اشكال مختلف آن به مسئلة محوري فهم و تأويل صورت تفكر آدمينظر دارد، يكي از
ايده هاي مهم در فرآيند تعليم و تربيت ميباشد و دلالتهاي آن در زمينة برنامه درسي، ارزشيابي و روش شناسي فراوان است. براي تحقق اين مهم و رسيدن به هدف اين پژوهش از روش تحليلي-استنباطي استفاده شده است. نتايج يافتهها حاكي از آن است كه هرمنوتيك متربي بهعنوان متن اصلي در تعليم و تربيت قرار ميگيرد و در حوزة ارزشيابي معيارهايي را به دست ميدهد كه متربي به صورت چند بعدي و در بطن فعاليت ها مورد ارزيابي قرار ميگيرد، در حوزة روش شناسي هرمنوتيك روشي مناسب و با سازوكارهاي مختص به خود در پژوهش هاي تربيتي مي باشد.

One of the principles of developed countries is the existence of a talented innovative work force... more One of the principles of developed countries is the existence of a talented innovative work force. Children and adolescents, as the creative assets of the future, are the basis and principle of the cities' dynamism and stability in the future; therefore, providing an open space for the creative talents of children and adolescents to flourish for providing the city's future need for them is necessary. Lack of proper standards for designing and open spaces in accordance with the needs of the children has led to studies regarding the attendance to the basic wishes and needs of children like health, transportation, support and education and the growth and flourishment of the children's creativity, as one of the child-friendly standards of cities has been pointed out. With the belief that the physical environment must provide the conditions for living and flourishing the talents and capabilities of children through creating appropriate grounds, the goal of this study is to present a design guide in which guidelines are presented in order to improve environmental qualities of urban environments to educate the children's creativity. In this study, which is of the interdisciplinary and practical nature, the descriptive-analytic approach has been used. Therefore, first through the study of the theoretical basis in the field of flourishing the children's creativity and analyzing it, the effective factors on nurturing children's creativity are found and then, the approaches of the child-friendly city and creative city are studied and analyzed and then, their coefficients in devising the design guide has been utilized. This guideline includes the principles and guidelines of urban design. These principles are comfort and convenience, connection with nature, complicatedness and mystery, creativity and innovativeness, flexibility, social interaction and collaboration with the children

The need for competence sense, autonomy and relatedness are the needs if are supplied have a
sign... more The need for competence sense, autonomy and relatedness are the needs if are supplied have a
significant impact in the individual’s mental health. For a true understanding of the needs, the
need to identifying is its thinking base. In this paper in the descriptive- analysis method, this
intellectual infrastructure is proposed as naturalism and the origins and theoretical foundations
self-determination on the basis of intellectual self-deploy, so it can be done if naturalism
raising children are investigated on the basis of the infrastructure intellectual needs and as a
result of it, if a child be educated by naturalism method can be effective on physiological and
basis needs and as a result on self-determination of child. The naturalism doctrine can provide
essential context to satisfy the basic psychological needs and thus self- determination.
According to the doctrine of naturalism, intervention in nature must be appropriate to the stage
of development that the child is at that stage, and it does not exceed, the intervention must be
improved, not changer. Leave children to be free and the nature guide him the way he should
go. Monitor his actions away. Give him tool feedback, not the executive one

The present research has done to evaluate “the effectiveness of applying philosophic period for k... more The present research has done to evaluate “the effectiveness of applying philosophic period for kids on the creativity of second grade secondary school, school boys”. After performing Raven IQ test and determination of equality of average intelligence in both pilot model classes, students with low creativity in by performing the first form of the Torrance Test of visual creativity were signified and randomly were chosen as experimental and control groups. By performing philosophic period for kids for experimental group, the second form of visual creativity, the Torrance Test of Creativity by each group were examined and results are got analyzed. The results of crediting the effectiveness of applying philosophic period for kids is divided into three component, Initiative, it was expansion and the fluid of the four components of creative thinking but in flexibility component there was no palpable observation difference between experimental groups. The result which is gained by this research in comparison with research history which is predictor of the effectiveness of philosophy for kids plan is on creativity that is coordinated and the results of other similar researches also confirm the gained result by this research.

