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2 votes
1 answer

Zip encryption, individual files or the whole directory/file tree of the zip archive

As an example fuse-zip shows a directory list, when executed on an encrypted zip archive. The individual files then cannot be read or written to. But the directory tree and the individual file names ...
Boterham met Kaas's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How can I updated an encrypted 7zip archive without losing encryption?

I created a 7zip archive with AES encryption. I included the option to encrypt the filenames. When I updated the file however I am no longer prompted for a password to open the file and can view the ...
barrymac's user avatar
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3 answers

How to set password on already existing winrar archive and encrypt it also?

Not when creating new archive, but on existing archive. I would also like to know how to do that in other archiver.
Boris_yo's user avatar
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How can I remove the password protection from a RAR archive? [duplicate]

I have a directory in which there are lots of password protected .RAR files/archives. The passwords of these individual archives are known. I want to remove the password protection from all of them ...
Mehper C. Palavuzlar's user avatar