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2 answers

How to remove all spaces at the end of strings in a text file in linux

I have file named a.txt and it contains strings but got some additional spaces at the end cat -vet a.txt displays ab cd^M$ abcdefg ^M$ //there is a space at the end aaaaaaa^M$ bbbbbbb^I^M$ //there ...
Kros's user avatar
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awk comparison on Ubuntu

I'm trying to write a script that check the disk usage of remote clients. There is a filter in script for meaningful output: ... ssh server "sudo df -Ph 2>/dev/null \ | tail -n +2 \ | grep -v ...
Jo Shepherd's user avatar
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2 answers

Find Missing Numbers

I have a big list of files with names (videos) I managed to write all file names in a text file. Now I have a text file with a lot of file names (one episode per line) Now I need something that can ...
Eli Shain's user avatar
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How to use sed to remove "(double-quotes) on code lines while leaving them on real comment lines in a vimrc file?

On Ubuntu(Server/Desktop), I wish to remove a single " (double quotes) character from the beginning of lines in my /etc/vim/vimrc. This should be done for all lines that start with a ", but not if ...
Chris Rainey's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Add specific text in every blank line

I've a file as below abc pqr xyz aaa bbb ccc I want to add specific text like "this is test" in every blank line like below abc this is test pqr xyz this is test this is test aaa bbb this is ...
Jaimin's user avatar
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Shell Script to look for all lines in a file having '500' in the 11 column taking too long to run

I wrote the following script as a practice : #!/bin/bash MyFile=$1 while read p; do error=$(echo $p | awk '{print $11}') if [ "$error" = "500" ] then echo $p ...
Omar BISTAMI's user avatar
4 votes
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Using sed to compact JSON arrays

I have a JSON output in the following format: { "DaysCfg": { "Range": { "lowerDate": "2017-07-28T00:00:00.000-04:00", "upperDate": "2017-08-04T00:00:00.000-04:00" }, "...
xpt's user avatar
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For each output of grep execute multiple commands

First: sudo netstat -nptc | grep -oP "\K[0-9]*(?=/perl)" The above gives me the pid as they are started, so it is constantly running. Second: For each output of the first command above I want to ...
Exocomp's user avatar
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Trying to get example from Awk and Sed book to work on Ubuntu 13.04

I have been developing Windows Software for years. I am trying to branch out and learn Linux. It will really help with my new job. I have picked up the book, "Awk and Sed" 2nd Edition. I am ...
user246562's user avatar
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Can't use awk in terminal

I want to use awk command to do something, I input awk in terminal, but the terminal show me that awk: cannot open /home/user/myexe/external_symbols.awk (No such file or directory) Someone tell ...
choujayyl's user avatar
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2 answers

Count elements in lines with awk

I have a tab-delimited text file containing data like Col 1 Col 2 1 a 1 b 1 c 1 d 1 d 2 a 2 b 3 a so on and so forth. I would like to transform this structure into ...
ashwin's user avatar
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