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Client VPN Issue - Cannot Ping or RDP to any servers

this is my first post and I always come here for info but I have yet to solve this issue. I have a VPN client installed on my local machine here at home. I fire the client up and authenticate to the ...
danker00's user avatar
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How can a DNS server change user's IP?

For example User A's WAN IP is, When the user sets up this particular DNS server in his router or inside his operating system's IPv4 settings, his WAN IP will change to something else for ...
Shayan's user avatar
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DNS Tunneling vs Proxy vs VPN?

I looked around but I couldn't find anything that would fully answer this. So, what are the differences? Also, by proxy I mean either HTTP or SOCKS.
Mark Read's user avatar
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VPN split tunnel force specific domains to go to VPN

I have a VPN server that I am connecting to on Windows 10 (pretend it is Win8) via a split tunnel. There are some domains, let's call them and, that I want to connect ...
Mathew Kirschbaum's user avatar
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DNS Lookup over SSH Tunnel

On Linux or Mac OS X how can I perform DNS lookups over an established SSH Tunnel? How can I restrict DNS lookups of the form * Can I redirect all attempts to access domains of the ...
swidnikk's user avatar
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