Thesis Chapters by Majit Bauetdinov
«Корпоратив бошқарувнинг замонавий стандартларини жорий этишда акциядорларнинг ролини кучайтириш йўллари» мавзусидаги халқаро илмий-амалий конференция материаллари тўплами. -T.: “Iqtisod-Moliya”,, 2018
Мазкур тезисда инвестицион харажатларни молиялаштиришни халқаро молия бозоридаги роли `ёритилган
Тридцать второе Международные Плехановские чтения: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции (1-2 февраля 2019 г.) – Выездная сессия в г. Ташкенте. – М.: ФГБОУ ВО «РЭУ им. Г.В.Плеханова», 2019
В тезисе отражается специфика финансовых обеспечении инвестиционной деятельности компании
Сolloquium-journal. międzynarodowe czasopismo naukowe “Economics”. Warszawa, Poland, 2019
At development of an investment policy it is necessary to provide achievement of economic, scient... more At development of an investment policy it is necessary to provide achievement of economic, scientific and
technical and social effect from considered actions - for each object of investment use specific methods of an
estimation of efficiency, and then select those investment projects which with other things being equal provide to
the enterprise peak efficiency (profitability); reception by the enterprise of the greatest profit on the invested capital
at the minimum investment expenses; use by the enterprise for increase of efficiency of investments of the state
support in the form of guarantees of the Government of Republic of Uzbekistan, budgetary loans; attraction of
grants and soft loans of the international financially-credit organizations and private foreign investors; minimization
of the investment risks connected with performance of concrete projects; maintenance of liquidity of investments;
Conformity of actions which are provided to be carried out within the limits of the investment policy, to the
legislative and other legal certificates of Republic of Uzbekistan regulating investment activity.
In article methods of the financial analysis of the managing subject for investments are analyzed. For financing
of investment expenses to the managing subject, it is offered to reveal strong and weaknesses of the managing
subject to define potential possibilities, to predict economic development, using special analytical receptions, and
the techniques allowing quickly and precisely to carry out diagnostics of its financial condition.
Мақолада республикамизда корхоналарнинг инвестицион харажатларини тижорат банкларининг кредитлари... more Мақолада республикамизда корхоналарнинг инвестицион харажатларини тижорат банкларининг кредитлари ҳисобидан молиялаштиришни такомиллаштириш билан боғлиқ бўлган муаммолар аниқланган ва уларни ҳал қилишга қаратилган илмий таклифлар ишлаб чиқилган. Калит сўзлар:корхона, тижорат банки, инвестицион кредит, инвестицион лойиҳа, фоиз ставкаси, қайта молиялаш ставкаси, инфляция, девальвация, гаров, пул оқими. В статье выявлены проблемы, связанных с совершенствованием финансирования инвестиционных расходов предприятий за счет инвестиционных кредитов коммерческих банков и разработаны научные предложения, направленных на решение этих проблем. Ключевые слова: предприятия, коммерческий банк, инвестиционный кредит, инвестиционный проект, процентная ставка, ставка рефинансирования, инфляция, девальвация, залог, денежный поток. КИРИШ 2017-2021 йилларда Ўзбекистон Республикасини ривожлантиришнинг бешта устувор йўналиши бўйича Ҳаракатлар стратегиясида иқтисодиѐтнинг реал сектори корхоналарини модернизация қилиш ҳамда техник ва технологик жиҳатдан қайта қуроллантириш макроиқтисодий барқарорликни сақлаб қолишнинг зарурий шарти сифатида эътироф этилган [1]. Бу эса, ўз навбатида, мазкур корхоналарнинг инвестицион харажатларини молиялаштиришнинг етарлилиги ва барқарорлигини таъминлаш заруриятини юзага келтиради. Илғор хориж тажрибасини ўрганиш натижалари кўрсатадики, тижорат банкларининг инвестицион кредитлари корхоналарнинг инвестицион харажатларини молиялаштиришнинг асосий манбаларидан бири ҳисобланади. Айни вақтда, республикамиз корхоналарининг инвестицион харажатларини тижорат банкларининг инвестицион кредитлари ҳисобидан молиялаштириш борасида бир қатор долзарб муаммоларнинг мавжудлиги кузатилмоқда. Ана шундай долзарб муаммолардан бири бўлиб, банкларда узоқ муддатли ресурсларнинг етишмаслиги ҳисобланади. Бундан ташқари, кредитларнинг фоиз ставкаларини нисбатан юқори эканлиги корхоналарнинг тижорат банклари инвестицион кредитларидан фойдаланиш даражасини оширишга тўсқинлик қилмоқда.
