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Proto:Plants vs. Zombies 2 (China)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Plants vs. Zombies 2 (China).

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
How about a nice leek in this trying time?
This page or section details content from the Plants vs. Zombies 2 China Leak.
To do:
Pretty sure there's a few more than just v1.6.3.

Version 1.6.3 is a cheat-enabled build of the game for Android that was accidentally distributed to the public.

Cheat Menu

To do:
Are there keypresses in Map and other menus aside from in-game?

A cheat menu can be opened by holding a click in the top-left corner or when sliding to the right (causes a graphic to appear). The names are also in English. Keypresses can also be sent to the game when the menu is open.


Save data progress settings. This tab only appears on the Main Menu.

Name Function/Description
Reset Profile

Does pretty much what you expect. Displays the below message:

Profile Reset!
Super Profile

Alters your profile with the following stats:

Coins: 1000000
Gems 10000
Keys: 99
Stars: 40

Also displays the below text:

Profile Is Now Awesome!
Jump Level Allows you to change the level you beat to, the number the game displays after the world name is mostly 1 but the subcategories mostly go from 2-30. The list starts from Egypt.

Start Level

Starts a listed level file immediately. This tab only appears on the Main Menu.


These mostly affect the game or framework.

Name Function/Description Keypress
Slow-Mo Slows down most game logic. 7
Fast-Mo Speeds up most game logic. 6
Freeze Freezes most game logic. 5
Frame Step Allows you to advance game logic by one frame. Enabling and disabling Freeze returns proper game logic speed.
Active Setting A tab with a submenu called BossFight Setting:
Name Function/Description
Play BossFight Allows you to load related level files. Numbers go from 1-6.
Draw Memory Usage

Draws the memory usage to the bottom left corner.

used: %sMB, free: %sMB, total: %sMB
Draw ServerTime Draws the game server time to the bottom left corner.
Draw MacAddress Draws the MAC Address of the device to the bottom left corner.
Draw PlayerId Draws the Player ID to the bottom left corner.
Draw 50MB Debug

Draws a display, 50MB likely relates to the size of compressed base game assets (at least on Android).

App Version: %s
RSBVersion: %s(%s)
Draw RSB Info No effect?
Draw Graphics Info Draws a display.
Draw FPS Draws the FPS almost in the top right corner with a colored box. Green means stable 60-30, blue means ?, yellow means below 30 and red means below 15?.
Draw Sent Draper Params No effect?
Draw Glyph Cache Draws the texture glyph cache to the screen.
Draw Text Rects Draws purple rectangles over textboxes.
Disable Draper No effect?
Pusher Register No effect?
Pusher ShowInfo No effect?
Fire Profile Loaded Event No effect?
Clear Rated App No effect?
Debug Check ?
AddX ?
SubtractX ?
AddY ?
SubtractY ?
!!Crash the Game!! A tab with the following option.
Name Function/Description Keypress
!!Really Crash the Game!! Crashes the game, who would've guessed. '


Mostly in-game logic.

Name Function/Description Keypress
Easy Planting Mode Grants infinite Plant Food and the ability to plant without cooldown and using Sun. 8
Spawn Zombie Allows you to spawn any Zombie in a random lane, categorized by whatever level theme they are from. the ones in Other tend to crash the game so avoid using them. A category called coming_soon is also present but no Zombies. This only appears in-game.
Spawn Plant Allows you to spawn any Plant in the topmost lane unoccupied. This only appears in-game.
UI Editor ?
Fishing Editor ?
Show Plant ID Shows the numeric ID of Plants.
Treasure Choose ?
Drop List ?
Drop List Challenge ?
Infinite Plantfood Allows you to use Plant Food without actually having at least 1, no visual display value is modified.
Load Network Level Loads a network off the game server. Seems to not work as it tries to refer to an internal server. This only appears in-game.
Health Bars Draws numeric health bars over Plants and Zombies. This only appears in-game. H
Show Collision Info Draws hitboxes and hurtboxes of Plants, Zombies and Lawn Mowers, the same goes for their projectiles with colors of red and green, also draws something with the color of pink but is unknown, blue is for in-game elements like Sun.
Highlight Dynamic Zombies ?
Cycle Debug View Cycles between multiple Debug Views, some ported from the first game with slight additions but new ones were also added.
  • Zombie Spawning Debug no longer heavily drops the game's FPS when used and the below string was added.
=== No WaveGeneratorModule in this level! ===
  • Music Debug seems to be unimplemented, returning the below string:
  • Memory Debug was added, and draws text on the board position.
  • Collision Debug does mostly the same as Show Collision Info but also draws interaction boxes of the playfield.
  • Lifebar Debug was added, drawing a life bar of Plants and Zombies.
  • Street Debug was added and does ?.
Win Level Spawns the level completed object to the playfield. !
Shameful Fail Level

Shows the Game Over screen with text on the behind layer saying:

Shameful Failure!
Fail Level Shows the Game Over screen. F
Cannon Fail Level ? &
Pause Button Pauses the game with game logic still enabled. Space
Kill All Zombies Removes all Zombies from the playfield.
Kill All Zombies With Drops Removes all Zombies from the playfield with drops.
Break All Vases ?
Start Mowers Starts all Lawn Mowers.
Cherry Bombardment

Spawns Cherry Bombs in the following formation:

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DangerRoom Reset Cards ?
+100 Sun Does what is said. 0
-100 Sun Does what is said. -
+999999 Sun Does what is said. 9
-999999 Sun Does what is said.
Spawn Collectible Spawns a listed collectable to the playfield.
Wall O' Plants

