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Mount azure files share on linux with Entra-ID user rights

My company uses Azure Files and Entra ID in combination with Entra Domain Services. Windows users add their Entra-Account to their Win11-PC and can then mount the companys fileshares as their ...
kiesel's user avatar
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Kubectl get pods ERROR: couldn't get current server API group list: Get "LINK": tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake

My K8s cluster is running on Azure VM. I'm facing with a TLS error when I try to get something from a cluster. However the config of k8s is correct and it has the public IP I need, also it has all the ...
vayuprog's user avatar
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Azure Virtual Network Gateway - OpenVPN Private DNS resolution

I have a Virtual Network Gateway set up using OpenVPN with certificate-based authentication. I am able to connect to the OpenVPN server on my Ubuntu 22.04 machine, and while connected I am able to ...
Attila Szeremi's user avatar
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Debian virtual machine backup

I have a Debian virtual machine on Microsoft Azure, and I want to move it to another server. Can I take a backup of the Debian virtual machine through the terminal? I am hosting a website on Apache2 ...
yusuf eroğlu's user avatar
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Do I have a Virtual Machine, within another Virtual Machine?

I need to configure a Linux Virtual Machine in Azure with GPU, and Docker to run my application. I recently achieved an initial setup by following the steps: Created the VM in Azure -> installed ...
l.diazborg's user avatar
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Setting up Azure VPN Client on VirtualBox guest OS

I have VirtualBox installed on Linux Mint (host). The guest OS is Windows 10. The guest OS is used for windows based/Azure development with Visual Studio. The application I am developing a ASP.NET ...
Ryan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to migrate my shell scripts to Azure

I have a shell script, orchestrating and running some linux commands, python, ffmpeg, and Azure services (via CLI), periodically on my local machine. And my whole solution is based on those tools and ...
Marcus Thornton's user avatar
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Azure site to site proposals with Strongswan IPSec

I'm here trying to connect a Linux Ubuntu VPC Machine to Azure Cloud network interface, only thing I can't suss out is how to config my IKE and ESP at my end to match the Below - IKEv2 Encryption | ...
Jason is a robot's user avatar
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Linux to Azure Site-to-Site topology

I'm trying to figure out the topology of a VPN I'm being asked to set up and I've very little experience in networks at all so apologises if I get lost in the weeds. I need to connect to a clients ...
Jason is a robot's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I connect a Linux box to an Azure AD-Authenticated VPN?

I've been tearing my hair out over this - a client is using an Azure VPN setup that seems to only play nicely specifically with the Azure VPN Client app. It works perfectly on that software, but I ...
user2979044's user avatar
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Detect public IP address from within Linux Azure VM

I have created a Linux VM (Centos 8) on Azure cloud, with public IP (SKU Standard, Static). I expect that this IP address to be discoverable within the Linux VM. [admin@my-vm ~]$ ip a 1: lo: <...
idazuwaika's user avatar
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What's the file system layout on an Azure VM?

I just created a virtual machine with Azure. According to the settings I used, it should have 32 GiB of temp storage plus a 30 GiB disk. To get an overview, I ran df on the machine. This is the output:...
Daniel Wolf's user avatar
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Ping not working on Linux with Hostname, How to fix this using the Azure approach?

When I install a linux VM, say Ubuntu, on AWS/on-premise VMWare or virtualbox, anywhere, I cannot ping my machine with another machine directly with hostname, I can do only with IPAddress. No matter ...
user2331760's user avatar
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Azure CLI Login through a Proxy

Ok .. so I'm pretty much lost. Task : execute a successful az login --service-principal -u XXX -p XXX --tenant (Or tenant ID) From A server on the Azure Cloud that has no ...
Miroot's user avatar
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Ubuntu VM on Azure cannot login after restore

I have performed a restore operation for an Ubuntu VM and now it says access denied when I try to login with the same password. Also when I tried to reset password/ssh configuration, it fails to ...
Karan Chaudhary's user avatar
2 votes
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Azure error - wrong user password

