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2 answers

Monitor router traffic from PC

I want to monitor traffic on my home router, how to do this? I have a Huawei router. I have searched this question before asking here but most of the sites and blogs just mentioned hacking and other ...
dark_prince's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I sniff all my router traffic with Wireshark?

I recently bought a WiFi adapter with Monitor mode (Alfa Network AWUS036NHA) and I want to sniff all my network traffic at my home. The goal is to detect some packets sent and received by my 'physical'...
Gwynbleidd's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does a radio stream not appear on a packet monitoring tool?

I am currently trying to find the URL to the audio stream for a webradio that only provides a flash player, that I would like to use with MusicBee's radio player. After using Wireshark to monitor my ...
Luxim's user avatar
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