Papers by Jarrod Ormiston
Academy of Management Proceedings
Academy of Management Proceedings
Journal of Business Ethics
Our paper explores the complex place-based relations of cross-sector partnerships between Indigen... more Our paper explores the complex place-based relations of cross-sector partnerships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous partners. We draw on a longitudinal in-depth case study of the Bundian Way, an Indigenous-led cross-sector partnership of over 40 organisations. Through practices of listening to history and walking ‘on Country’, the non-Indigenous partners and our team came to appreciate the indivisibility of place and time and bear witness to the intergenerational trauma of colonially imposed divisions. By combining a 45-day place-based ethnography with a 36-month participant observation and repeated interviews with the Advisory Committee members, we explain how non-Indigenous members of the cross-sector partnership came to realise, and reverse, these place-time divisions. We contribute to an ethics of custodianship by first contrasting, and then combining, Indigenous and Western ways of knowing place through time.
Organization Theory
Shame has been identified as a debilitating emotion that impedes entrepreneurial action. Yet, the... more Shame has been identified as a debilitating emotion that impedes entrepreneurial action. Yet, there are many examples of people who experience shame and go on to create entrepreneurial ventures. How then is entrepreneurship possible in the face of such shame? To address this question, we develop a theoretical process model that highlights the connection between individual and collective experiences of shame and elaborates when and how such experiences may lead to entrepreneurship. We suggest that third-person experiences of shame can transform first-person experiences and trigger identification with a community of similarly stigmatized others. We argue that the distinct narratives provided by these communities can reduce or enhance entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and therefore lead to different entrepreneurial pathways: some individuals may create ventures out of necessity, while others will create ventures that act as shame-free havens for themselves and others, and become a source ...
Journal of Cleaner Production
A Research Agenda for Social Entrepreneurship
Academy of Management Proceedings
Navigating investment duties of charitable trustees 14 Recognising impact investment as an ESG st... more Navigating investment duties of charitable trustees 14 Recognising impact investment as an ESG strategy across mainstream asset classes 16 Adapting mainstream investment decision frameworks 16 Accelerating design of suitable investment opportunities 17 Accessing expertise to design, implement and manage impact investments 17 Developing support infrastructure 18 SoME PrACTICAl INSIGhTS 18 Be committed to amplifying impact 18 Establish a comprehensive tool kit to optimise use of available resources 19 Understand how and be prepared to be a catalyst for other investors 19 Actively learn from and share experience with others 20 Build resources to conduct professional due diligence 21 Actively decide your approach to portfolio management 23 CoNCluDING rEMArKS 24 APPENDIX oNE: INVESTMENT DuTIES oF ChArITABlE TruSTEES 27 APPENDIX Two: DEVEloPING AND IMPlEMENTING AN IMPACT INVESTMENT STrATEGy ACKNowlEDGEMENTS This report has been enriched by the thoughtful contribution of local and international practitioners, who generously participated in interviews and provided access to their expertise and insights. Particular thanks to those who shared invaluable practical insights to enrich the report-donkey wheel Foundation,
A dissemination methodology for learning and teaching developments through engaging and embedding
Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020
Interest among entrepreneurship researchers in emotional issues is growing in recognition of the ... more Interest among entrepreneurship researchers in emotional issues is growing in recognition of the role emotions play in the entrepreneurial process (Shepherd, 2016). A large number of studies on emo...
Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018
This paper explores the role of inter-organisational networks in the creative industries. We seek... more This paper explores the role of inter-organisational networks in the creative industries. We seek to ascertain the importance of inter-organisational networks in supporting innovation and internationalisation and thus their influence on organisational sustainability. We focus on the influence of existing and new institutions on creative enterprises, with particular attention paid to internationalisation, sustainability and creative product. Within the creative industries, we focus on documentary films, which are characterised by large numbers of small independent producers heavily reliant on individual and inter-organisational networks. Our data and analysis include network analysis and case studies, with 396 films produced in Australia studied. Our paper introduces some preliminary findings, with preliminary discussion and conclusions.26 page(s
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022
Papers by Jarrod Ormiston