In recent years, there have been an increasing number of studies on the effect of natura... more Abstract
In recent years, there have been an increasing number of studies on the effect of natural and artificial environments on humans. There is much evidence that being in natural environments, or just looking at nature, promotes recovery from
stress. In the residential context, it has also been suggested that views of nature from windows enhances residents’ sense of well-being. Viewing a 10- minute video dominated by natural elements (trees, vegetation, or water) after
the participants were stressed by a video of industrial accidents facilitated recovery from stress, as indicated by lowered blood pressure, lowered muscle tension, and skin conductance. Young children spend most of their time at home. Although some spend a lot of their time at outside facilities such as daycare center, kindergarten, or school, most children still recognize home as their permanent space. They become attached to their home and feel safe and secure. When they are at home. They attach meanings to their home and that becomes part of their culture. Children’s experiences and images of early childhood are “the most deeply scored and enduring”. Children develop interests at this environment, which helps them resolve inner conflicts, make sense of their existence, and develop self-regulation
and self-concept. Cohen states that “the passionate interests of young children can be thought of as the seeds of adult creativity. Creativity has been the subject of interest and study for the past 60 years. Because of being in growth ages,
activation, promoting and directing creativity in children is important. Still, creativity is mysterious! It is hard to do systematic analysis. This makes it hard to understand and explain why and how creativity happens and what elements it is related to. Furthermore, the variety of definitions of creativity among researchers makes it even more complicated to understand and study because there is no definitive meaning accepted by all. People define creativity as the ability to produce novel and original work within specific framework and limitations. Children are creative by nature. Social psychologists argue that creative people begin their creative production early in life. The focus of research on the creativity has been from psychology features to the impact of the physical environment on these features. One of the ways to promote creativity, using the impact of natural or artificial environment to create and enhance the creativity factors in children. Literature suggests that Space and environment in creativity and its quality of growth have an
important role. This spaces may be natural spaces or artificial space and in other words the architecture environment. But the construction of architecture to influence the cultivation of creativity is very pale. The real question is, which features in residential space impact on the promotion of creative task. The present study seeks to achieve residential space design principles that will enhance children’s creativity. This research is developmental and research method is descriptive that is done in five main step. Then, using the survey method one of descriptive research methods, Second stage and third stage of the research community are psychology experts and architecture professionals. Fourth stage research community are 3-7 years-old children in Tehran from district 4. After selecting the sample and data collection by interview, questionnaire, using inferential statistics, hypothesis tests are proposed. To evaluate the hypothesis of descriptive statistics and statistical indicators set by the frequency and inferential non-parametric Spearman test, multiple linear regression test and Friedman nonparametric test was used.
According to the findings, physical environment in residential spaces affects the development of children’s creativity and in residential space, using natural elements, creating a safe space, complex space and flexible space, through a positive impact on children’s motivation for physical activity(playing), mental relaxation, initiative and Child’s curiosity children’s creativity can be promoted. The present study seeks to achieve the design principles of residential space that will enhance children’s creativity.

The authorities of human resources education at Baqiatatlah Medical have paid attention to the ro... more The authorities of human resources education at Baqiatatlah Medical have paid attention to the role of psychological empowerment factors in enhancing their staff's creativity; this research project investigates this issue through a descriptive-inferential methodology. The population for this study consists of two hours and staff working in five parts of this university. The sample for this research consists of 322 staff members selected based on Morgan The data related to this sample were collected and then analyses. Spreitzer psychological empowerment questionnaire and Randeep creativity questionnaire are the instruments of this project. The reliability of these Instruments has been calculated by means of Cronbach's alpha which was significant. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed in tight of content validity. The findings of this study indicated that there is a significantly positive association between the components of psychological empowerment and the staff's creativity.
Conference Presentations by afzal sadat Hosseini

The aims of this project included the theoretical and practical comparison of creativity in Irani... more The aims of this project included the theoretical and practical comparison of creativity in Iranian and Japeanese teachers' classes. The research method in this project is a case study with a form of qualitative descriptive research. interviews were on a sample of 7 Iranian teachers- 3 in junior high, 2 in high school and 2 in elementary school- and 4 Japanese teachers- 2 in high school and 2 in elementary school Iranian and Japanese teachers in the field of creativity in a comparative way and their interaction with other phenomena in the educational systems was studied. The similarities and differences between the theoretical and practical areas on one another were also analyzed. There are great similarities between Iranian and Japanese's theoretical ideas related to creativity. This study shows that there are significant differences between the two groups from a practical dimension.
Papers by afzal sadat Hosseini
وجود مي آورد.
هدف: پژوهم حا ضر به منظور تعیین اثر بخ شي برنامه آموزش خلاقیت در قالب فعالیت هاو
هنرو در رشد خلاقیت دانم آموزان دختر سوم ابتدایي انجام شده است.
