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Firewalld port redirect to rootless podman container

I'm having a podman container running rootless on port 8080 and 8443. But I want to have access to them on port 80 and 443. This is working quite well with firewalld and this command: firewall-cmd \ ...
user496909's user avatar
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Peers can connect to VPN server but not between themselves (Packet filtered)

I'm new into VPN topic and routing in general, and wanted to learn new thinks while setting up wireguard. However I'm facing an issue that I can't resolve for some time. As in title: Peers can connect ...
Jawor's user avatar
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Firewalld open all ports except one

With firewalld, I am trying to allow all ports except one for everyone, as that port must be enabled for a specific host, and I have tried the following: firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-...
jonyluke's user avatar
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Is it possible to use iptables ipset together with firewalld?

Currently, I am using firewalld and now I need to use iptables ipset so I was wondering if I can use iptables ipset alongside firewalld and if I can how I should be doing that
poqdavid's user avatar
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Firewalld, opening all subnet for zone

Another question about firewalld, I need someone to explain this to me in simple words, because I read countless posts and I don't know what's happening here. I've enable the home zone in ...
Syco's user avatar
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CentOS 8.1: Forwarding OpenVPN Clients to LAN without NAT

So there's an OpenVPN Server with multiple clients, which I successfully divided into multiple subnets. for generic clients which are only allowed to communicate with the OpenVPN Server ...
binary_jam's user avatar
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CentOS 7 - Load settings for iptables at OS startup

I would like to load the settings below for iptables on CentOS 7 at OS startup using a bash script. How can I do this? #!/bin/bash iptables -I OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT iptables -I FORWARD -d 0....
Eduardo Lucio's user avatar
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firewall-cmd - add-forward-port don't work

I have a KVM server (host) with multiple virtual machines (guests). My goal is my host forward port 222 to port 22 of a guest running an ssh service. This works... iptables -I OUTPUT -d -...
Eduardo Lucio's user avatar
9 votes
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How can I configure firewalld to block all outgoing traffic except for specific ports while allowing localhost to access any of its own local ports?

I started out with this: # First, allow outbound traffic for all allowed inbound traffic firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter OUTPUT 0 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT # Allow ...
John T.'s user avatar
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firewall-cmd blocking snmp

I inherited a system that has rules implemented with firewall-cmd, it has the below rules. Another system is trying to connect to snmp port (UDP/161) but is not able (my server is responding with ICMP ...
Rima's user avatar
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How to create a firewall rule, to block a website for a particular user? [closed]

can anybody helps me to make a firewall rule to block a particular website for a particular user. i have a Linux operating system am trying to make that OS like a firewall.
sumith ps's user avatar
11 votes
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Opening a port with firewalld doesn't seem to work

I have configured sshd to live on a different port. I have opened that port using firewalld: $ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=22000/tcp --permanent Listing rules shows port 22000 is ...
mikemaccana's user avatar
3 votes
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using firewalld and firewall-cmd how to add-rule to primary INPUT chain not INPUT_direct

so after reading the firewalld man page and fedora documentation, I have come to the understanding that to add a custom rule to firewall with specific arguements i need to use the structure firewall-...
Chris's user avatar
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How to block docker-mapped ports with a firewall from outside the host without messing up docker routing inside the host?

I have a docker container running on a host with some port mapped to a port on the host. docker run -d -p 9009:9009 someserver I want this machine firewalled off from the internet except for 80, ...
adapt-dev's user avatar
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