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How to allow Wireguard with firewalld?

I'm stuck at the most basic step, which is configuring PC2 ( in order to allow connections from PC1 ( Just a simple connection, no VPN or anything like that, for now. I am using ...
hadtrent's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

wireguard /usr/sbin/resolvconf: Permission denied when running wg-quick up

I get an error /usr/sbin/resolvconf: Permission denied running the command sudo wg-quick up <config> on Fedora 33 Kernel 5.11.12-200. Any suggestions as to how I might fix this? The command IS ...
Andrew Delphiki's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Setting up rules in firewalld to allow clients in the same VPN subnet to communicate

I am trying to setup a Wireguard VPN on a Fedora server. I have it up and running and can connect with multiple clients, browse through it, ssh into the server etc. In general it just works. Except ...
user2858835's user avatar