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Switch from dvorak to qwerty when modifier key is pressed [duplicate]

Since I spend most of my day at a computer, I've become interested in learning to type on Dvorak. However, there's one thing holding me back: shortcuts. Shortcuts are designed to work on QWERTY, and ...
starscape's user avatar
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How can I easily toggle between Dvorak and QWERTY keyboard layouts from a Linux system console?

I switch between Dvorak and QWERTY keyboard layouts and frequently find myself with mismatched layouts on my host operating system and a Linux virtual machine. How can I easily switch the layout when ...
Steve HHH's user avatar
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Is there a really fast way to switch between QWERTY and Dvorak?

What is the fastest way to switch between QWERTY and Dvorak on a Windows 7 Pro machine, by say, a key combination?
digitxp's user avatar
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Two keyboards - one qwerty one dvorak. Can windows use both simultaneously?

Similar to this question: Is it possible to use multi keyboards with multi keyboard layouts simultaneously? - I have two keyboards plugged in simultaneously. Both are querty keyboards, but I've ...
Alain's user avatar
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Is there a way to change may keyboard layout before a program opens, and then change it back when the program exits?

All without me telling it to do anything after I invoke the fist thing. I have a mac. And an automator service that changes from dvorak to qwerty before starcraft 2 launches... but is there a way to ...
NullVoxPopuli's user avatar
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Uninstalling the default US-Qwerty keyboard layout off Windows 7

Following this question I'd like to try and completely remove the Qwerty layout. However, the default tool that comes with Windows won't allow such change. I wonder if there is a lower-level way to ...
akurtser's user avatar
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International Dvorak keyboard doesn't trigger hot-keys

I'm using the Engilsh-Dvorak keyboard-layout; My second keyboard language is Hebrew, which has nothing to do with Dvorak but the hot keys (e.g if I'm writing a document in Hebrew and want to make some ...
akurtser's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Dvorak keyboard layout, but with command keys mapped to qwerty?

I tried to learn Dvorak keyboard layout a few years ago, and got reasonably good at it, but I couldn't get past the fact that command-key shortcuts were no longer in the right place. In particular, ...
Kip's user avatar
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