Papers by Hanna Shvindina
Механізм регулювання економіки, 2016
У зв’язку з розвитком концепцій стратегічного менеджменту, який розпочався у 50 рр. ХХ сторіччя і... more У зв’язку з розвитком концепцій стратегічного менеджменту, який розпочався у 50 рр. ХХ сторіччя і продовжується досі, з'являються нові відкриття у сфері конкурентних стратегій. Кожний дослідник із стратегічного менеджменту абсолютизує свій власний підхід, і якщо проаналізувати публікації за останні два десятиріччя, то часто вони подібні між собою у використанні слів «новий підхід» чи «нова парадигма». Але не варто забувати, що всі нові дослідження були результатом натхнення працями попередників, які потрібно проаналізувати в історичній послідовності для того, щоб виявити закономірності у твердженнях, трактуваннях та застосуваннях стратегій сучасної організації. Автором проаналізовано розвиток підходів до трактування стратегії та запропоновано класифікацію підходів щодо визначення змісту стратегії. У роботі представлено трактування стратегії коопетиції як нового парадоксального погляду на стратегічне управління.
Развитие концепций стратегического менеджмента, которое началось в 50 гг. ХХ столетия и продолжается до сих пор, преподносит новые открытия в области конкурентных стратегий. Каждый исследователь в области стратегического управления абсолютизирует свой подход, и если проанализировать публикации за последние два десятилетия, то часто они схожи между собой в использовании слов «новый подход» или «новая парадигма». Но не стоит забывать, что все эти новые исследования были результатом вдохновения работами предшественников, которые нужно проанализировать в исторической последовательности для того, чтобы выявить закономерности в утверждениях, трактовке и использовании стратегий современной организации. Автором проанализированы подходы к трактовке стратегии и предложена классификация подходов по определению содержания стратегии. В работе представлена трактовка стратегии коопетиции как нового парадоксального взгляда на стратегическое управление.
The strategic management concepts development had started in 50-ties of XX century and still brings new discoveries in the field of competitive strategies. Every strategy specialist absolutizes his or her own approach in the field of strategic management. Many recent publications have a lot in common in using “new approach” or “new paradigm” expressions. But we should remember that new approaches are built as a result of inspiration by the previous researchers. These approaches must be analysed in a historical order to reveal patterns in the statements, interpretation and using of strategy at modern organization. Author analysed the approaches to interpretation of strategy, the classification of the approaches to identify strategy was offered. In the paper the coopetition strategy as new paradoxical view on the strategic management was presented.
Маркетинг и менеджмент инноваций, 2017
У статті здійснено аналіз та узагальнення основних концепцій стратегічного менеджменту, які склал... more У статті здійснено аналіз та узагальнення основних концепцій стратегічного менеджменту, які склалися останніми роками. Серед основних автором виокремлено теорію ланцюга цінності, концепції ключових компетенцій, підхід з позиції стейкхолдерів, модель відкритої інновації та модель коопетиції. Проаналізовано основні елементи концепцій, їх взаємозв’язок та взаємовплив. У роботі представлено детальний аналіз переваг кожної з концепцій та обмеження у їх застосуванні.
В статье осуществлен анализ и обобщение основных концепций стратегического менеджмента, сложившихся в последние годы. Среди основных автором выделены теория цепочки ценности, концепция ключевых компетенций, подход с позиции стейкхолдеров, модель открытой инновации и модель коопетиции. Проанализированы основные элементы концепций, их взаимосвязь и взаимовлияние. В работе представлен детальный анализ преимуществ каждой из концепций и ограничения их использования.
