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middleware for every user defined alias/bash function used on command line; Mac/Ubuntu

I have a task that is assisting my requires counting the amount of times I use each user defined command in .bash_profile. In other words, if I run on command like something defined as ...
codyc4321's user avatar
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combine multiple ifs bash

how can I simplify the following code if statements? Thank you function git_dirty { text=$(git status) changed_text="Changes to be committed" changes_not_staged="Changes not staged for ...
codyc4321's user avatar
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syntax error near unexpected token `(' bash

I am working on helpers to open my project when I get to work. I have so far: alias cdsloadmin="cd $SLO_ADMIN_SUITE_PATH; workon slo-admin-suite; atom $SLO_ADMIN_SUITE_PATH" runsloadmin() { ...
codyc4321's user avatar
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How to add blank lines above the bottom in terminal

In vim and many other text editors, you can scroll up the end of the file to the top of your screen while showing the rest of the lines as blank. But in terminal, by default, the end of line is fixed ...
Kohki Mametani's user avatar
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When does mac/ubuntu use .bash_profile and/or .bashrc? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile Are they both the same type of file in terms of setting the bash terminal settings, and if no .bash_profile exists then it uses ....
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