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Redirect write directory

Service downloads to C but want D. Cannot change its settings. Can I "redirect" the download on OS-side? The original write shouldn't happen - i.e. "detect -> move" won't do. ...
OverLordGoldDragon's user avatar
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Is there a CLI to list or download documents not locally cached in iCloud drive?

I have a symbolic link of ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs in my home directory. My iCloud Drive is larger than my Mac's SSD, so I can only have some files downloaded locally at anytime....
dotHTM's user avatar
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What is process sleeping state on macOS?

I'm just in the process of sending my photo library (60GB) to iCloud and I noticed that the cloudd process, which is responsible for the transfer, sometimes has the status of sleeping and the transfer ...
keramzyt's user avatar
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Get path to applescript stored on iCloud

I wrote a shell script which calls an applescript to do some work. The applescript is in iCloud, so I'm manually writing the path to the document storage location... osascript ~/Library/Mobile\\ ...
Dan Poltawski's user avatar