If you are looking for a PNG-only solution, try pngchunks
$ sudo apt-get install pngtools
$ pngchunks UiagX.png
Chunk: Data Length 13 (max 2147483647), Type 1380206665 [IHDR]
Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
IHDR Width: 800
IHDR Height: 600
IHDR Bitdepth: 8
IHDR Colortype: 2
IHDR Compression: 0
IHDR Filter: 0
IHDR Interlace: 0
IHDR Compression algorithm is Deflate
IHDR Filter method is type zero (None, Sub, Up, Average, Paeth)
IHDR Interlacing is disabled
Chunk CRC: 353637671
Chunk: Data Length 9 (max 2147483647), Type 1935231088 [pHYs]
Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, safe to copy
... Unknown chunk type
Chunk CRC: 10132504
Chunk: Data Length 19 (max 2147483647), Type 1951942004 [tEXt]
Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, safe to copy
... Unknown chunk type
Chunk CRC: -1325924661
Chunk: Data Length 21 (max 2147483647), Type 1951942004 [tEXt]
Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, safe to copy
... Unknown chunk type
Chunk CRC: 134517081
Chunk: Data Length 58 (max 2147483647), Type 1951945850 [zTXt]
Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, safe to copy
... Unknown chunk type
Chunk CRC: 1701487776
Chunk: Data Length 572939 (max 2147483647), Type 1413563465 [IDAT]
Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
IDAT contains image data
Chunk CRC: 1174233759
Chunk: Data Length 0 (max 2147483647), Type 1145980233 [IEND]
Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
IEND contains no data
Chunk CRC: -1371381630
The output of pnginfo
may not verbose enough for your usage:
$ pnginfo UiagX.png
Image Width: 800 Image Length: 600
Bitdepth (Bits/Sample): 8
Channels (Samples/Pixel): 3
Pixel depth (Pixel Depth): 24
Colour Type (Photometric Interpretation): RGB
Image filter: Single row per byte filter
Interlacing: No interlacing
Compression Scheme: Deflate method 8, 32k window
Resolution: 2835, 2835 (pixels per meter)
FillOrder: msb-to-lsb
Byte Order: Network (Big Endian)
Number of text strings: 3 of 9
Author (tEXt uncompressed): Hans Müller
Date (tEXt uncompressed): 2010-12-08 09:45
Desc (tEXt uncompressed): A long time ago in a galaxy far far away....