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Windows 10 does not detect Wi-Fi as metered connection

I want Windows Wi-Fi client to detect wireless connection as metered connection. I found that 802.11 protocol supports vendor-specific information elements (IEs). Those IEs are injected into beacon ...
filimonic's user avatar
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How to connect Echo Dot to University protected wifi

I recently won an Echo dot in a Hackathon and I was very excited to try it out but sadly the dot does not connect to 'Eduroam', the university network. The Uni site says that eduroam uses '802.1x ...
Ariane's user avatar
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How MU-MIMO handles TxBF and transmitting multiple streams together?

I have gone through a lot of references and most of it told like atleast 2 antennas are required to do TxBF, and with two different antennas either we can do TxBF by transmitting same streams or ...
Gopikrishnan's user avatar
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Can I make a WiFi ESS with a consumer-grade access point?

My house has dead spots on WiFi no matter where I set up the access point that my ISP gave me. I turned off the WiFi functionality on the ISP's equipment, and set up a standalone 802.11ac router ...
Jacob Krall's user avatar
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Will setting an access point to 802.11n mode only restrict the ability of 802.11g devices to connect?

I have an access point that allows for 802.11n and 802.11b/g/n modes. If the AP is set to 802.11n mode in the 2.4Ghz spectrum, are 802.11g clients able to connect?
Matthew Bradley's user avatar
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Command for removing monitor/promisc from an adapter on OSX Yosemite

How do I accomplish this? I see posts on how to turn it on with the Apple802.11.framework but nothing on turning it off. I ran wash and now I’m currently stuck on monitor mode. Please help! sudo ...
user4739518's user avatar