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2 answers

Unable to access .shh folder in terminal

Hey guys I am just wondering why this bellow command will not work: Nicholass-MBP:~ nicholasmaddren$ sudo cd ~/.ssh So I run this command within terminal to try and access the .shh folder that has ...
Christopher's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Why does iterm2 toggle font rendering with every other boot

I don't reboot my mac very often, so I can't really state if this occurs with every reboot/relogin, but I dare to say, pretty much every time the font rendering of my iterm2 becomes thicker or thinner ...
mcnesium's user avatar
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Mac OSX Lion 10.7.5. Is there any way to permanently disconnect from a server?

Every time I open terminal on my Macbook Pro, I get the IP address of a server I once ssh'd into. I allowed someone to use my computer to access his server and now it seems like there's some permanent ...
user293854's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I set a static IP, gateway, net mask, and dns using terminal / applescript - OS X 10.7.5

I use my macbook at home and at work. At work I need to use a static IP, gateway, DNS and net mask. At home I use it in DHCP mode. Manually setting them every day really sucks. How can I set them ...
ghaschel's user avatar
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Installed new version of php but server still uses older version

I just upgraded to PHP 5.4.11 from 5.3.15 following this link. After upgrading I ran php -v but it shows me following output. Zafars-MacBook-Pro:php-5.4.11 zafar$ php -v PHP 5.3.15 with Suhosin-Patch ...
Om3ga's user avatar
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Have to repeatedly press enter for Terminal commands to work -- OS X 10.7.3 Lion

I've encountered a very, very strange error. Whenever I type a command, I must press enter several times before the Terminal executes the command. Note that this is not a hardware error: I can still ...
isellpropane8's user avatar
3 votes
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$PATH issues with OSX Lion

I'm having some issues with running mysql from terminal: macmini:~ michael$ which mysql /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql macmini:~ michael$ mysql -bash: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql: No such ...
Mikey's user avatar
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DTerm: How to open into iTerm2 rather than by default?

In DTerm, one can open a full terminal application by typing ⌘-↩ after a command entered at the DTerm prompt. In a recent release, it is noted that support has been added for iTerm2 in DTerm via an ...
user72923's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Macvim lags while Vim on terminal is buttery smooth

I am running OS X Lion 10.7.3 and Macvim runs significantly slower than vim on the terminal for me. All movement commands in Macvim are much slower. Moving up and down in visual mode is equally as ...
SaamJB's user avatar
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1 answer

Username has changed on Mac OS X Lion

My username (the first thing you see on every line in the Terminal) has changed. It used to be my first name (Jonathan), but it has changed to the name of a freelance web project I'm currently working ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Enabling SSH Daemon from Terminal (OS X Lion)

I am trying to find a way of turning on SSH through terminal, instead of opening settings and turn it on that way. Or perhaps a way to turn SSH on by running a .pkg file? I am running OS X Lion, but ...
Tor Blaabjerg's user avatar
11 votes
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Syntax highlighting in Terminal Mac OS X

How can I highlight different parts in the Mac OS X Terminal app? For example a different color for input and output? Are the pre-defined color themes I can activate/download?
wowpatrick's user avatar
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How can I hide/show the Wi-Fi menu item from the Terminal in OS X?

I want to be able to hide and show the Wi-Fi menu item from the Terminal. Can I do this with the defaults command? I've narrowed it down to It looks like this: { "...
ggustafsson's user avatar
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How to prevent a .command file from showing window when it runs on OSX Lion?

If you have a .command file on your desktop containing say a Terminal command that it runs when you double click it, is there anyway to either (1) prevent the window that pops open when you run it, or ...
jsherk's user avatar
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How to run bash_profile function from desktop alias .command file on OSX Lion?

Ok, so I have this great little function in my bash_profile which works great when I call it from Terminal (it opens a new firefox window instead of new tab): function firefoxNewWindow() { /...
jsherk's user avatar
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1 answer

Rename a printer for LP and LPSTAT

I have a printer named "Home" set up in Mac OS X Lion: However, when I use lpstat -a on the command line (to get the printer name to use with the lp command) I still get a non-user-friendly name: ...
knpwrs's user avatar
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8 votes
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OS X Terminal Ignoring SOCKS Proxy Setup

Previously I've used an SSH tunnel: ssh -D 1234 user@remoteHost As a system wide proxy in OS X by going to System Preferences -> Network -> Advanced -> Proxies -> Tick SOCKS Proxy and enter ...
user avatar
2 votes
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OS X Terminal using default ANSI colours for every theme

For some reason, every theme I palette I've had installed for the OS X has reverted to using the default ANSI colours. The themes have been working fine up until this point and I can't ...
FrogBot's user avatar
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sudo sysctl -w kern.tfp.policy=1 fails?

I tried to setup the kern.tfp.policy to one but it does not let me do it. sudo sysctl -w kern.tfp.policy=1 kern.tfp.policy: 2 sysctl: kern.tfp.policy: Invalid argument How can I set kern.tfp.policy=...
RLT's user avatar
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How to Create a Permanent Alias in Mac OS X Lion Terminal?

I've googled the heck out of this. The typical methods of adding the alias to ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile just aren't working for me. Help please? Thanks! Here's my current ~/.bash_profile if [ -...
Waley Chen's user avatar
6 votes
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Can I scroll Terminal down when there is nothing to scroll?

When I reach the bottom line, I want to be able to “scroll” down the virtual space so the prompt is at the top again (like in the beginning): Is there any way to do this? This becomes even more ...
Dan's user avatar
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What do the number codes mean in active profiles in terminal on macbook pro?

Is there somewhere that says what the numbers mean? Specifically I want to know what the -1 is by AC Power, it used to be a 2. Suprise:~ Marty$ sudo pmset -g Password: Active Profiles: Battery ...
Marty's user avatar
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40 votes
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What does Terminal app's "Show Alternate Screen" do? (OS X)

Today, I discovered a menu item called "Show Alternate Screen" in I am just curious about what it does. It seems to be sharing the same shell process (unlike tabs), since I see output ...
Barum Rho's user avatar
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10 votes
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I can't clear the terminal in Mac OS X Lion - "terminals database is inaccessible"

UPDATE 3 - Better Solution I kept Google'ing this until I came to a different solution. I ended up downloading the terminfo directory from somewhere (I forgot where so I just posted the zip on my ...
Hristo's user avatar
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Shell starts in incorrect directory in OS X Lion Terminal

In OS X Lion, when I launch a new tab in the Terminal with Cmd+T, the shell starts in the / directory. $ pwd /
juanpablo's user avatar
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OSX Lion terminal lost all colors

I recently upgraded to Lion only to find that (and iTerm2, which I actually use instead) have totally lost all colors. This means no syntax highlighting in Vim, no colored directory names ...
ajackbot's user avatar
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Mac OS Lion - Always show menubar with fullscreen apps?

Does anyone know if it is possible to keep the menubar in Mac OS Lion visible for fullscreen apps instead of hidden until hovered over? I imagine there's some Terminal command I can enter to adjust ...
Jason's user avatar
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