Pre survey results at several junior high schools in Indragiri Hulu show that the schools were la... more Pre survey results at several junior high schools in Indragiri Hulu show that the schools were lack of knowledge and awareness on a green and healthy school. Besides, the lack of attention and support from related parties such as health and education agencies in providing information, promotion and motivation for the implementation of green school and the healthy school. The research was conducted from May to November 2014 that aimed to analyze the knowledge and attitude of the school community as well as the development of green school and healthy school in junior high schools in Lubuk Batu Jaya sub district Indragiri Hulu district Riau Province. The research was conducted using a survey method for the implementation of green school and healthy school. Data collection techniques were observation, questionnaires and interviews. Analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. The results obtained from this research were that junior high schools community in Lubuk Batu Jaya sub district Indragiri Hulu district Riau province have a high knowledge and good attitude towards the development of a green school and healthy school. SMP Negeri 1 of Lubuk Batu Jaya sub district Indragiri Hulu district Riau Province has not met the criteria of green school development program and healthy school.
The try out of UKMPPD is an effort to measure student's abilities and can provide an overview abo... more The try out of UKMPPD is an effort to measure student's abilities and can provide an overview about competence that have been achieved and become one into consideration for students to optimizing their attempt and effort to graduate with good grades. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relation between try out and CBT of UKMPPD results. This type of research is a correlation analytic with cross sectional approach. The data of this study were the test score of the try out and CBT UKMPPD in 2019 which total about 105. The results of this study have a significant relationship with the p value of 0.000 (<0.05) between the try out UKMPPD value and the CBT UKMPPD value. The strength of the correlation obtained is very strong at 0.75 and the direction is positive. This shows that there is a significant relationship between the try out UKMPPD score and the CBT UKMPPD score.
Pengembangan latihan fisik atlet Dayung di desa Buluhcina Kabupaten Kampar masih perlu dilakukan,... more Pengembangan latihan fisik atlet Dayung di desa Buluhcina Kabupaten Kampar masih perlu dilakukan, khususnya pada pandemi covid-19 tahun 2020. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah mengembangkan latihan fisik untuk kebugaran atlet Dayung, terutama selama masa pandemi covid-19. Metode pengabdian yang dilakukan edukasi melalui ceramah tanya jawab disertai simulasi dan demonstrasi serta optimalisasi pengembangan latihan fisik. Kegiatan pengabdian ini telah dilakukan dengan selalu memperhatikan protokol kesehatan pada masa pandemi covid-19. Hasil yang telah didapat antara lain meningkatnya pengetahuan atlet, meningkatkan keterampilan dan motivasi atlet untuk tetap melakukan latihan fisik selama covid-19. Kegiatan ini juga telah memfasilitasi pengembangan sarana untuk kebugaran fisik atlet. Simpulan kegiatan ini adalah pengambangan latihan fisik untuk kebugaran atlet dengan metode pengabdian masyarakat ini telah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan mengoptimalkan sarana kebugaran atlet Dayung.
Cassava is one of the foodstuffs that have an important role in supporting food security in a reg... more Cassava is one of the foodstuffs that have an important role in supporting food security in a region, but not many people are interested in focusing on developing cassava. Health responsibility in the implementation of food security is embodied in the standard reference and technical health requirements throughout the food management process, the principles of Sanitation Hygiene. Sialang Sakti is one of the sub-districts in Tenayan Raya Subdistrict. It is one of the potential cassava-producing villages to be developed. The purpose of the service activities includes ordering farmer groups that focus on cassava as an effort to food security and the family economy. Activities carried out include advocacy to related parties, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), ordering farmer groups, training, and other activities to support the management and use of cassava as a source of the family's economy. The result of this activity is the formation of farmer groups that focus on the community, inc...
The existence of larva an indicator of the spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in a place th... more The existence of larva an indicator of the spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in a place that is measured with Density Figure of Larvae (DF). The increase in the number of dengue cases supported by the low of DF is influenced by several factors such as the physical environment, the behavior of governance of water reservoirs and population density. DF of Larvae in District Payung Sekaki in 2015 by 70%, which is still far below the national standard that is above 95%. This allows opportunities incidence of dengue and dengue virus transmission in these districts will remain high in the next year, especially in the five-year cycle of dengue. This study aimed to analyze the effect of directly and indirectly between the physical environment (rainfall, temperature, humidity, type of container and the presence of the container), the behavior of governance of water reservoirs and population density of the existence of larva, and analyze the effect of the presence of larvae of Aedes aeg...