روش: پژوهم حاضییر از نور رح تح یب شیییه آزمایشییي همراه با نروه نواه و داراو پیم
آزمون و پس آزمون است . 90 دانم آموز دختر سوم ابتدایي ) 80 دانم آموز در این پژوهم، 8
در نروه آزمایم و 30 دانم آموز در نروه نواه (مشارکت داشتند .نروه آزمایم در 33 جلسه
تحت آموزش برنامه خلاقیت در قالب درس هنر قرار نرفتند. هم چنین از پرسمنامه هاو خلاقیت
تورنس )فرم الف و ب( و چک لیست خلاقیت جانسون در پیم آزمون و پس آزمون استفاده شده
یافته ها: تحلیل داده هاو آزمون تورنس به روش تحلیل کوواریانس نشان داد که میزان خلاقیت
نروه آزمایم به ور معنادارو نسییییت به نروه کنترف افزایم یافته اسیییتلا به علاوه در نروه
آزمایم بر خلاف نروه کنترف، تفاوت معنا د ارو بین وضیییعیت دانم آموزان در چک لیسیییت
خلاقیت جانسون در پیم آزمون و پس آزمون وجود داشته است.
نتیجه نیرو: با توجه به تفاوت معنادار بین دو نروه، آموزش خلاقیت در قالب فعالیت هاو
هنرو بر رشد خلاقیت مؤثر ست .
ابطال گرايي كارل پوپر و قواعد رياضي گونة لاكاتوش؛ گفتمان سوم، ساختارگرايي و نسبيت گرايي تامس كوهن و گفتمان چهارم، هرمنوتيك.هدف از مقاله حاضر بررسي تاريخچه و ريشه هرمنوتيك و استخراج آن در حوزة تعليم و تربيت است. در واقع هدف از اين پژوهش، بررسي هرمنوتيك به عنواني گفتماني است كه تعليم و تربيت را تحت تأثير قرار داده است، با توجه به اينكه مباحث و مباني هرمنوتيك در اشكال مختلف آن به مسئلة محوري فهم و تأويل صورت تفكر آدمينظر دارد، يكي از
ايده هاي مهم در فرآيند تعليم و تربيت ميباشد و دلالتهاي آن در زمينة برنامه درسي، ارزشيابي و روش شناسي فراوان است. براي تحقق اين مهم و رسيدن به هدف اين پژوهش از روش تحليلي-استنباطي استفاده شده است. نتايج يافتهها حاكي از آن است كه هرمنوتيك متربي بهعنوان متن اصلي در تعليم و تربيت قرار ميگيرد و در حوزة ارزشيابي معيارهايي را به دست ميدهد كه متربي به صورت چند بعدي و در بطن فعاليت ها مورد ارزيابي قرار ميگيرد، در حوزة روش شناسي هرمنوتيك روشي مناسب و با سازوكارهاي مختص به خود در پژوهش هاي تربيتي مي باشد.
significant impact in the individual’s mental health. For a true understanding of the needs, the
need to identifying is its thinking base. In this paper in the descriptive- analysis method, this
intellectual infrastructure is proposed as naturalism and the origins and theoretical foundations
self-determination on the basis of intellectual self-deploy, so it can be done if naturalism
raising children are investigated on the basis of the infrastructure intellectual needs and as a
result of it, if a child be educated by naturalism method can be effective on physiological and
basis needs and as a result on self-determination of child. The naturalism doctrine can provide
essential context to satisfy the basic psychological needs and thus self- determination.
