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3 answers

Cannot clear history of cmder / conemu

On Windows 10, I want to clear the entire history of the cmder /conemu command and bash window commands. However, I cannot delete even if I use the following approaches: Open .history file in %...
Jack's user avatar
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How do enable colors in cmder for cmd.exe?

I'm using Cmder on Windows 10. When I launch a regular console ({cmd::Cmder}) I get the colorful prompt as usual, like so: Regular styled cmder I've created a custom task to setup a Visual Studio ...
DeveloperJames's user avatar
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Wait for a process to complete in Cmder \ ConEmu

Executive Summary: For software development debugging purposes, I’m using Cmder 1.3.12 for Windows 10 x64. If, say, I run in a cmd window java –jar app2.jar, I get output logs (inside cmd) and, as ...
caecilius's user avatar
6 votes
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Cmder Here always opens in default directory

I registered Cmder to be able to right click on my folders and do "Cmder here" but it's always opening in the default user directory, how can I fix this?
evilpilaf's user avatar
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ConEmu / cmder last line of shell getting hidden / scrolled beneath bottom

I don't know if I've described this well, but the bottom line of the console keeps getting scrolled beneath the bottom. I imagine some setting I've tweaked caused this, but I can't figure out which ...
dgo's user avatar
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Modify "Open command window here" context menu call

I've recently started using cmder instead of Window's default cmd prompt and I'm really loving it. I'm at the point now where I want to replace all instances of cmd.exe being launched with cmder.exe ...
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