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2 answers

How can I change the default (system) search engine for windows 10?

I would like to change the default system search engine from Bing to Google. I don't mean the default search engine of any browser, but the search engine that is used when searching in the windows ...
Ynir Paz's user avatar
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How to create a default Google query string

I'm not very technically-minded, but looking for a way to simplify some work processes. Is there a way to create a specific Google query string that I can operate by default? As a (very) crude example ...
callmefred's user avatar
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Bing search: Exact sentence with quotation marks

I using for searching some text in the internet. In most of cases, I using this search query: "This is my exact text" This working as expected. Additionally, sometimes, I need to search ...
No1Lives4Ever's user avatar
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How to exclude search results that match a URL instead of the content of the URL

Is there a way to tell major search engines to ignore search results where the matching phrase is in the URL itself and not the content of the URL? This came up while thinking about The First Number ...
Matt Phillips's user avatar
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Bing predictive search in Chrome doesn't work

I recently changed my default search engine in Chrome to Bing custom search ( After this, I am not able to use predictive search in Chrome. It seems ...
James's user avatar
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Bing search page locks up (the front page, not results)

I'm encountering a strange problem. I've been using the Bing search engine for a while now, and have been happy with it. I still am. However, starting either last night or early today, when the ...
88keys's user avatar
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How to disable Microsoft hostname lookup "enhancements"?

Recently, I found if I enter a single word query "blah" into a browser (Firefox or Safari) on my home Windows machine (not connected to domain) then search is redirected to Bing, instead of my default ...
TN.'s user avatar
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Does bing have advanced search operators? [closed]

I'm interested in search operators you can type in the search box, not the Advanced Search interface. Does bing have search opeartors? Where's the documentation for them?
guillermooo's user avatar
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Why is the U.S. version of Bing better than the versions for other languages? [closed]

I'm pretty sure that most of you noticed the difference in the Microsoft search engine Bing when switching between languages on the top right corner! Actually the ones other than the United States are ...
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