You can request the removal of non-video content, such as a channel banner image, if you believe this content infringes on your copyright. If the content is removed, a copyright strike is applied to the uploader's channel.
To submit a copyright removal request for non-video content, you must include the required info listed below. Without this info, we can’t proceed with your request.
Submit this info in the body of an email (not in an attachment) to [email protected] or via fax or postal mail.
- You can’t submit a copyright removal request for an entire channel. But, if you believe that channel elements, such as a channel’s description, infringe on your copyright, you can submit a removal request following the requirements below.
- For videos, the easiest way to request the removal of a video you believe infringes on your copyright is by using our webform. Our webform doesn’t support requests to remove non-video content.
Submit the following required info in the body of an email (not in an attachment) to [email protected] or via fax or postal mail:
1. Your contact info
YouTube and the uploader of the content you’re requesting to remove may need to get in touch with you about your request. In your request, include one or more of the following:
- Your email address
- Your physical address
- Your telephone number
2. Description of your copyrighted work
In your request, make sure you clearly and completely describe your copyrighted non-video content you’re trying to protect.
If you believe more than one of your copyrighted works have been infringed, the law allows a representative list of these works to be included in your request.
3. Specific URLs of the content in question
Your request must include specific links to the non-video content you believe infringes your rights. Links must be sent in a specific URL format. General information such as channel name or channel URL is not adequate.
Find the valid URL formats for reporting allegedly infringing non-video content below:
Content type | Valid URL format | Where to find the URL |
Channel banner images | OR |
Go to the channel page |
Channel descriptions | |
Go to channel's About section |
Clips | | Click the clip's title |
Video Comments | | Click the posted date above the comment (page will reload) |
Post Comments | | Click the posted date above the comment (page will reload) |
Posts | | Click the posted date of the post (page will reload) |
Effects | Keep in mind:
Click the Effect chip, located above the channel name in the Short |
Membership badges, emoji, or creator's perk descriptions | Beginning with | Right-click the image |
Also include the channel URL: OR |
Go to the channel page |
Playables | | Go to the game page |
Playlist descriptions | |
Click the playlist title |
Playlist Image | Beginning with | Right-click the image |
Also include the playlist URL: |
Click the playlist title |
Profile pictures |
Super Stickers | Beginning with | Click the dollar sign |
Also include the channel URL: OR |
Go to the channel page |
4. Agree to and include the following two statements:
“I have a good faith belief that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.”
"The information in this notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, I am the owner, or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.”
5. Your signature
Complete removal requests need the physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or an agent authorized to act on their behalf.
To meet this requirement, the copyright owner or authorized agent may enter their full legal name as their signature at the bottom of the request. A full legal name should be a first and last name, not a company name.