According to the doctrine of naturalism, intervention in nature must be appropriate to the stage
of development that the child is at that stage, and it does not exceed, the intervention must be
improved, not changer. Leave children to be free and the nature guide him the way he should
go. Monitor his actions away. Give him tool feedback, not the executive one
In recent years, there have been an increasing number of studies on the effect of natural and artificial environments on humans. There is much evidence that being in natural environments, or just looking at nature, promotes recovery from
stress. In the residential context, it has also been suggested that views of nature from windows enhances residents’ sense of well-being. Viewing a 10- minute video dominated by natural elements (trees, vegetation, or water) after
the participants were stressed by a video of industrial accidents facilitated recovery from stress, as indicated by lowered blood pressure, lowered muscle tension, and skin conductance. Young children spend most of their time at home. Although some spend a lot of their time at outside facilities such as daycare center, kindergarten, or school, most children still recognize home as their permanent space. They become attached to their home and feel safe and secure. When they are at home. They attach meanings to their home and that becomes part of their culture. Children’s experiences and images of early childhood are “the most deeply scored and enduring”. Children develop interests at this environment, which helps them resolve inner conflicts, make sense of their existence, and develop self-regulation
and self-concept. Cohen states that “the passionate interests of young children can be thought of as the seeds of adult creativity. Creativity has been the subject of interest and study for the past 60 years. Because of being in growth ages,
activation, promoting and directing creativity in children is important. Still, creativity is mysterious! It is hard to do systematic analysis. This makes it hard to understand and explain why and how creativity happens and what elements it is related to. Furthermore, the variety of definitions of creativity among researchers makes it even more complicated to understand and study because there is no definitive meaning accepted by all. People define creativity as the ability to produce novel and original work within specific framework and limitations. Children are creative by nature. Social psychologists argue that creative people begin their creative production early in life. The focus of research on the creativity has been from psychology features to the impact of the physical environment on these features. One of the ways to promote creativity, using the impact of natural or artificial environment to create and enhance the creativity factors in children. Literature suggests that Space and environment in creativity and its quality of growth have an
important role. This spaces may be natural spaces or artificial space and in other words the architecture environment. But the construction of architecture to influence the cultivation of creativity is very pale. The real question is, which features in residential space impact on the promotion of creative task. The present study seeks to achieve residential space design principles that will enhance children’s creativity. This research is developmental and research method is descriptive that is done in five main step. Then, using the survey method one of descriptive research methods, Second stage and third stage of the research community are psychology experts and architecture professionals. Fourth stage research community are 3-7 years-old children in Tehran from district 4. After selecting the sample and data collection by interview, questionnaire, using inferential statistics, hypothesis tests are proposed. To evaluate the hypothesis of descriptive statistics and statistical indicators set by the frequency and inferential non-parametric Spearman test, multiple linear regression test and Friedman nonparametric test was used.
According to the findings, physical environment in residential spaces affects the development of children’s creativity and in residential space, using natural elements, creating a safe space, complex space and flexible space, through a positive impact on children’s motivation for physical activity(playing), mental relaxation, initiative and Child’s curiosity children’s creativity can be promoted. The present study seeks to achieve the design principles of residential space that will enhance children’s creativity.
Conference Presentations by afzal sadat Hosseini
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هدف: پژوهم حا ضر به منظور تعیین اثر بخ شي برنامه آموزش خلاقیت در قالب فعالیت هاو
هنرو در رشد خلاقیت دانم آموزان دختر سوم ابتدایي انجام شده است.
روش: پژوهم حاضییر از نور رح تح یب شیییه آزمایشییي همراه با نروه نواه و داراو پیم
آزمون و پس آزمون است . 90 دانم آموز دختر سوم ابتدایي ) 80 دانم آموز در این پژوهم، 8
در نروه آزمایم و 30 دانم آموز در نروه نواه (مشارکت داشتند .نروه آزمایم در 33 جلسه
تحت آموزش برنامه خلاقیت در قالب درس هنر قرار نرفتند. هم چنین از پرسمنامه هاو خلاقیت
تورنس )فرم الف و ب( و چک لیست خلاقیت جانسون در پیم آزمون و پس آزمون استفاده شده
یافته ها: تحلیل داده هاو آزمون تورنس به روش تحلیل کوواریانس نشان داد که میزان خلاقیت
نروه آزمایم به ور معنادارو نسییییت به نروه کنترف افزایم یافته اسیییتلا به علاوه در نروه
آزمایم بر خلاف نروه کنترف، تفاوت معنا د ارو بین وضیییعیت دانم آموزان در چک لیسیییت
خلاقیت جانسون در پیم آزمون و پس آزمون وجود داشته است.
نتیجه نیرو: با توجه به تفاوت معنادار بین دو نروه، آموزش خلاقیت در قالب فعالیت هاو
هنرو بر رشد خلاقیت مؤثر ست .
