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How to play 8 different video files with 8 different laptops starting at the exact same time?

I have a project where I need to play 8 different video files on 8 TVs all in sync. I was wondering if I could somehow use 8 laptops and sync them?
john h's user avatar
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How to seek only video with external audio in mplayer?

I have a separate video and audio file. The audio basically would cover only a part of the video. They differ greatly in length with the video being much longer. (My video is several hours long while ...
n611x007's user avatar
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ffmpeg shortening calculated video run time

I have an image sequence of 5,664 .tga images which are to be played at 24fps (so 236 seconds) and an audio ac3 file which I edited to be exactly 236 seconds (plus minus 0.01s) in length. I used the ...
jla's user avatar
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