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How to use ciscodump?

In wireshark, there is this option called Cisco remote capture: ciscodump, which, from my understanding, should enable to do a tcpdump on a cisco router (for example) via SSH and get back the results ...
user1741932's user avatar
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improve TCPDUMP performance while capturing big amount of traffic

so I'm sending to some machine of mine ~2gbps of small packets (around 3.8 million packets per sec). the machine have a tcpdump process that writes to a file running continuously without any filters. ...
yogev123's user avatar
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tcpdump: (all BPF devices are busy) - How to solve this

I was running tcpdump and then after some time I got this error: tcpdump: (all BPF devices are busy) I am not sure why? I killed all tcpdump processes, in case that this had something to do with it, ...
user3755632's user avatar
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TcpDump capture stops after few minutes. (Windows)

I'm trying to capture all my networking with tcpdump. I'm using tcpdump.exe -i {} -W 5 -C 10 -w capfile. After 10 mints (+-) the capture stopped for some reason, and tcpdump is still running. Maybe ...
John B. Burns's user avatar
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how to program tcpdump to only capture packets and nothing else

I am developing a program where a .pcap file is going to be an input. However, when I run tcpdump -w someFile.pcap ,in Terminal, the .pcap file captures extra data such as timestamp, microseconds, ...
Sam's user avatar
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Tcpdump or similar - How can I only capture one instance of each packet destination and port?

I want to leave something like tcpdump running for up to a week and therefore make its output as concise as possible to reduce file size and speed up post-capture analysis. All I need to to do is log ...
Darren's user avatar
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How to capture network traffic periodically, with every capture file containing full network flows

I need to dump network flow periodically on a Linux platform, ideally using the command line interface (i.e., non-GUI tools), and I want every capture file (pcap files) to contain complete flows. How ...
razieh babaee's user avatar
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tcpreplay does not work

I have a problem with tcpreplay and hostapd, this is my scenario: a client connects to and /CLOSE and processes a GET request to a server that lights up or down a Led. I made a Java ...
ScazzoMatto's user avatar
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How do I find out to what hostname a potential malware wants to connect?

Without connecting my computer to Internet. I can only think about netstat and packet capturing tools, but I dont really know which method is suitable.
user1861388's user avatar
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monitor and log LAN network traffic on CentOS 6.x

I've been fiddling with this one for almost a week now. My setup is: LAN (windows/linux PCs/servers) <-> CentOS gateway/firewall box <-> ISP I'm trying to setup a monitoring solution which ...
ciuly's user avatar
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4 votes
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why am I not seeing traffic using TCPDUMP while sniffing on wireless interface with the station in WDS mode

I've 2 wireless interfaces one has the type of AP and the other has the type monitor. the AP is attached to a bridge br-lan. When I run for example: tcpdump port 5201 -s 0 -ni wlan0 TCPdump is not ...
Alberto's user avatar
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Is there a way to limit number of packet captures with tcpflow?

I want to limit the number of captured packets, such as: tcpdump -c 20 I want to use tcpflow instead. Is this possible? The console throws a syntax error using tcpflow with the -c parameter. edit - ...
dudeabides's user avatar
2 votes
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Program to record data transmission between two computers using a TCP port

I am looking for a way to view data being transmitted over a TCP port between two computers. Is there a software package that allows this? I suppose I could script something to re-route data coming ...
Richard's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to make tcpdump (or other tool) to actually dump TCP stream?

I expect something like this: $ nc 80 GET / HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.0 500 K.O. Content-Type: application/null Content-Length: -1 $ Meanwhile: # tcpdump -i eth0 --actually-dump-all-tcp 217.21....
Vi.'s user avatar
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How to capture last N seconds of packets using tcpdump

How can I capture the last N seconds of packets using tcpdump?
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tcpdump not showing all packets? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: my tcpdump always filters packets? I've been using tcpdump for about a month now, and recently, it has stopped capturing any packets that were not sent to or from the computer ...
Richard Calahan's user avatar
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tcpdump missing on Cygwin v1.7.7 for packet sniffing

I am trying to debug why my TCP packets are truncated. I see that only the first 24 bytes of each packet are showing up in my program. The 25th through 28th bytes are scrambled and all others after ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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