Papers by Hamid A G A B Mohamed
Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux
Une étude a été menée pour identifier les relations entre différents signes cliniques et la bruce... more Une étude a été menée pour identifier les relations entre différents signes cliniques et la brucellose chez des animaux présentés à la clinique vétérinaire de Gedaref, à l'Est du Soudan. Les cinq manifestations cliniques les plus fréquemment associées à la brucellose chez les bovins étaient l'hygroma du genou, la fièvre avec septicémie, l'avortement, des mammites et un affaiblissement général accompagné de perte de poids. Des liaisons entre la brucellose et l'âge et le sexe des animaux sont aussi discutés.
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 1994
The disease, which is caused by a parapoxvirus, affects young animals producing lesions around th... more The disease, which is caused by a parapoxvirus, affects young animals producing lesions around the lips and nostrils. It rarely takes the generalised form that resembles camel pox (CP), and differentation from camel pox can be achieved by electron microscopy (Munz et al., 1986). This communication describes an outbreak of CCE in camels (Camelus dromedarius) in the Butana Plains of eastern Sudan. The disease was observed in 4 herds of free-range camels in southern Butana 40 km northeast of Gedaref city in July 1991. Twenty-nine camel calves less than one year old were affected (Table I). Affected animals were weak, emaciated and had dull, rough and dirty coats. Acutely affected animals showed swelling of the head with nodular lesions around the lips. Pustules developed thereafter and exuded to form fissured crusts. The mucous membranes of the buccal cavity of affected animals were haemorrhagic and ulcerated. The superficial lymph nodes of the head, namely the parotid, submaxillary and cervical, were enlarged. Nodules and scabs from 5 affected animals were collected for virus identification and histopathology. Negative contrast electron microscopy of homogenates of scabs revealed particles suggestive of parapoxvirus measuring approximately 131 × 230 nm (Fig. 1) in 4 out of 5 samples. Rounder particles having the characteristic cross thread appearance and measuring approximately 206 × 242 nm were frequently seen. Histopathologically, pustules contained necrotic cells with vacuole formation and fungal growth.
Butana region occupies the centre of the northeastern Sudan in an area extending over 120,000 km ... more Butana region occupies the centre of the northeastern Sudan in an area extending over 120,000 km 2 representing one third of the area of Eastern Sudan. It holds 25.7% of the national Sudan camel p opulation. During the last two decades, several field research studies we re conducted in Butana region involving different research subjects and di sciplines. This article reviews the findings of field research conducted in Butana with special emphasis on the constraints and limiting factors af fecting the growth and development of camel husbandry in the region. These constraints included shortages of veter inary services, diseases and animal health ailments, particularly parasitic dise as s and camel calf diarrhoea, lack of pasture and water resources, rec urrence of drought, security problems and reduced herd fertility. Other constraints included lack of enough capital for investment, labour problem an d marketing shortages for camels and camel products. The article also dis cus ed the ...
A study was conducted to record prelimin ary data on the productivity of emus (Dromaius novaeholl... more A study was conducted to record prelimin ary data on the productivity of emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) in a mixed ratite farm in Central Saudi Arabia. N ew emus breeders started egg laying at 22 months of ag e with an average production of six eggs per female in their first season. Older bi rds had an average of 10 – 13 eggs/female/season. The mean fertility rate of emu ggs ranged between 65.7% and 77.4% over four production seasons while the mean h atchability rate ranged between 52.2% and 73.1% over the same four production seaso ns. The main causes of emu egg defection were: holes, size abnormality, cracks and excessive dirt. There was an overall embryonic mortality rate of 45.5% of the fe rtil emu eggs with the majority (66.4%) as late mortality compared to (33.6%) early mortality.
This study was conducted in Red Sea, Kasala, Gedarif and Gezira states in east and central Sudan ... more This study was conducted in Red Sea, Kasala, Gedarif and Gezira states in east and central Sudan to assess the aspects of camel raising and constraints to camel production. A total of 114 camel owners were investigated using questionnaire in addition to interviews. The results showed that the majority of the camel owners in the study area aged between 41-55 years (42.7%), all of them were married, more than half of them (52.3%) were sponsoring families ranging in size between 4 to 10 members and most of them were illiterate 57.7%. The study found that majority of the she camels (57.5%) in the study areas are conceived at the age of 4 5 years and the main source of the replacement bulls was the newly born camel calves (66.5%). The results showed that the highest daily amount of camel milk produced in all studied states about 18 kg (69.4 %) with an average of 4.5 kg, throughout the lactation period of about 12 months (365 days). Poor pastures and forage resources, diseases and health ...
Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 2002
We reviewed the literature on camel brucellosis. The seroprevalence of brucellosis in camels appe... more We reviewed the literature on camel brucellosis. The seroprevalence of brucellosis in camels appears to follow two distinct patterns: a low (2-5%) prevalence in nomadic or extensively kept camels and a high (8-15%) prevalence in camels kept intensively or semi-intensively. The infection is caused by different biotypes of Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis. Many gaps exist in the literature on the epidemiology of camel brucellosis. There is no clear policy in any of the camel-keeping countries regarding the control of brucellosis in camels. We suggest whole-herd vaccination in low-prevalence countries and test-and-slaughter followed by vaccination in high-prevalence countries.
... Nomadic Peoples. 31: 64 84. Abbas, B.; Agab, H.; Mohamed, GE; Yagoub, SO and Mustafa, K. (1... more ... Nomadic Peoples. 31: 64 84. Abbas, B.; Agab, H.; Mohamed, GE; Yagoub, SO and Mustafa, K. (1992b). ... 3 (2): 99 102. Khanna, ND; Tandon, S, N. and Sahani, MS (1992). Calf mortality in ... Receptivite du dromedaire (Camelus dromedarius) al'infection par rotavirus. Rev. Elev. ...
Dermatophilosis is a skin disease caused by a bacterium called Dermatophilus congolensis. The dis... more Dermatophilosis is a skin disease caused by a bacterium called Dermatophilus congolensis. The disease affects many species of domestic and wild animals and occasionally, humans. It is most prevalent in the tropics. The lesions are characterized by an exudative dermatitis with scab formation. The disease causes severe skin matting resulting in hide depreciation, overall decrease in animal productivity and, in severe cases, mortality in susceptible weak animals may be as high as 50% in the absence of treatment.
Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, 2008
This field survey was conducted in Butana area , northeastern Sudan, to study the dromedary camel... more This field survey was conducted in Butana area , northeastern Sudan, to study the dromedary camel production features, traits and con strai ts in the study area. The study revealed that most of the camel palatable and preferred forage plants and trees had disappeared and were replaced by non-palatable forage plants whereas the few remaining camel preferred forage plants were now re stricted only to remote inaccessible areas. The study also showed that the classical mode of nomadism among camel herders in Butana area was sharply declining, giving way to settlement as a new emerging mode of camel husbandry. Regarding the level of education among camel herders in Butana region, it was found that m jority of older herders were illiterate while 47.8% of the younger ages were ill iterate. The average size of the camel herder's families was found to be composed of seven persons with 57.2% of the family members was males while the remaining percen tage (42.8%) was females. When the mean...