Papers by Majit Bauetdinov
International Scientific Jurnal. Theoritical Aplied Science. Philadelphia, USA, 2019
In article investment activity of managing subjects is considered carried out by means of investm... more In article investment activity of managing subjects is considered carried out by means of investment
resources formed by them. In market economy sources of formation of investment resources are rather diverse. As a
rule, all sources of financing of investments subdivide on centralized and off-budget and the basic methods of
financing of investment projects are: self-financing, participation financing; credit financing; design financing.
Optimum structure of sources of financing of investments is that structure which provides the greatest
profitability of own means. Therefore at a choice of this or that source of financing of investments, whether it be
external or internal sources, it is necessary to start with necessity of achievement of the greatest economic benefit.
The basic criteria of a choice of sources of financing of investments are cost of attraction of a concrete source,
availability, life cycle of the enterprise and the concrete investment project, risks, efficiency etc.
Thesis Chapters by Majit Bauetdinov
technical and social effect from considered actions - for each object of investment use specific methods of an
estimation of efficiency, and then select those investment projects which with other things being equal provide to
the enterprise peak efficiency (profitability); reception by the enterprise of the greatest profit on the invested capital
at the minimum investment expenses; use by the enterprise for increase of efficiency of investments of the state
support in the form of guarantees of the Government of Republic of Uzbekistan, budgetary loans; attraction of
grants and soft loans of the international financially-credit organizations and private foreign investors; minimization
of the investment risks connected with performance of concrete projects; maintenance of liquidity of investments;
Conformity of actions which are provided to be carried out within the limits of the investment policy, to the
legislative and other legal certificates of Republic of Uzbekistan regulating investment activity.
In article methods of the financial analysis of the managing subject for investments are analyzed. For financing
of investment expenses to the managing subject, it is offered to reveal strong and weaknesses of the managing
subject to define potential possibilities, to predict economic development, using special analytical receptions, and
the techniques allowing quickly and precisely to carry out diagnostics of its financial condition.
Papers by Majit Bauetdinov
resources formed by them. In market economy sources of formation of investment resources are rather diverse. As a
rule, all sources of financing of investments subdivide on centralized and off-budget and the basic methods of
financing of investment projects are: self-financing, participation financing; credit financing; design financing.
Optimum structure of sources of financing of investments is that structure which provides the greatest
profitability of own means. Therefore at a choice of this or that source of financing of investments, whether it be
external or internal sources, it is necessary to start with necessity of achievement of the greatest economic benefit.
The basic criteria of a choice of sources of financing of investments are cost of attraction of a concrete source,
availability, life cycle of the enterprise and the concrete investment project, risks, efficiency etc.
technical and social effect from considered actions - for each object of investment use specific methods of an
estimation of efficiency, and then select those investment projects which with other things being equal provide to
the enterprise peak efficiency (profitability); reception by the enterprise of the greatest profit on the invested capital
at the minimum investment expenses; use by the enterprise for increase of efficiency of investments of the state
support in the form of guarantees of the Government of Republic of Uzbekistan, budgetary loans; attraction of
grants and soft loans of the international financially-credit organizations and private foreign investors; minimization
of the investment risks connected with performance of concrete projects; maintenance of liquidity of investments;
Conformity of actions which are provided to be carried out within the limits of the investment policy, to the
legislative and other legal certificates of Republic of Uzbekistan regulating investment activity.
In article methods of the financial analysis of the managing subject for investments are analyzed. For financing
of investment expenses to the managing subject, it is offered to reveal strong and weaknesses of the managing
subject to define potential possibilities, to predict economic development, using special analytical receptions, and
the techniques allowing quickly and precisely to carry out diagnostics of its financial condition.
resources formed by them. In market economy sources of formation of investment resources are rather diverse. As a
rule, all sources of financing of investments subdivide on centralized and off-budget and the basic methods of
financing of investment projects are: self-financing, participation financing; credit financing; design financing.
Optimum structure of sources of financing of investments is that structure which provides the greatest
profitability of own means. Therefore at a choice of this or that source of financing of investments, whether it be
external or internal sources, it is necessary to start with necessity of achievement of the greatest economic benefit.
The basic criteria of a choice of sources of financing of investments are cost of attraction of a concrete source,
availability, life cycle of the enterprise and the concrete investment project, risks, efficiency etc.