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Execute sudo su - user on a ssh session

I need to execute sudo su - user on a ssh connection, because sudo su - user -c it's not available in the servers. Is there a way to do it? Thank you for the attention.
Antonio Costa's user avatar
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SSH Connection Radio Silence

I have been troubleshooting this issue for quite some time now and I cannot figure out the cause of this issue. We have a job running on an AIX server that uses Perl::SFTP to connect to a Linux RHEL 7 ...
zjposz's user avatar
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how many resources nmon command use in AIX?

I need to store in an external repository, every minute (in near realtime mode), the nmon information saved in a temporary file. So what would be the best scenario: 1) every minute I open an ssh ...
Francesco's user avatar
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Password less ssh AIX Linux

I tried to configure password less SSH from AIX to Linux. I executed the command. scp .ssh/ [email protected]:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys When I execute the command and try to connect from ...
Peter Penzov's user avatar
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How to store password for switch user in my .profile

I usually connect to my AIX server using putty via my regular account and then do "su - otherAccount". This way I've to enter password twice, one for my account and one for the otherAccount. I've ...
R Syed's user avatar
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IBM AIX: How do I set up SSH X forwarding on an unprivileged user with no home?

Long story short: I have an AIX server where my user is unprivileged and has no home directory, and it is not easy to fix this because OS-level management of this server is outside of my jurisdiction. ...
RAKK's user avatar
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AIX 7.1 su root password bug?

In our AIX 7.1 machine there is a weird bug we've ran into.. If you are logged into the AIX box via SSH as a regular user and you try to su - you get prompted for the password, lets say our password ...
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3 answers

Connect to AIX via SSH

I have to connect the AIX machine through Linux via SSH command and i m not able to figure out how to connect. Can anybody help me with the command. Thanks, Vivek
Vivek Gaur's user avatar
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Unable to login AIX via putty, but able to ping

I am working on an intranet. I have some AIX servers, and I use to login them via putty. It works fine from some workstations, but I am not able to login from one of my windows workstation. I get ...
nitgeek's user avatar
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