ابطال گرايي كارل پوپر و قواعد رياضي گونة لاكاتوش؛ گفتمان سوم، ساختارگرايي و نسبيت گرايي تامس كوهن و گفتمان چهارم، هرمنوتيك.هدف از مقاله حاضر بررسي تاريخچه و ريشه هرمنوتيك و استخراج آن در حوزة تعليم و تربيت است. در واقع هدف از اين پژوهش، بررسي هرمنوتيك به عنواني گفتماني است كه تعليم و تربيت را تحت تأثير قرار داده است، با توجه به اينكه مباحث و مباني هرمنوتيك در اشكال مختلف آن به مسئلة محوري فهم و تأويل صورت تفكر آدمينظر دارد، يكي از
ايده هاي مهم در فرآيند تعليم و تربيت ميباشد و دلالتهاي آن در زمينة برنامه درسي، ارزشيابي و روش شناسي فراوان است. براي تحقق اين مهم و رسيدن به هدف اين پژوهش از روش تحليلي-استنباطي استفاده شده است. نتايج يافتهها حاكي از آن است كه هرمنوتيك متربي بهعنوان متن اصلي در تعليم و تربيت قرار ميگيرد و در حوزة ارزشيابي معيارهايي را به دست ميدهد كه متربي به صورت چند بعدي و در بطن فعاليت ها مورد ارزيابي قرار ميگيرد، در حوزة روش شناسي هرمنوتيك روشي مناسب و با سازوكارهاي مختص به خود در پژوهش هاي تربيتي مي باشد.
significant impact in the individual’s mental health. For a true understanding of the needs, the
need to identifying is its thinking base. In this paper in the descriptive- analysis method, this
intellectual infrastructure is proposed as naturalism and the origins and theoretical foundations
self-determination on the basis of intellectual self-deploy, so it can be done if naturalism
raising children are investigated on the basis of the infrastructure intellectual needs and as a
result of it, if a child be educated by naturalism method can be effective on physiological and
basis needs and as a result on self-determination of child. The naturalism doctrine can provide
essential context to satisfy the basic psychological needs and thus self- determination.
According to the doctrine of naturalism, intervention in nature must be appropriate to the stage
of development that the child is at that stage, and it does not exceed, the intervention must be
improved, not changer. Leave children to be free and the nature guide him the way he should
go. Monitor his actions away. Give him tool feedback, not the executive one
In recent years, there have been an increasing number of studies on the effect of natural and artificial environments on humans. There is much evidence that being in natural environments, or just looking at nature, promotes recovery from
stress. In the residential context, it has also been suggested that views of nature from windows enhances residents’ sense of well-being. Viewing a 10- minute video dominated by natural elements (trees, vegetation, or water) after
the participants were stressed by a video of industrial accidents facilitated recovery from stress, as indicated by lowered blood pressure, lowered muscle tension, and skin conductance. Young children spend most of their time at home. Although some spend a lot of their time at outside facilities such as daycare center, kindergarten, or school, most children still recognize home as their permanent space. They become attached to their home and feel safe and secure. When they are at home. They attach meanings to their home and that becomes part of their culture. Children’s experiences and images of early childhood are “the most deeply scored and enduring”. Children develop interests at this environment, which helps them resolve inner conflicts, make sense of their existence, and develop self-regulation
and self-concept. Cohen states that “the passionate interests of young children can be thought of as the seeds of adult creativity. Creativity has been the subject of interest and study for the past 60 years. Because of being in growth ages,
activation, promoting and directing creativity in children is important. Still, creativity is mysterious! It is hard to do systematic analysis. This makes it hard to understand and explain why and how creativity happens and what elements it is related to. Furthermore, the variety of definitions of creativity among researchers makes it even more complicated to understand and study because there is no definitive meaning accepted by all. People define creativity as the ability to produce novel and original work within specific framework and limitations. Children are creative by nature. Social psychologists argue that creative people begin their creative production early in life. The focus of research on the creativity has been from psychology features to the impact of the physical environment on these features. One of the ways to promote creativity, using the impact of natural or artificial environment to create and enhance the creativity factors in children. Literature suggests that Space and environment in creativity and its quality of growth have an
important role. This spaces may be natural spaces or artificial space and in other words the architecture environment. But the construction of architecture to influence the cultivation of creativity is very pale. The real question is, which features in residential space impact on the promotion of creative task. The present study seeks to achieve residential space design principles that will enhance children’s creativity. This research is developmental and research method is descriptive that is done in five main step. Then, using the survey method one of descriptive research methods, Second stage and third stage of the research community are psychology experts and architecture professionals. Fourth stage research community are 3-7 years-old children in Tehran from district 4. After selecting the sample and data collection by interview, questionnaire, using inferential statistics, hypothesis tests are proposed. To evaluate the hypothesis of descriptive statistics and statistical indicators set by the frequency and inferential non-parametric Spearman test, multiple linear regression test and Friedman nonparametric test was used.
According to the findings, physical environment in residential spaces affects the development of children’s creativity and in residential space, using natural elements, creating a safe space, complex space and flexible space, through a positive impact on children’s motivation for physical activity(playing), mental relaxation, initiative and Child’s curiosity children’s creativity can be promoted. The present study seeks to achieve the design principles of residential space that will enhance children’s creativity.