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How to re-enable drivers on not bootable Windows 10?

I have used Sysinternals Autoruns and disabled some intel drivers from autorun (similar to msconfig), after which my Windows 10 instance won't boot (blue screen) and Win 10 Install USB can't autofix ...
Some_Dud's user avatar
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How to block USB media on a Windows 10 machine?

I would like to block a USB device even if its drivers are installed on the computer. That is to say, I want to plugin the media and nothing happens so that a normal user is not allowed to see, write, ...
M.Brbr's user avatar
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Windows 8.1 not allowing me to install ISP's (Tata Photon) client software for Huawei EC315 USB modem. Need to Auto run the setup file

Well, as it says in the question above, I need to install my service provider's client software to connect to the internet. According to the instructions the ISP (Tata photon) gave me, I'm to find ...
Saitu282's user avatar
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Installing driver from custom file

I recently began reading about the autorun.inf entries on Microsoft's website. I read the section about [DeviceInstall]. It seems to give the 'device' being inserted the capability to install its own ...
kapitanluffy's user avatar