The prevalence of stress on medical students is very high, especially on first grade medical stud... more The prevalence of stress on medical students is very high, especially on first grade medical students. Theproblem to adapt to new environment is the most common cause of stress occuring on first grade medicalstudents. Stress can become negative effect to person. The aim of this study was to understand the stresslevels on first grade medical students of Faculty of Medicine, University of Riau. This study used descriptivedesign with cross-sectional approach. Samples in this study were 166, using total sampling technique. Datawas accumulated by using Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire (MSSQ) that had been modified forstress levels. The results showed that 57.23% had moderate stress levels with stressors related academicand stressors related teaching-learning relationship as the highest stressors.
Prevalence of stress occasion on medical students is pretty high, especially first grade medical ... more Prevalence of stress occasion on medical students is pretty high, especially first grade medical students. Problems of adaptation to new environment are the most common cause of stress occuring on first grade medical students. Stress can become negative effect for individual. Various strategies of stress management were done to reduce stress, one of them was exercise. Routine exercise can reduce incidence and severity of mood disorders related to stress. This study was aimed to understand the correlation between exercise habits and stress levels on first grade medical students of Faculty of Medicine, University of Riau. This study used analytic design with cross-sectional approach. Study samples were 166 samples using total sampling technique. Data were accumulated using Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire (MSSQ) that had been modified for stress levels and exercise habits questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed using Chi Square test and obtained a value of p=0,045 (p<0...
Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, 2021
Public-Private Mix (PPM) is a strategy implemented in countries with a high burden of tuberculosi... more Public-Private Mix (PPM) is a strategy implemented in countries with a high burden of tuberculosis, including Indonesia. This study aims to identify PPM implementation at the Puskesmas and the success of the TB control program at the Puskesmas that have implemented the PPM strategy. The research was conducted in 2019 in Pekanbaru Municipality. It was an observational study that collected quantitative and qualitative data. The implementation of PPM was assessed through guided interviews. The success of the Tuberculosis control program was assessed through the Case Notification Rate and Success Rate using secondary data from 2010 to 2017. The results showed that PPM had been implemented in six health centers in Pekanbaru. However, there were obstacles such as a lack of human resources, NGOs, private clinics, and local governments. The Case Notification Rate and Success Rate showed an increasing trend after the PPM implementation. However, these indicators had not yet reached the natio...
Cassava is one of the foodstuffs whose role is quite important in supporting the food security of... more Cassava is one of the foodstuffs whose role is quite important in supporting the food security of a region, but the diversification of food made from cassava still needs to be improved. Health responsibility in the implementation of food security is carried out by compiling reference standards and technical health requirements throughout the food chain process, the principles of Sanitation Hygiene. Sialang Sakti is one of the sub-districts in Tenayan Raya District and is one of the potential cassava producing villages to be developed. The purpose of the service activities included ordering farmer groups that focus on the environment which also functions as a promotion forum for the Healthy Living Movement. Activities carried out in the form of advocacy to related parties, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), ordering farmer groups, trainings, and other activities to support efforts to promote the healthy community movement. The result of the activity was the formation of farmer groups that...
Proceedings of the 1st International Integrative Conference on Health, Life and Social Sciences (ICHLaS 2017), 2017
WHO recommends for training students in family settings, but its implementation is still challeng... more WHO recommends for training students in family settings, but its implementation is still challenging. This study was aimed to evaluate learning in family setting with home visit model. One hundred and ten preclinical students of sixth semester were participated in this study. A post-test only control group design was performed to compare the impact of teaching family medicine using home visit model and a combination of lecture and lab exercises. Outputs were assessed using a questionnaire, communication skill test, written test, and focus group discussions. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. S tudents' satisfaction were higher among students learning through home visits model, The doctor-patient communication skills of family medicine approach showed no significant difference between the two study groups but the qualitative data showed positive impact in communication skills of the home visit groups. The ability to plan management of patients with a family medicine approach among home visits groups was significantly higher, Several themes related to home visits that require attention include the advantages, learning experiences, feasibility and challenges of home visit. Home visit method trains students about patient physician communication as well as explore the aspects of social behavior through the observation of house, family, and environment. It also provides a good understanding of the psychosocial and medical aspects for the treatment of chronic diseases, and increases empathy in students. Home visits improved preclinical students' satisfaction and ability in planning patient management with family medicine approach.
Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit yang memerlukan terapi jangka panjang dan dapat menimbulkan k... more Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit yang memerlukan terapi jangka panjang dan dapat menimbulkan komplikasi di berbagai organ. Pengetahuan merupakan faktor penting untuk terbentuknya perilaku kesehatan yang baik termasuk dalam kepatuhan minum obat. Tujuan: Mendapatkan gambaran tentang korelasi antara pengetahuan dan kepatuhan minum obat pasien DM tipe 2 di Puskesmas Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis. Metode: Studi observasional dengan desain crosssectional dilakukan pada pasien diabetes melitus (DM) Tipe 2 di Puskesmas Mandau. Responden penelitian adalah 40 orang pasien yang terpilih dan bersedia berpartisipasi. Tingkat pengetahuan dan kepatuhan minum obat diukur menggunakan Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ-24) dan Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) yang sudah tervalidasi. Uji Spearman dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan pasien dan kepatuhan minumobat. Hasil: Pengetahuan pasien DM Tipe 2 75% berada pada tingkat sedang dan 50% berada pada tingkat kepatuh...
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that has 2 main targets of treatment, keeping the glucos... more Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that has 2 main targets of treatment, keeping the glucose levels within normalrange, and preventing complications. The purposed of this research is to know the description of blood glucosemonitoring consisting of fasting blood glucose, HbA1C, and self monitoring blood glucose (SMBG). This was aqualitative research by using observation method and deep interview to ten informant. The results showed thecheckup of fasting blood glucose levels have been going well with some obstacles, for instance, running out ofglucose strips. Puskesmas ‘X’ did not perform HbA1C checkup due to unavailability of laboratory equipment. OverallDM patients did not perform SMBG because they did not have the device, but the researchers obtained one patientwho had a device at home, but the patient still chose to check his blood glucose at the puskesmas because the lowknowledge of the patient to perform SMBG.
The number of boiler chicken farm located in the community felt starting to annoy people, especia... more The number of boiler chicken farm located in the community felt starting to annoy people, especially the chicken farm located close to residential areas. Many people complained about the bad effects of the operations of the boiler chicken farm because there are many farmers who ignore the handling of waste of effort. The impact that can arise is the smell of chicken farms, the emergence of flies and fears spread of bird flu virus. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the sewage smell chicken farm on the incidence of psychosomatic symptoms in a residential community surrounding villages cage Sei Lembu Makmur 2014. The design of this study analytic observational, cross-sectional study approach. This research was conducted in the month of January to August 2014. The sample in this study that people around the cage which amounts to 43 respondents. Data was collected through questionnaires and a doctor's diagnosis. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis were processed using the computerized system and Lambda test. The results showed that respondents ammonia contaminated and uncontaminated 21 people 22 people (51.2 %), which has a disturbing perception as many as 23 people (53.5 %) and did not interfere with 20 people (46.5 %) and respondents who had psychosomatic disorders is 13 people (30.2 %) and not psychosomatic 30 people (69.8%) .Based Lambda test showed that there was no relationship between the concentration of ammonia with psychosomatic disorders in settlements around the cage Sei Lembu Makmur (p = 1.000> 0.05) and there was no relationship between perception and psychosomatic disorders in the settlements around the cage Sei Lembu Makmur (p = 0.462> 0.05). For the people around the cage explain to the public that air pollution by ammonia due to the smell of the chicken coop with the highest ammonia concentration of 3.32 ppm which means no influence posed to human health.
The existence of larva an indicator of the spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in a place th... more The existence of larva an indicator of the spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in a place that is measured with Density Figure of Larvae (DF). The increase in the number of dengue cases supported by the low of DF is influenced by several factors such as the physical environment, the behavior of governance of water reservoirs and population density. DF of Larvae in District Payung Sekaki in 2015 by 70%, which is still far below the national standard that is above 95%. This allows opportunities incidence of dengue and dengue virus transmission in these districts will remain high in the next year, especially in the five-year cycle of dengue. This study aimed to analyze the effect of directly and indirectly between the physical environment (rainfall, temperature, humidity, type of container and the presence of the container), the behavior of governance of water reservoirs and population density of the existence of larva, and analyze the effect of the presence of larvae of Aedes aeg...
