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2 votes
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How to log the output from an rsync backup which runs from a script using crontab?

I would like to log all the output that is generated by rsync; the output that I see when I run the script myself in terminal. I would prefer this logging to occur from within my script. Here is my ...
Bassam's user avatar
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1 answer

rsnapshot: What's wrong with my crontab?

I am using Rsnapshot for backups (Linux CentOS 6). Here is my /etc/cron.d/rsnapshot: 30 11 * * * root /usr/bin/rsnapshot nowandthen > /backups/rsnapshot_cron.txt 2>&1 15 11 * * 4 root ...
Danijel's user avatar
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5 answers

rsync works fine until I put it in crontab (UPDATE: 'date' doesn't work in crontab)

I've got this rsync command that works just fine when I run it from the command line (Ubuntu Server 12.04.1 LTS). I'd like it to run every hour, on the hour, and output the results (along with errors) ...
Jeremy Swinarton's user avatar