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Crontab doesn't apply the changes after editing it with crontab -e

In summary: I ran crontab -e, added a line, saved, said: crontab: installing new crontab, but running crontab -e just shows an old version of the file. Full explaination: Yesterday I added a line to ...
James T's user avatar
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Script works fine while execute, but won't run from cronjob

I have a script called "" It looks like: #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/vlc -vvv rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/ch0_0.h264 --sout=file/ts:Videos/VideoCaptures/recording-$(date +"...
Neo's user avatar
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Trying to run a python script on startup on my raspberry pi

I've googled how to do this but I don't understand enough about linux to be able to interpret the answers. I ssh into my pi and log in using the user 'pi' and the password I set. Then I type sudo -s ...
NibblyPig's user avatar
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Is crontab running old version of file?

This has been driving me crazy: I run a set of Python scripts once per hour on a Raspberry Pi. I updated one of the scripts, but even after a reboot, it still seems to run an old version of the file. ...
JeffThompson's user avatar
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Linux - starting a visible terminal on boot

I have a C program I wrote for debian on the raspberry pi that asks the user to enter a number, 1-4 which it then stores in a configuration file. This only happens if the configuration file is missing....
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