Spawns Sunflowers, Peashooters and Wall-Nuts in the following formation:

1 1 2 2 2 3 0 0 0
1 1 2 2 2 3 0 0 0
1 1 2 2 2 3 0 0 0
1 1 2 2 2 3 0 0 0
1 1 2 2 2 3 0 0 0
Random Plants Spawns random Plants to the playfield. Tends to crash the game. E
Zombies Carry Plantfood Flags all future Zombie spawns to ensure Plant Food is dropped for killing them. P
Spawn Next Zombie Wave Goes ahead one internal game wave. Sets TimeUntilNextSpawn to 0.10 seconds. /
Start Narrative Starts a given in-game narrative. Game logic is not paused from playing one.
Spawn Treasure Yeti Spawns a Yeti Zombie y
Save/Load NOW

Saves the game and immediately loads it, it's wise to not use this in the Pause Menu. If the game's not in a saveable state, the below string will be displayed.

Game is not currently in a saveable state!
Save Danger Room

? If the game's not in a saveable state, the below string will be displayed.

Game is not currently in a saveable state!
Load Danger Room ?
Skip Level Skips the level without giving the player a reward.
Board Pause ?
Save/Load Stress Test Saves and loads saves after 15 seconds in game logic time.
Load Game Doesn't Pause Ensures loading saves does not immediately pause the game.

World Map

To do:
More depth on World Map Editor Mode.

World Map options.

Name Function/Description Keypress
Reset Activity Times ?
Reset RechargeGift Times ?
Editor Mode Toggles World Map Editor Mode.
Ignore Tutorial Input Ignores tutorial arrow-based input, input blacking the screen still have to be done.
Unlock All Levels Unlocks all levels in the current world with 3-Star ratings.
Enter Danger Room Seems to crash.
Show Danger Room Shows the Danger Room UI.
Show New Danger Room Shows the New Danger Room UI.
Show Accessory UI Shows the Accessory UI.
Show Update Reward Shows the Update Reward UI.
Show Festival Reward Shows the Festival Reward UI.
Load Danger Room ?
Test New Network Func ?
Test Wechat Share ?
Show Event Hitboxes Shows hitboxes of Event triggers, level nodes and obtainable objects.
Spawn Yeti ?
Tap To Lock Node Allows tapping level nodes to lock them with their current score.
Tap To Unlock Node Allows tapping level nodes to unlock them with their current score.
Tap To Clear Node Allows tapping level nodes to clear them like general progression.
Tap To Get Stars Node Allows tapping level nodes to force 1-3 Star ratings for them with their current score.
Load Sandbox Egypt Loads the Egypt sandbox level.
Load Sandbox Pirate Loads the Pirate sandbox level.
Load Sandbox Cowboy Loads the Cowboy sandbox level.
Load Sandbox Future Loads the Future sandbox level.
Start Narrative Same as Board's.

Profile Settings

Name Function/Description Keypress
Fake Purchase Loop ? Doesn't work?
Set Plant Level 1 Sets all Plants to Level 1.
Set Plant Level 2 Sets all Plants to Level 2.
Set Plant Level 3 Sets all Plants to Level 3.
Set Plant Level 4 Sets all Plants to Level 4.
Set Plant Avatar Sets all Plants to have Avatars?
Set Cannon Level 1 Sets Cannon to Level 1?
Set Cannon Level 2 Sets Cannon to Level 2?
Set Cannon Level 3 Sets Cannon to Level 3?
Skip All Tutorials ?
10 Components ?
+100000 Coins Does what you expect. However the game cannot detect multiple debug keypresses under the same character so only this and the one below will work with keypresses. &
-100000 Coins Does what you expect. $
+10000 Gems Does what you expect. &
-10000 Gems Does what you expect. $
+100 Stones Does what you expect. &
-100 Stones Does what you expect. $
+100 Leafs Does what you expect. &
-100 Leafs Does what you expect. $
+1 Each Key Does what you expect. k
-1 Each Key Does what you expect. K
+10 Plant Piece Adds 10 Plant Pieces for every Plant. k
+10 Avatar Piece Adds 10 Avatar Pieces for every Plant. k
Roll Plants ? R
+10 Accessory Piece Adds 10 Accessory Pieces for every Plant. k
Unlock Danger Room Level 3 Does what you expect.
Upgrades Allows you to toggle upgrade ownership. Chinese text does not render correctly so you'll probably see garbage.
Update Property Sheet ? Updates the property sheet from the server?
Update Drop Sheet ? Updates the drop sheet from the server?
Update plant and zombie Sheet ? Updates the Plant and Zombie sheets from the server?
set stamina count to 1 ?
Lock Profile ?
Quit and Reload Profile Quits to the Main Menu. Having a duplicate save would help prevent crashes. L
Save Duplicate Profile Creates a duplicate save with _1. S
Save Profile To Server Saves the profile to the server?
Load Profile From Server Loads the profile to the server?
Game Center These options simply don't work, probably an iOS cheat build can use these.


Name Function/Description
Show Cheat Keyboard ? Probably nothing happens?

Other Cheat Keys

Despite the Cheat Menu offers a number of keypresses, there's a few functions that are not mentioned in it which by design, can only be used with keypresses.

Keypress Function/Description
A Spawns a Zombie.
B Spawns a Conehead Zombie.
C Spawns a Buckethead Zombie.
F Spawns a Flag Zombie.

Other Differences

  • The game constantly tries to ping game servers when online and write logs about doing so.
  • Red boxes are displayed over text too large for a textbox.
  • Various logs about the game are written.