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Local admin rights for hundreds of PCs

I have been given a task to onboard several hundreds of computers for their users. This task has 3 main points: 1) Installing Windows 10 on each computer from a USB key. 2) Going into Active ...
Eleshar's user avatar
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Make A Local Admin Account On Domain Computer

I want to know if it is possible to make a local admin account on a domain computer. I know that there is already an account called 'Admin' which is local but I want to make another one because I ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How i can disable access to my local machine form another local machine by \\ip address\c$?

Someone in the same local network here has user full control administration he can enter to my partitions D, C, E all partitions by type in start menu \\my IP address\c$ he can copying and delete my ...
Melamir's user avatar
4 votes
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Domain user not having admin rights on local machine

I'm using Windows 2003 server as active directory and Windows 7 as a station. I need to have a regular domain user have admin rights on local machine. I added domain user to local admin group but they ...
Renny's user avatar
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How to get access to user\APPDATA\LOCAL folder in Windows 7

We are building an application for Windows 7 that creates some data files that the user will occasionally want to review and a log file that we might need for support. Our first version is writing ...
Burch Kealey's user avatar