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How do you update curl on Windows 10?

I have an issue where I cannot develop on my Windows device because the curl that comes bundled with it produces next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE (0x80090326) How do I ...
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IntelliJ IDEA dpi scaling

I have a Windows 7 computer with a 768p display. This means there is very little room for the content. Developing apps in Android studio is an absolute nightmare since, with all the side windows which ...
user2498079's user avatar
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Android Studio stucks on the splash screen after patching the upgrade

I downloaded (Android studio 2.0 ) patch file to upgrade my current IDE (I'm using windows 7 32 bit). I know that this version is multiple times faster, ...
Plain_Dude_Sleeping_Alone's user avatar
47 votes
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Intellij / Android Studio Split Screen

Does Intellij / Android Studio have a split screen option similar to this in vim?
ZenBalance's user avatar
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