I've been trying to set up Azure domain services and a linux VM to work together, and currently I'm following the last step(joining the linux VM to the managed domain). I try to initialize Kerberos, ...
Peter Utekal's user avatar
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Azure required packages installation using "yum"

I've been trying to set up azure domain services and a virtual machine to work together, I'm close to the end of the process but I got stuck in a rut. According to the documentation, I should execute ...
Peter Utekal's user avatar
3 votes
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Azure Pipeline Step Fails Even Though Exit Code is 0

I have set up an azure-pipeline yaml config with a pipeline job that runs 5 scripts. The config for each script has the failOnStderr flag set to true. The script runs successfully, however the stage ...
edmar's user avatar
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Not able to connect with Linux virtual machine on Azure

I have a virtual machine on Azure, I let Azure install Ubuntuserver 18.04 LTS for me. After that I installed lxde and xrdp, and made inbound security rules in Azure for port 3389 and 22 with as the ...
Rick Jelier's user avatar
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Unable to run NVIDIA Docker image on Azure

I set up a Data Science Virtual Machine for Linux (Ubuntu) on Azure and want to check the installation of GPUs following these TensorFlow directions. The first command shows that a GPU is available ...
emonigma's user avatar
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meta-iot-cloud - az - runpy issue (yocto)

I've built and installed meta-iot-cloud and flashed it to a gateway, however, when I'm trying to run "az" I'm getting the following error: "Could not import runpy module". Anyone else built this ...
Levente Boda's user avatar
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How to install OSSEC on virtual machine in azure

I want to install Open Source Host based Intrusion Detection System(OSSEC) on virtual machine of Linux Operating system in Azure .There is no proper documentation on How to install OSSEC in Azure. Any ...
Soumya S's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Full Linux system restore into live remote VM

Is it possible to do a full system restore into a remote Linux VM live? Say the remote system was boot up as Ubuntu 15.04, then I restore a Ubuntu 18.04 full system to it, while the Ubuntu 15.04 is ...
xpt's user avatar
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Refresh Azure VM with a new Linux OS

I created several VMs in Azure classic cloud service several years ago, and would like to retain them (size setting, DNS names, etc). But it looks impossible to me, as the old portal doesn't even ...
xpt's user avatar
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Azure CLI to change machine type after VM created

How to change machine type with Azure Bash CLI after (a Linux) VM has already been created? Need to bump up a level when I need the CPU power. PS. This cannot be done on-the-fly but have to do after ...
xpt's user avatar
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Azure CLI to open ports

I'm following the following to use Azure CLI to open ports I.e., the command, az vm open-port --resource-group ...
xpt's user avatar
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Azure CLI, Create VM with domainNames

Any easy way to Create Azure VM with domainNames with Azure CLI? Seem to me the steps are rather complicated in ...
xpt's user avatar
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Authenticating users to a Linux VM in Azure

We're just getting started using Azure. We've deployed 2 Ubuntu 16.0.4 VMs. During the deployment steps we specified an admin account with a public SSH key. The admin account and public key are the ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Setup static routes with Libreswan

We are using Libreswan to connect On-Premise network to Azure and BGP to advertise routes. But Azure BGP it's eBGP with 2 hops. The use case it's: a. setup IPSec tunnel b. route Azure Peer IP via ...
Dmitriy Sosunov's user avatar
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SSH cannot connect to server

I've got problem with connecting to my VM running on Linux. Recently I was playing with SSH server configuration and I set listening on port 2222. But now I can't connect to this server. How can I ...
Jozef Cipa's user avatar
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How to extend partition linux parted

Context I have a remote Linux CentOS VM on Azure which hosts a MYSQL database. I just finished upgrading the disk size from 30GB to 100GB. Problem is that extra space wasn't added to the partition. ...
KareemElashmawy's user avatar
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recovery data from stand alone docker container after accidentally deleted my vm on azure