The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to investigate, analyze and generalize the current trends in the strategic management in the certain chronology from the Resource-Based Concept to the Coopetition, with segregation of the main findings of the previous researchers and generalization of the opportunities to implement formed concepts and approaches at Ukrainian enterprises. The results of the research. The base of the analysis were Resource-Based View, Concept of 5Ps by Henry Mintzberg, Value Chain Concept by Michael Porter, Stakeholder Approach to Strategic Management, offered by Edward Freeman, Concept of Core Competences by G. Hamel and C.K. Prahald, the model of open innovation of H.W. Chesbrough and Coopetition Model of A. Brandenburger and B. Nalebuff. Historical overview allows to evaluate the contributions of every concept into the strategic management development and to compare their usability under modern market conditions. The analysis of the coopetition literature revealed just a few Ukrainian papers on this topic. This research is focused on the works on Coopetition which had not been presented in Ukrainian academic scholar community before. The preconditions of the appearance of coopetition were analyzed through the investigation of the evolution in the filed. The paper is constructed in the certain chronology to reveal the most influential approaches into current understanding of the competitive advantage nature. The research starts with the Resource-Based View and its founders and went deeper in the analysis of the Edith Penrouse’s contributions into strategic management development. She was the scientist who mentioned that abilities or competences of the firm, nonmaterial resources, knowledge and their combinations can be the source of innovations and market dominance. Other scientists made the efforts to structuralize the industry and decision-making process to allow the forecasting and management of the future state to be possible. In this connection we should mention the concept of Henry Mintzberg and Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model and Value Chain framework. The overview of the integral concept of Henry Mintzberg allows assuming that it can be used nowadays, as it’s general and diverse at the same time. Value Chain concept of Michael Porter gave a lot insights to the strategists; we should mention the Porter’s idea about «cohesion» became a source of synergism in the value chain later; then the appearance of Net Value concept which at some point sprang the coopetition appearance, and of course, Global Value Chain concept. Stakeholder Approach to the strategic management offered by Edward Freeman solved the problems of the Porter’s model (e.g. the absence of the community force) by structuralizing the goals balanced zone and became one of the most well-known among the strategic and project managers. This approach was assuming the alliances with the stakeholders as an option to create win strategy. Core Competence Theory offered by C.K. Prahalad and G. Hamel brought new paradigm in the strategic management, which had changed the focus of strategist’s attention from the firm’s resources to the firm’s core competence as the fundament of competitive advantage of the firm. They offered the resources leverage and coopetition as the ways to increase the resource mobility of the firm. But the work of A. Branderburger and B. Nalebuff imported the clarity into the understanding of the successful strategy nature through the examples of the leading world companies. The structure of Five Forces Model assumes that to build win strategy it’s possible and recommended to unite the efforts with the other forces – customers, suppliers, companies-substitutes. But A. Branderburger and B. Nalebuff offered to go further and to unite with the competitors. This revolutionary mindset was named as «co-opetition» or «coopetition» as it combines cooperation and competition at the same time. While the companies compete at the markets, they cooperate in one or more elements of Value Chain to get the technology breakthrough. According to Open Innovation Model by H.W. Chesbrough it is the innovations diffusion required to keep the core competence or value. Conclusions and directions of futher researches. The generalization of the theories was made that allowed constructing the comparison between concepts, focusing on their usability in modern times. Main scholars of Coopetition Research Schools were presented and the discussion about the coopetition phenomenon has been started in Ukrainian. The perspectives of using Coopetition as a strategy were suggested as one of the most promising alternatives for the industrial development. The cases of the world leading companies were presented in the paper to demonstrate the effectiveness of the coopetition strategy.
This paper is devoted to the generalization of the tendencies in demographic transition in Ukrain... more This paper is devoted to the generalization of the tendencies in demographic transition in Ukraine and the analysis of the consequences of economic and social development and its impact on the depopulation phenomenon. Different profiles of the mortality were revealed. Economic and political events of 2014 that took place in Ukraine dropped the minimum monthly wage to its historically minimum level, causing the migration and immigration of the labor force and depopulation aggravation.
The efficiency estimation methods, which are used to evaluate an enterprise functioning and devel... more The efficiency estimation methods, which are used to evaluate an enterprise functioning and development, are analyzed in the article. The method of hybrid efficiency estimation of a development is offered, based on a principle of balanced ecological (environmental), economic and energy objectives. The formulation, geometric interpretation and directions of dynamics analysis for integrated index of efficiency are proposed. The given method can be used as base for scenario analysis in strategic desicion0making process.
The theoretical approaches to reveal the nature of a cycle in economic dynamic system were genera... more The theoretical approaches to reveal the nature of a cycle in economic dynamic system were generalized in the paper. Researchers always tried to identify key parameters of changes, duration and period of reproduction of economic cycles. The author revealed specific features of the economic cycle. The general features of the economic cycles are: oscillations, return to initial point and repeatability.
The article consists results of research in a field of production and consumption of environmenta... more The article consists results of research in a field of production and consumption of environmentally friendly products. Authors give a definition of environmentally friendly products and approaches to creating environmentally friendly products. The problems that prevent the production of environmentally friendly products are identified, the relationship between environmentally friendly products production and company business reputation is revealed.
