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Verifying/decrypt email using PGP signature/public key

UPDATED QUESTION: Using Outlook 2013 64bit on Windows 7 64bit, I have setup GnuPG which allows me to send encrypted emails. To do that, I asked someone for their public key. I sent them an email ...
oshirowanen's user avatar
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Is it possible to find signer's email address(es) from an OpenPGP (GnuPG) signed message?

I have two files bla.txt and bla.txt.sig. The latter is the signature for the first. I do not (yet) know who is the signer. GnuPG just says (correctly): "No public key". With the email address I could ...
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3 answers

What determines the clearsign hash algorithm used by GnuPG?

When using GnuPG to clear sign a text, there is a hash part in signed message. Take the example: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 abc -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- ...
social_loser's user avatar
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GnuPG with CAPI smartcard / NOT an OpenPGP card

I have a RSA SecurId loaded with two keys and their corresponding certificate (signature and authentication). I'm already using the authentication key pair for SSH login (from my Windows desktop) ...
Cerber's user avatar
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What makes OpenPGP keyrings trustworthy?

I've started reading the Linux From Scratch book and in the first few chapters, you are required to download the sources of all software packages you will need during the installation. The book ...
PawkyPenguin's user avatar
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Signing and verifying a file using GnuPG

I created an RSA signing key using GnuPG. I have few files and I want to sign these files and store online. I signed these using GnuPG. If the original file is a.txt, GnuPG created a 1 KB file with ...
RPK's user avatar
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How can I retrieve original data from a signature with GnuPG?

I am currently in a situation where using the --clearsign flag would be impractical. I have established via the size of a signature that it does contain some form of the input data (so when I typed ...
user13129's user avatar
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What is the minimum amount of data I need to sign a file?

Let's say I have a multi-gigabyte file on a work computer, and (2) I have my private GnuPG key on my home computer. I want to sign the really big file with my private key. I trust my home computer ...
IQAndreas's user avatar
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