People in the village Ranah Singkuang who do not have family toilets still use the land, shrubs a... more People in the village Ranah Singkuang who do not have family toilets still use the land, shrubs and streams to defecate, it was incompatible with the rules of health, so that they can transmit diseases and health problems. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between education, knowledge, attitudes, conditions of latrines and the role of extension with the participation of the community in the use of family latrines in the village of Ranah Singkuang Kampar by using Analytic Survey method with cross sectional design. Research conducted on 64 samples of defined population of 149 people in the village of Ranah Singkuang Kampar district in Riau province. Research shows that education, knowledge and attitudes as predisposing factors have the meaningful relationships with community participation in the use of household toilets, attitude is the most influential factor in which a good attitude will affect eight times participated both in the use of household toilets. As well as enab...
Healthcare development contributing positive outcome on public health status, but on the other si... more Healthcare development contributing positive outcome on public health status, but on the other side, medical waste existence become a troublesome as long as increased medical healthcare quantity particularly private dental healthcare. The amount of improperly managed medical wastes become accumulated and causing widespread pollution. The roblem of this study is improperly managed medical waste getting more increased causing widespread pollution. Even though 15-25 % of this contamination were categorized as hazardous waste, the risk is much greater. The purpose of this study was to analyze the number and types of private healthcare medical waste and its potential pollution. This study used descriptive qualitative with interviews and observations after conducting a survey of calculating the number and identification of medical waste types produced by private dental healthcare in Pekanbaru. The results showed 69% of infectious, 27% toxic, and 4% radioactive wastes. The presence of this...
Abstrak: The workers in clinical laboratories were suspected to always threatened a number of ris... more Abstrak: The workers in clinical laboratories were suspected to always threatened a number of risks and potential accidents due to the interaction between the labor, equipment, materials and labor and environmental situation in it. In addition, the lack of understanding and awareness of companies/agencies and workers to anticipated and managed the potential risks in the laboratory in accordance with established standards. Research has been conducted in nine private clinical laboratories from February to December 2014 with 39 respondents of laboratory workers. This research was a quantitative study which using observational design. Data collection techniques in this research was using interviews, direct observation and questionnaires which distributed to the management of clinical laboratory and clinical laboratory workers. The quality of the clinical laboratory in Pekanbaru city of fair quality were three of eight laboratories. The results of clinical laboratory management signified...
The purpose of community service was to increase community participation in the prevention and tr... more The purpose of community service was to increase community participation in the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) through training of health cadres and the establishment of village TB posts in the working area of Sentajo Raya health centre. The activity method in the form of TB cadre training, the establishment of a Village TB Post and monitoring evaluation. The results of this activity were 30 people who had received training and were appointed as TB cadres. All TB cadres get TB module books, cadre pocketbooks and certificates. TB cadres must be able to play a role in the prevention and treatment of TB in their respective villages. The establishment of the first village TB post in the working area of Sentajo Raya Health Center was Pulau Kopung Sentajo Village. In the monitoring and evaluation activities of Pulau Kopung village Sentajo, a village TB post was formed in the "Village Population Activity Corner". Discussions with cadres and village heads were condu...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2019
BACKGROUND: Medical waste is a problem when its amount is accumulated as well as the way the priv... more BACKGROUND: Medical waste is a problem when its amount is accumulated as well as the way the private dental healthcare still manages improperly. AIM: This study aims to define types and the number of medical wastes, also to analyse behaviour toward waste management and its associated factors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The research used a quantitative analytic approach and cross-sectional design with 149 private dental practice populations in total. There were 60 dentists obtained using systematic random sampling in Pekanbaru. Data processed by conducting summation medical waste and counting the percentage of behaviour’s variables. Data collected within 20 days were processed with dental waste laboratory tests and chi-square analysis. RESULTS: The result showed that dental, medical wastes average was 0.3 ± 0.07 kg/day which is 69% infectious, 27% toxic, and 4% radioactive. Overall results showed associated factors related to waste management behaviour were knowledge, training attainment,...