In the article the experience of foreign and Ukrainian researchers in the field of estimation of ... more In the article the experience of foreign and Ukrainian researchers in the field of estimation of business company reputation is summarized. The role of business reputation in the system of non-material assets of a company is identified. Authors analyzed the history of origin of the “goodwill” as a category. The attempt to find the basic ways of estimation of organization’s reputation was made and conception of organization’s functioning efficiency was offered.
Main characteristics and features of project-oriented organizations are revealed and specific fea... more Main characteristics and features of project-oriented organizations are revealed and specific features of their management are identified. List of balanced scorecard indicators verified for project-oriented organization is offered.
In the article opportunities for the development and improvement of Porter’s Five Forces Model im... more In the article opportunities for the development and improvement of Porter’s Five Forces Model implementation for strategic management were found. Main criterions of determining the strength of competitive forces within the industry, and thus affecting the industry attractiveness were identified. The methodology of Quantitative Five Forces Analysis for determining the attractiveness of industry in quantitative terms was designed, which can become the tool for strategic decision-making.
В статье проанализированы и обобщены существующие подходы к определении сущности адаптации социо-... more В статье проанализированы и обобщены существующие подходы к определении сущности адаптации социо-экономических систем, а также к проектированию адаптивных организационных структур
The general approaches to determination of “adaptation” according to socio-economic systems were summarized. In the article the tendencies and objective laws of organizational development and adaptation of organizational structure are produced. The author separated destructive and constructive adaptation. The socio-economic systems are classified depending on adaptability degree
Papers by Hanna Shvindina
Развитие концепций стратегического менеджмента, которое началось в 50 гг. ХХ столетия и продолжается до сих пор, преподносит новые открытия в области конкурентных стратегий. Каждый исследователь в области стратегического управления абсолютизирует свой подход, и если проанализировать публикации за последние два десятилетия, то часто они схожи между собой в использовании слов «новый подход» или «новая парадигма». Но не стоит забывать, что все эти новые исследования были результатом вдохновения работами предшественников, которые нужно проанализировать в исторической последовательности для того, чтобы выявить закономерности в утверждениях, трактовке и использовании стратегий современной организации. Автором проанализированы подходы к трактовке стратегии и предложена классификация подходов по определению содержания стратегии. В работе представлена трактовка стратегии коопетиции как нового парадоксального взгляда на стратегическое управление.
The strategic management concepts development had started in 50-ties of XX century and still brings new discoveries in the field of competitive strategies. Every strategy specialist absolutizes his or her own approach in the field of strategic management. Many recent publications have a lot in common in using “new approach” or “new paradigm” expressions. But we should remember that new approaches are built as a result of inspiration by the previous researchers. These approaches must be analysed in a historical order to reveal patterns in the statements, interpretation and using of strategy at modern organization. Author analysed the approaches to interpretation of strategy, the classification of the approaches to identify strategy was offered. In the paper the coopetition strategy as new paradoxical view on the strategic management was presented.
В статье осуществлен анализ и обобщение основных концепций стратегического менеджмента, сложившихся в последние годы. Среди основных автором выделены теория цепочки ценности, концепция ключевых компетенций, подход с позиции стейкхолдеров, модель открытой инновации и модель коопетиции. Проанализированы основные элементы концепций, их взаимосвязь и взаимовлияние. В работе представлен детальный анализ преимуществ каждой из концепций и ограничения их использования.