I deleted my vm on azure but the disk still exist in resource group I mounted a new machine and attach the disk[vhd] into it I mounted the disk in /datadrive and I can see my docker container can ...
Hady Rashwan's user avatar
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Azure Linux turbo boost not working

I have Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS running in Microsoft Azure F-series virtual machine (F4s at the moment). Supposedly it has "2.4 GHz Intel Xeon® E5-2673 v3 (Haswell) processor, which can achieve clock speeds ...
Ervin Oro's user avatar
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IP aliasing is not working in Azure Linux Virtual Machines

IP aliasing has been set on Ubuntu 16.04 VM which is running in Microsoft Azure environment. The IP address to the eth0 interface assigned is IP has been assigned to the virtual interface ...
yravi104's user avatar
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IIS FTP 8.5 DataChannel timeout with a linux client

I've got a strange situation. Hope someone can help. I've got two independent IIS FTP servers. a) IIS 7.5 runs as standalone VM b) IIS 8.5 runs on Azure VM (windows server 2012 R2) When I connect ...
Paul0515's user avatar
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Azure: Load Local Storage from Blog Storage

I notice that with my Azure VM I get a certain amount of SSD "Local Storage". I also see a ton of references online to this only being temporary storage, however I have a large amount of static data ...
Doug's user avatar
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How can I remotely access Jupyter from an azure VM?

I'm trying to get Jupyter notebook to run on an Azure VM, and it's failing miserably. I first created a linux virtual machine, then I followed these instructions exactly--I created an inbound rule in ...
wordsforthewise's user avatar
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Connect button disabled Azure Linux RDP endpoint

I have Linux VM on Azure deployed with Hortonworks Sandbox VM and want install Linux desktop. Following this tutorial
Mateusz's user avatar
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Azure dns does not resolve

I have started building a small application in an Azure VM. I want the VM to host a website which will be working as a portfolio. The thing is - neither the IP nor the DNS given by Azure resolve in a ...
Jakob Jakov's user avatar
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How can I add a new user with SSH access to a Ubuntu VM on Azure?

I feel like this should be an straightforward thing to do, but I'm struggling to find an answer that works... I have an Ubuntu 14.04 server running on Azure with the Resource Management type of ...
aritchie's user avatar
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Could not connect remotely to Postgre SQL on Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine

I have a Microsot Azure Virtual Machine running Ubuntu 14 LTS. I installed Postgres SQL and I need to allow remote login. I believe I already configured everything fine. But still when accessing ...
jackhammer013's user avatar
2 votes
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How to mount Azure File share to support Symlinks on Azure file share with Ubuntu 14.04

I need to use the Azure file share for deployments with Capistrano, the problem is that I don't seem to be able to create symlinks on the disk, which mounts as SMB. I'm mounting the File Share on a ...
Don Giulio's user avatar
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Azure Linux remove and add another disk

I had a need to increase the disk space, for my Linux azure, we attached a new empty disk and followed the steps here
Brij Raj Singh - MSFT's user avatar
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How to properly change SSH ports in Microsoft Azure?

I have a virtual machine on Azure—for testing, not a production server—based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. The default SSH port 22 is opened by default. I want to change it to 12131. I edited my SSH ...
Appfestive Reports's user avatar
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iptables configuration on Windows Azure (CentOS 6.5) for endpoint load-balanced set

I created 2 VMs (CentOS6.5) on Windows Azure for Postgresql database and HA cluster, everything works fine except when I set iptables service on, the endpoint load-balanced set is down. for security ...
Ryan Liang's user avatar
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FTP I/O Error Ubuntu VM

I have an Ubuntu 12.1 VM running on Windows Azure. I've been trying to connect via FTP to upload files to the VM but I'm having problems. I installed and set up vsftpd, like is outlined here (and ...
Cian's user avatar
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Azure VM (OpenLogic CentOS 6.3): no kernel-headers

I have set up a VM on Windows Azure (Openlogic CentOS 6.3 - of one predefined images). The problem is I see no kernel-headers package and it can't be installed (yum doesn't fine it). Thus, anything ...
Konstantin Boyandin's user avatar