Pre survey results at several junior high schools in Indragiri Hulu show that the schools were la... more Pre survey results at several junior high schools in Indragiri Hulu show that the schools were lack of knowledge and awareness on a green and healthy school. Besides, the lack of attention and support from related parties such as health and education agencies in providing information, promotion and motivation for the implementation of green school and the healthy school. The research was conducted from May to November 2014 that aimed to analyze the knowledge and attitude of the school community as well as the development of green school and healthy school in junior high schools in Lubuk Batu Jaya sub district Indragiri Hulu district Riau Province. The research was conducted using a survey method for the implementation of green school and healthy school. Data collection techniques were observation, questionnaires and interviews. Analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. The results obtained from this research were that junior high schools community in Lubuk Batu Jaya sub district Indragiri Hulu district Riau province have a high knowledge and good attitude towards the development of a green school and healthy school. SMP Negeri 1 of Lubuk Batu Jaya sub district Indragiri Hulu district Riau Province has not met the criteria of green school development program and healthy school.
The try out of UKMPPD is an effort to measure student's abilities and can provide an overview abo... more The try out of UKMPPD is an effort to measure student's abilities and can provide an overview about competence that have been achieved and become one into consideration for students to optimizing their attempt and effort to graduate with good grades. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relation between try out and CBT of UKMPPD results. This type of research is a correlation analytic with cross sectional approach. The data of this study were the test score of the try out and CBT UKMPPD in 2019 which total about 105. The results of this study have a significant relationship with the p value of 0.000 (<0.05) between the try out UKMPPD value and the CBT UKMPPD value. The strength of the correlation obtained is very strong at 0.75 and the direction is positive. This shows that there is a significant relationship between the try out UKMPPD score and the CBT UKMPPD score.
Pengembangan latihan fisik atlet Dayung di desa Buluhcina Kabupaten Kampar masih perlu dilakukan,... more Pengembangan latihan fisik atlet Dayung di desa Buluhcina Kabupaten Kampar masih perlu dilakukan, khususnya pada pandemi covid-19 tahun 2020. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah mengembangkan latihan fisik untuk kebugaran atlet Dayung, terutama selama masa pandemi covid-19. Metode pengabdian yang dilakukan edukasi melalui ceramah tanya jawab disertai simulasi dan demonstrasi serta optimalisasi pengembangan latihan fisik. Kegiatan pengabdian ini telah dilakukan dengan selalu memperhatikan protokol kesehatan pada masa pandemi covid-19. Hasil yang telah didapat antara lain meningkatnya pengetahuan atlet, meningkatkan keterampilan dan motivasi atlet untuk tetap melakukan latihan fisik selama covid-19. Kegiatan ini juga telah memfasilitasi pengembangan sarana untuk kebugaran fisik atlet. Simpulan kegiatan ini adalah pengambangan latihan fisik untuk kebugaran atlet dengan metode pengabdian masyarakat ini telah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan mengoptimalkan sarana kebugaran atlet Dayung.
Cassava is one of the foodstuffs that have an important role in supporting food security in a reg... more Cassava is one of the foodstuffs that have an important role in supporting food security in a region, but not many people are interested in focusing on developing cassava. Health responsibility in the implementation of food security is embodied in the standard reference and technical health requirements throughout the food management process, the principles of Sanitation Hygiene. Sialang Sakti is one of the sub-districts in Tenayan Raya Subdistrict. It is one of the potential cassava-producing villages to be developed. The purpose of the service activities includes ordering farmer groups that focus on cassava as an effort to food security and the family economy. Activities carried out include advocacy to related parties, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), ordering farmer groups, training, and other activities to support the management and use of cassava as a source of the family's economy. The result of this activity is the formation of farmer groups that focus on the community, inc...
The existence of larva an indicator of the spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in a place th... more The existence of larva an indicator of the spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in a place that is measured with Density Figure of Larvae (DF). The increase in the number of dengue cases supported by the low of DF is influenced by several factors such as the physical environment, the behavior of governance of water reservoirs and population density. DF of Larvae in District Payung Sekaki in 2015 by 70%, which is still far below the national standard that is above 95%. This allows opportunities incidence of dengue and dengue virus transmission in these districts will remain high in the next year, especially in the five-year cycle of dengue. This study aimed to analyze the effect of directly and indirectly between the physical environment (rainfall, temperature, humidity, type of container and the presence of the container), the behavior of governance of water reservoirs and population density of the existence of larva, and analyze the effect of the presence of larvae of Aedes aeg...
