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Trying to turn a bootable usb drive back to being non bootable

I am using Windows 10. I used balenaEtcher to flash a usb drive with some Linux distro iso, but now I am trying to flash it with another iso and am failing: I highly suspect this is because the USB ...
avivgood2's user avatar
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How to verify my mainboard's name before bios update?

I am pretty sure I have a MSI mainboard B450 GAMING PRO CARBON AC and due to RAM instability issues I want to try the latest bios. (I am aware of the inherent risk of a BIOS upgrade. I want that ...
k0pernikus's user avatar
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Stop Task Bar Apps from flashing

when an application is minimized but running, and something happens inside of the application, it's task bar icon starts to flash orange. I.E. Teams recieves a message, a browser download is complete. ...
Marco P.'s user avatar
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System UUID got nulled in BIOS

My HP laptop was working fine before I tried installing MacOS in it. I got success in installing MacOS Big Sur where I changed the UUID in the config.plist. But after uninstalling it (I just deleted ...
bjs'w-204's user avatar
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What is "MediaTek Preloader USB VCOM Port" driver for? [closed]

We have two Windows 10 drivers to connect to "MTK phone" using USB when it is off: "MediaTek Preloader USB VCOM Port" and "MediaTek USB Port". Sometimes my device is recognized only as "MediaTek ...
Roman Pokrovskij's user avatar