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Change date format in PowerShell Export SQL to CSV script

I have a PowerShell script which exports several tables at once. The script works as a charm, but only i can't change the date formatting of the dates. A few fields concern dates as defined in SQL, ...
Dubblej's user avatar
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How To Export Large CSV File From SAS Viya

I have a large CSV file of about 7 million observations that i want to export from SAS Viya. The problem is that SAS viya doesn't allow me to do so because it is too large. So I had to divide it into "...
DouL's user avatar
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load csv file into mysql using batch?

I am looking for help to load a .csv file into MySQL Server using batch and I have few basic questions. Issues: 1) The CSV file data may have , (comma) in between (Ex: description), so how can I ...
seepana avinash's user avatar
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Invalid field count in CSV input on line XX in phpmyadmin?

I have a 16MB CSV file with 50,000 lines that I want to import into my database. I go to the PHPMyAdmin-Interface, choose IMPORT and set the correct options. The import fails with the error Invalid ...
user3877230's user avatar
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How come using import SQL only works if the insert script is the only script in the SQL pane?

I am going to take a shot here and hope that some of you in superuser actually use SQLA (SQL Assistant). When you set File > Import Data so that you can execute insert into mydb.mytable (?,?,?,?); ...
oscilatingcretin's user avatar
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How to use the current date as an argument?

I have a batch script which extract SQL data to CSV file: bcp Database.dbo.MyTable out C:\Reports\Output.csv -s ServerName -T -c I need the name of the output file to contain the current date. For ...
Anna's user avatar
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21 answers

Querying a CSV file

Does anyone know of a simple tool that will open up a CSV file and let you do basic, SQLesque queries on it? Like a graphical tool of sorts, one that is easy to use. I know I could write a small ...
J. Polfer's user avatar
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