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RVM - Multilib version error installing libffi-devel on Centos 6.6

I have a Digital Ocean droplet running CentOS release 6.6 and I need to install Ruby and Capistrano on it. I've been following this idiot's guide;
McNab's user avatar
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Move rvm/gems or make available to root

On a CentOS 6 server I accidentally installed rvm and a bunch of gems as non-root user. Everything is running well, however I'll need to run rvm scripts as super user later. I'd like to fix my ...
ile's user avatar
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Using rvm within a bash script on CentOS 6.2

I'm trying to write a script that does goes through all the steps for installing and setting up a graylog2 server and web interface on CentOS 6.2. Here is the section that I'm having trouble with: ...
Rob H.'s user avatar
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