The prevalence of stress on medical students is very high, especially on first grade medical stud... more The prevalence of stress on medical students is very high, especially on first grade medical students. Theproblem to adapt to new environment is the most common cause of stress occuring on first grade medicalstudents. Stress can become negative effect to person. The aim of this study was to understand the stresslevels on first grade medical students of Faculty of Medicine, University of Riau. This study used descriptivedesign with cross-sectional approach. Samples in this study were 166, using total sampling technique. Datawas accumulated by using Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire (MSSQ) that had been modified forstress levels. The results showed that 57.23% had moderate stress levels with stressors related academicand stressors related teaching-learning relationship as the highest stressors.
Prevalence of stress occasion on medical students is pretty high, especially first grade medical ... more Prevalence of stress occasion on medical students is pretty high, especially first grade medical students. Problems of adaptation to new environment are the most common cause of stress occuring on first grade medical students. Stress can become negative effect for individual. Various strategies of stress management were done to reduce stress, one of them was exercise. Routine exercise can reduce incidence and severity of mood disorders related to stress. This study was aimed to understand the correlation between exercise habits and stress levels on first grade medical students of Faculty of Medicine, University of Riau. This study used analytic design with cross-sectional approach. Study samples were 166 samples using total sampling technique. Data were accumulated using Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire (MSSQ) that had been modified for stress levels and exercise habits questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed using Chi Square test and obtained a value of p=0,045 (p<0...
Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, 2021
Public-Private Mix (PPM) is a strategy implemented in countries with a high burden of tuberculosi... more Public-Private Mix (PPM) is a strategy implemented in countries with a high burden of tuberculosis, including Indonesia. This study aims to identify PPM implementation at the Puskesmas and the success of the TB control program at the Puskesmas that have implemented the PPM strategy. The research was conducted in 2019 in Pekanbaru Municipality. It was an observational study that collected quantitative and qualitative data. The implementation of PPM was assessed through guided interviews. The success of the Tuberculosis control program was assessed through the Case Notification Rate and Success Rate using secondary data from 2010 to 2017. The results showed that PPM had been implemented in six health centers in Pekanbaru. However, there were obstacles such as a lack of human resources, NGOs, private clinics, and local governments. The Case Notification Rate and Success Rate showed an increasing trend after the PPM implementation. However, these indicators had not yet reached the natio...
Cassava is one of the foodstuffs whose role is quite important in supporting the food security of... more Cassava is one of the foodstuffs whose role is quite important in supporting the food security of a region, but the diversification of food made from cassava still needs to be improved. Health responsibility in the implementation of food security is carried out by compiling reference standards and technical health requirements throughout the food chain process, the principles of Sanitation Hygiene. Sialang Sakti is one of the sub-districts in Tenayan Raya District and is one of the potential cassava producing villages to be developed. The purpose of the service activities included ordering farmer groups that focus on the environment which also functions as a promotion forum for the Healthy Living Movement. Activities carried out in the form of advocacy to related parties, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), ordering farmer groups, trainings, and other activities to support efforts to promote the healthy community movement. The result of the activity was the formation of farmer groups that...
Proceedings of the 1st International Integrative Conference on Health, Life and Social Sciences (ICHLaS 2017), 2017
WHO recommends for training students in family settings, but its implementation is still challeng... more WHO recommends for training students in family settings, but its implementation is still challenging. This study was aimed to evaluate learning in family setting with home visit model. One hundred and ten preclinical students of sixth semester were participated in this study. A post-test only control group design was performed to compare the impact of teaching family medicine using home visit model and a combination of lecture and lab exercises. Outputs were assessed using a questionnaire, communication skill test, written test, and focus group discussions. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. S tudents' satisfaction were higher among students learning through home visits model, The doctor-patient communication skills of family medicine approach showed no significant difference between the two study groups but the qualitative data showed positive impact in communication skills of the home visit groups. The ability to plan management of patients with a family medicine approach among home visits groups was significantly higher, Several themes related to home visits that require attention include the advantages, learning experiences, feasibility and challenges of home visit. Home visit method trains students about patient physician communication as well as explore the aspects of social behavior through the observation of house, family, and environment. It also provides a good understanding of the psychosocial and medical aspects for the treatment of chronic diseases, and increases empathy in students. Home visits improved preclinical students' satisfaction and ability in planning patient management with family medicine approach.
Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit yang memerlukan terapi jangka panjang dan dapat menimbulkan k... more Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit yang memerlukan terapi jangka panjang dan dapat menimbulkan komplikasi di berbagai organ. Pengetahuan merupakan faktor penting untuk terbentuknya perilaku kesehatan yang baik termasuk dalam kepatuhan minum obat. Tujuan: Mendapatkan gambaran tentang korelasi antara pengetahuan dan kepatuhan minum obat pasien DM tipe 2 di Puskesmas Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis. Metode: Studi observasional dengan desain crosssectional dilakukan pada pasien diabetes melitus (DM) Tipe 2 di Puskesmas Mandau. Responden penelitian adalah 40 orang pasien yang terpilih dan bersedia berpartisipasi. Tingkat pengetahuan dan kepatuhan minum obat diukur menggunakan Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ-24) dan Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) yang sudah tervalidasi. Uji Spearman dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan pasien dan kepatuhan minumobat. Hasil: Pengetahuan pasien DM Tipe 2 75% berada pada tingkat sedang dan 50% berada pada tingkat kepatuh...
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that has 2 main targets of treatment, keeping the glucos... more Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that has 2 main targets of treatment, keeping the glucose levels within normalrange, and preventing complications. The purposed of this research is to know the description of blood glucosemonitoring consisting of fasting blood glucose, HbA1C, and self monitoring blood glucose (SMBG). This was aqualitative research by using observation method and deep interview to ten informant. The results showed thecheckup of fasting blood glucose levels have been going well with some obstacles, for instance, running out ofglucose strips. Puskesmas ‘X’ did not perform HbA1C checkup due to unavailability of laboratory equipment. OverallDM patients did not perform SMBG because they did not have the device, but the researchers obtained one patientwho had a device at home, but the patient still chose to check his blood glucose at the puskesmas because the lowknowledge of the patient to perform SMBG.
The number of boiler chicken farm located in the community felt starting to annoy people, especia... more The number of boiler chicken farm located in the community felt starting to annoy people, especially the chicken farm located close to residential areas. Many people complained about the bad effects of the operations of the boiler chicken farm because there are many farmers who ignore the handling of waste of effort. The impact that can arise is the smell of chicken farms, the emergence of flies and fears spread of bird flu virus. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the sewage smell chicken farm on the incidence of psychosomatic symptoms in a residential community surrounding villages cage Sei Lembu Makmur 2014. The design of this study analytic observational, cross-sectional study approach. This research was conducted in the month of January to August 2014. The sample in this study that people around the cage which amounts to 43 respondents. Data was collected through questionnaires and a doctor's diagnosis. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis were processed using the computerized system and Lambda test. The results showed that respondents ammonia contaminated and uncontaminated 21 people 22 people (51.2 %), which has a disturbing perception as many as 23 people (53.5 %) and did not interfere with 20 people (46.5 %) and respondents who had psychosomatic disorders is 13 people (30.2 %) and not psychosomatic 30 people (69.8%) .Based Lambda test showed that there was no relationship between the concentration of ammonia with psychosomatic disorders in settlements around the cage Sei Lembu Makmur (p = 1.000> 0.05) and there was no relationship between perception and psychosomatic disorders in the settlements around the cage Sei Lembu Makmur (p = 0.462> 0.05). For the people around the cage explain to the public that air pollution by ammonia due to the smell of the chicken coop with the highest ammonia concentration of 3.32 ppm which means no influence posed to human health.
The existence of larva an indicator of the spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in a place th... more The existence of larva an indicator of the spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in a place that is measured with Density Figure of Larvae (DF). The increase in the number of dengue cases supported by the low of DF is influenced by several factors such as the physical environment, the behavior of governance of water reservoirs and population density. DF of Larvae in District Payung Sekaki in 2015 by 70%, which is still far below the national standard that is above 95%. This allows opportunities incidence of dengue and dengue virus transmission in these districts will remain high in the next year, especially in the five-year cycle of dengue. This study aimed to analyze the effect of directly and indirectly between the physical environment (rainfall, temperature, humidity, type of container and the presence of the container), the behavior of governance of water reservoirs and population density of the existence of larva, and analyze the effect of the presence of larvae of Aedes aeg...