The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to investigate, analyze and generalize the current trends in the strategic management in the certain chronology from the Resource-Based Concept to the Coopetition, with segregation of the main findings of the previous researchers and generalization of the opportunities to implement formed concepts and approaches at Ukrainian enterprises. The results of the research. The base of the analysis were Resource-Based View, Concept of 5Ps by Henry Mintzberg, Value Chain Concept by Michael Porter, Stakeholder Approach to Strategic Management, offered by Edward Freeman, Concept of Core Competences by G. Hamel and C.K. Prahald, the model of open innovation of H.W. Chesbrough and Coopetition Model of A. Brandenburger and B. Nalebuff. Historical overview allows to evaluate the contributions of every concept into the strategic management development and to compare their usability under modern market conditions. The analysis of the coopetition literature revealed just a few Ukrainian papers on this topic. This research is focused on the works on Coopetition which had not been presented in Ukrainian academic scholar community before. The preconditions of the appearance of coopetition were analyzed through the investigation of the evolution in the filed. The paper is constructed in the certain chronology to reveal the most influential approaches into current understanding of the competitive advantage nature. The research starts with the Resource-Based View and its founders and went deeper in the analysis of the Edith Penrouse’s contributions into strategic management development. She was the scientist who mentioned that abilities or competences of the firm, nonmaterial resources, knowledge and their combinations can be the source of innovations and market dominance. Other scientists made the efforts to structuralize the industry and decision-making process to allow the forecasting and management of the future state to be possible. In this connection we should mention the concept of Henry Mintzberg and Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model and Value Chain framework. The overview of the integral concept of Henry Mintzberg allows assuming that it can be used nowadays, as it’s general and diverse at the same time. Value Chain concept of Michael Porter gave a lot insights to the strategists; we should mention the Porter’s idea about «cohesion» became a source of synergism in the value chain later; then the appearance of Net Value concept which at some point sprang the coopetition appearance, and of course, Global Value Chain concept. Stakeholder Approach to the strategic management offered by Edward Freeman solved the problems of the Porter’s model (e.g. the absence of the community force) by structuralizing the goals balanced zone and became one of the most well-known among the strategic and project managers. This approach was assuming the alliances with the stakeholders as an option to create win strategy. Core Competence Theory offered by C.K. Prahalad and G. Hamel brought new paradigm in the strategic management, which had changed the focus of strategist’s attention from the firm’s resources to the firm’s core competence as the fundament of competitive advantage of the firm. They offered the resources leverage and coopetition as the ways to increase the resource mobility of the firm. But the work of A. Branderburger and B. Nalebuff imported the clarity into the understanding of the successful strategy nature through the examples of the leading world companies. The structure of Five Forces Model assumes that to build win strategy it’s possible and recommended to unite the efforts with the other forces – customers, suppliers, companies-substitutes. But A. Branderburger and B. Nalebuff offered to go further and to unite with the competitors. This revolutionary mindset was named as «co-opetition» or «coopetition» as it combines cooperation and competition at the same time. While the companies compete at the markets, they cooperate in one or more elements of Value Chain to get the technology breakthrough. According to Open Innovation Model by H.W. Chesbrough it is the innovations diffusion required to keep the core competence or value. Conclusions and directions of futher researches. The generalization of the theories was made that allowed constructing the comparison between concepts, focusing on their usability in modern times. Main scholars of Coopetition Research Schools were presented and the discussion about the coopetition phenomenon has been started in Ukrainian. The perspectives of using Coopetition as a strategy were suggested as one of the most promising alternatives for the industrial development. The cases of the world leading companies were presented in the paper to demonstrate the effectiveness of the coopetition strategy.
The general approaches to determination of “adaptation” according to socio-economic systems were summarized. In the article the tendencies and objective laws of organizational development and adaptation of organizational structure are produced. The author separated destructive and constructive adaptation. The socio-economic systems are classified depending on adaptability degree
Развитие концепций стратегического менеджмента, которое началось в 50 гг. ХХ столетия и продолжается до сих пор, преподносит новые открытия в области конкурентных стратегий. Каждый исследователь в области стратегического управления абсолютизирует свой подход, и если проанализировать публикации за последние два десятилетия, то часто они схожи между собой в использовании слов «новый подход» или «новая парадигма». Но не стоит забывать, что все эти новые исследования были результатом вдохновения работами предшественников, которые нужно проанализировать в исторической последовательности для того, чтобы выявить закономерности в утверждениях, трактовке и использовании стратегий современной организации. Автором проанализированы подходы к трактовке стратегии и предложена классификация подходов по определению содержания стратегии. В работе представлена трактовка стратегии коопетиции как нового парадоксального взгляда на стратегическое управление.
The strategic management concepts development had started in 50-ties of XX century and still brings new discoveries in the field of competitive strategies. Every strategy specialist absolutizes his or her own approach in the field of strategic management. Many recent publications have a lot in common in using “new approach” or “new paradigm” expressions. But we should remember that new approaches are built as a result of inspiration by the previous researchers. These approaches must be analysed in a historical order to reveal patterns in the statements, interpretation and using of strategy at modern organization. Author analysed the approaches to interpretation of strategy, the classification of the approaches to identify strategy was offered. In the paper the coopetition strategy as new paradoxical view on the strategic management was presented.