Journal of Science and Technology, 2007
Journal of Science and Technology, 2007
Leg deformities comprise one of the main causes of chick mortality in all ratite rearing countrie... more Leg deformities comprise one of the main causes of chick mortality in all ratite rearing countries. In this study, the clinical manifestations of tibiotarsal rotation were described and sera were analyzed for the concentrations of total protein, cholesterol, calcium, phosphorus, manganese and copper, and for activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and creatine kinase (CK) in affected and control ostrich and emus chicks. Serum calcium concentration was lower (p<0.05) in affected chicks than control chicks. Ca: P ratio in the diet fed to the chicks was also found to be imbalanced (4:3). After correction of the Ca: P ratio to 2:1, a remarkable improvement was noticed in the incidence of leg deformities among the ratite chicks in the farm. صخلملا : ت لكش ا لآاشم جاجوع ة فثكملا ة يبرتلا عراز م يف ناصيصلا قو فن بابسأ م هأ لجرلأا حنأ عيمج يف ماعنلل ملاعلا ءا . ةساردلا هذه يف تعمجو ة يدايعلا تاملاعلا تدصر لاصمأ تا نيع ) مريس ( ةباصم ويميإو ماعن ناصيص نم جاجوعاب لأا ةميل س ناصيص نمو لجر ز يآرت صحفل هتايوتحم ن م ا ا ساحنلاو زينجنا ملاو روفس فلاو مويس لاكل لورتس لوكلاو نيتور بلاو ي لكلا طاش نو يميزنإ AST و CK . ةيئاذغلا هتانوكم ةفرعمل ناصيصلا فلع ليلحت مت كلذآ . نأ جئا تنلا تحضوأ ي ف دو جوم و ه ا مع ة فلتخم مويس لاآ تلاد عم ى لع يو تحت ت ناآ ةباص ملا ناص يصلا لاص مأ ةميلس لا ناص يصلا لاصمأ . آ كلذ حضتا فلاعأ ي ف ةدوجوملا روفس فلا ى لإ مويس لاكلا ةبس ن نأ ناصيصلا ) 3:4 ( ةبولطملا ةروصلاب ةنزاوتم ريغ ) 1:2 ( لا تا يوتحم ليد عت د عب هنأ ظحلاتو فلع روفس فلاو مويس لاكلل ةبسنلاب ةبس نلا تراص 1:2 ضافخنا ةباصلإا تلااح يف ظوحلم جاجوعاب يرصنع نزاوت مدع نأ دآأ امم لجرلأا يف يس يئر لماع ما عنلا فلاعأ يف روفسفلاو مويسلاكلا ناصيصلا ةباصإ جاجوعاب لجرلأا . INTRODUCTION In ostrich and emu chicks, leg deformities such as slipped tendon, splayed legs, valgus rotation, twisted or rolled toes, clubbed foot, osteomalacia and rickets have been described by (Huchzermeyer, 1998). Some of these leg deformities were described in chicks raised in two big ostrich projects in Saudi Arabia (Agab, 2005). Tibiotarsal rotation is a common condition in ratite chicks and is characterized by deformity of the coxo-femoral joint due to rotation of the tibiotarsal bone above the hock joint leading to turning of the foot to the outside. Severely affected chicks cannot stand and thus injure the hock joint by rubbing it on the concrete floor while attempting to stand up. Consequently, affected birds find difficulty to reach food and water troughs and eventually die of starvation or wound infection (Gilslider, 1994; Cooper and Gimbi, 1994). Genetics, nutrition, lack of enough exercise and high growth rates of young chicks associated with overfeeding of high protein diets are the causes of limb deformity (Bruning and Dolensenk, 1986; Reece and Butler, 1984). The present study investigated the effects of calcium:phosphorus imbalance on serobiochemical parameters and control of the condition in ostrich and emu chicks. MATERIALS AND METHODS A private farm containing 400ostriches (Struthio camelus) and 400emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) as a breeding stock for meat production was established in the central region of Saudi Arabia. About 15% of the chick crop developed leg deformities (Fig. 1 and 2) around the second to the sixth week post hatch. Most of the cases (approximately 75%) were diagnosed as tibiotarsal-rotated leg deformed chicks on the basis of clinical and patho-anatomical observ-ations. Clinically, the affected birds were divided into two groups: Severely affected birds were those recumbent or crawled leg-deformed birds while the moderately affected ones were those which could still walk despite the clear deformity.
Natural Dermatophilus congoíensis infection of camels has been reported in Kenya in semi-arid are... more Natural Dermatophilus congoíensis infection of camels has been reported in Kenya in semi-arid areas. Research is being conducted to discover how widespread the condition is in neighbouring countries with similar eco-climatic conditions. Severe skin infections of camels from the Butana region of Eastern Sudan were examined. The infections were first found in two herds of adult camels, of which 50%-75% of the animals were affected. In the other thirteen herds examined, camel calves were more likely to be infected (34%) than adults (8.9%), and lesions were more severe and involved most parts of the body. The lesions began as hair matting and later developed into hard crusts. The case fatality rate ranged from 10% to 30%. D. congolensiswas isolated from the scabs. Camel dermatophilosis was found to be among the most serious problems faced by camel herders in the Butana region.
Papers by Hamid A G A B Mohamed