People in the village Ranah Singkuang who do not have family toilets still use the land, shrubs a... more People in the village Ranah Singkuang who do not have family toilets still use the land, shrubs and streams to defecate, it was incompatible with the rules of health, so that they can transmit diseases and health problems. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between education, knowledge, attitudes, conditions of latrines and the role of extension with the participation of the community in the use of family latrines in the village of Ranah Singkuang Kampar by using Analytic Survey method with cross sectional design. Research conducted on 64 samples of defined population of 149 people in the village of Ranah Singkuang Kampar district in Riau province. Research shows that education, knowledge and attitudes as predisposing factors have the meaningful relationships with community participation in the use of household toilets, attitude is the most influential factor in which a good attitude will affect eight times participated both in the use of household toilets. As well as enab...
Healthcare development contributing positive outcome on public health status, but on the other si... more Healthcare development contributing positive outcome on public health status, but on the other side, medical waste existence become a troublesome as long as increased medical healthcare quantity particularly private dental healthcare. The amount of improperly managed medical wastes become accumulated and causing widespread pollution. The roblem of this study is improperly managed medical waste getting more increased causing widespread pollution. Even though 15-25 % of this contamination were categorized as hazardous waste, the risk is much greater. The purpose of this study was to analyze the number and types of private healthcare medical waste and its potential pollution. This study used descriptive qualitative with interviews and observations after conducting a survey of calculating the number and identification of medical waste types produced by private dental healthcare in Pekanbaru. The results showed 69% of infectious, 27% toxic, and 4% radioactive wastes. The presence of this...
Abstrak: The workers in clinical laboratories were suspected to always threatened a number of ris... more Abstrak: The workers in clinical laboratories were suspected to always threatened a number of risks and potential accidents due to the interaction between the labor, equipment, materials and labor and environmental situation in it. In addition, the lack of understanding and awareness of companies/agencies and workers to anticipated and managed the potential risks in the laboratory in accordance with established standards. Research has been conducted in nine private clinical laboratories from February to December 2014 with 39 respondents of laboratory workers. This research was a quantitative study which using observational design. Data collection techniques in this research was using interviews, direct observation and questionnaires which distributed to the management of clinical laboratory and clinical laboratory workers. The quality of the clinical laboratory in Pekanbaru city of fair quality were three of eight laboratories. The results of clinical laboratory management signified...
The purpose of community service was to increase community participation in the prevention and tr... more The purpose of community service was to increase community participation in the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) through training of health cadres and the establishment of village TB posts in the working area of Sentajo Raya health centre. The activity method in the form of TB cadre training, the establishment of a Village TB Post and monitoring evaluation. The results of this activity were 30 people who had received training and were appointed as TB cadres. All TB cadres get TB module books, cadre pocketbooks and certificates. TB cadres must be able to play a role in the prevention and treatment of TB in their respective villages. The establishment of the first village TB post in the working area of Sentajo Raya Health Center was Pulau Kopung Sentajo Village. In the monitoring and evaluation activities of Pulau Kopung village Sentajo, a village TB post was formed in the "Village Population Activity Corner". Discussions with cadres and village heads were condu...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2019
BACKGROUND: Medical waste is a problem when its amount is accumulated as well as the way the priv... more BACKGROUND: Medical waste is a problem when its amount is accumulated as well as the way the private dental healthcare still manages improperly. AIM: This study aims to define types and the number of medical wastes, also to analyse behaviour toward waste management and its associated factors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The research used a quantitative analytic approach and cross-sectional design with 149 private dental practice populations in total. There were 60 dentists obtained using systematic random sampling in Pekanbaru. Data processed by conducting summation medical waste and counting the percentage of behaviour’s variables. Data collected within 20 days were processed with dental waste laboratory tests and chi-square analysis. RESULTS: The result showed that dental, medical wastes average was 0.3 ± 0.07 kg/day which is 69% infectious, 27% toxic, and 4% radioactive. Overall results showed associated factors related to waste management behaviour were knowledge, training attainment,...
Papers by elda nazriati