В статье осуществлен анализ и обобщение основных концепций стратегического менеджмента, сложившихся в последние годы. Среди основных автором выделены теория цепочки ценности, концепция ключевых компетенций, подход с позиции стейкхолдеров, модель открытой инновации и модель коопетиции. Проанализированы основные элементы концепций, их взаимосвязь и взаимовлияние. В работе представлен детальный анализ преимуществ каждой из концепций и ограничения их использования.
The aim of the article. The aim of the article is to investigate, analyze and generalize the current trends in the strategic management in the certain chronology from the Resource-Based Concept to the Coopetition, with segregation of the main findings of the previous researchers and generalization of the opportunities to implement formed concepts and approaches at Ukrainian enterprises. The results of the research. The base of the analysis were Resource-Based View, Concept of 5Ps by Henry Mintzberg, Value Chain Concept by Michael Porter, Stakeholder Approach to Strategic Management, offered by Edward Freeman, Concept of Core Competences by G. Hamel and C.K. Prahald, the model of open innovation of H.W. Chesbrough and Coopetition Model of A. Brandenburger and B. Nalebuff. Historical overview allows to evaluate the contributions of every concept into the strategic management development and to compare their usability under modern market conditions. The analysis of the coopetition literature revealed just a few Ukrainian papers on this topic. This research is focused on the works on Coopetition which had not been presented in Ukrainian academic scholar community before. The preconditions of the appearance of coopetition were analyzed through the investigation of the evolution in the filed. The paper is constructed in the certain chronology to reveal the most influential approaches into current understanding of the competitive advantage nature. The research starts with the Resource-Based View and its founders and went deeper in the analysis of the Edith Penrouse’s contributions into strategic management development. She was the scientist who mentioned that abilities or competences of the firm, nonmaterial resources, knowledge and their combinations can be the source of innovations and market dominance. Other scientists made the efforts to structuralize the industry and decision-making process to allow the forecasting and management of the future state to be possible. In this connection we should mention the concept of Henry Mintzberg and Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model and Value Chain framework. The overview of the integral concept of Henry Mintzberg allows assuming that it can be used nowadays, as it’s general and diverse at the same time. Value Chain concept of Michael Porter gave a lot insights to the strategists; we should mention the Porter’s idea about «cohesion» became a source of synergism in the value chain later; then the appearance of Net Value concept which at some point sprang the coopetition appearance, and of course, Global Value Chain concept. Stakeholder Approach to the strategic management offered by Edward Freeman solved the problems of the Porter’s model (e.g. the absence of the community force) by structuralizing the goals balanced zone and became one of the most well-known among the strategic and project managers. This approach was assuming the alliances with the stakeholders as an option to create win strategy. Core Competence Theory offered by C.K. Prahalad and G. Hamel brought new paradigm in the strategic management, which had changed the focus of strategist’s attention from the firm’s resources to the firm’s core competence as the fundament of competitive advantage of the firm. They offered the resources leverage and coopetition as the ways to increase the resource mobility of the firm. But the work of A. Branderburger and B. Nalebuff imported the clarity into the understanding of the successful strategy nature through the examples of the leading world companies. The structure of Five Forces Model assumes that to build win strategy it’s possible and recommended to unite the efforts with the other forces – customers, suppliers, companies-substitutes. But A. Branderburger and B. Nalebuff offered to go further and to unite with the competitors. This revolutionary mindset was named as «co-opetition» or «coopetition» as it combines cooperation and competition at the same time. While the companies compete at the markets, they cooperate in one or more elements of Value Chain to get the technology breakthrough. According to Open Innovation Model by H.W. Chesbrough it is the innovations diffusion required to keep the core competence or value. Conclusions and directions of futher researches. The generalization of the theories was made that allowed constructing the comparison between concepts, focusing on their usability in modern times. Main scholars of Coopetition Research Schools were presented and the discussion about the coopetition phenomenon has been started in Ukrainian. The perspectives of using Coopetition as a strategy were suggested as one of the most promising alternatives for the industrial development. The cases of the world leading companies were presented in the paper to demonstrate the effectiveness of the coopetition strategy.
The general approaches to determination of “adaptation” according to socio-economic systems were summarized. In the article the tendencies and objective laws of organizational development and adaptation of organizational structure are produced. The author separated destructive and constructive adaptation. The socio-economic systems are classified depending on adaptability degree