✨✨Suffering 💖 ✨✨

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I’ve been on this website a while but I don’t have a pinned post,, so here we go!

A light-skinned hijabi girl looks at the screen and smiles. She wears a yellow sweatshirt and a frog-themed bucket hat. She has gold glasses and a septum piercing.ALT


Hi! Call me Misery, or Luna, or some other name I approve of!

she/her, North African Muslim

Audhd | Special Interests are Neurodivergence and My Hero Academia

I’m also interested in Detective Conan, Avatar the Last Airbender, and Danganronpa (games only) !

I love receiving asks, tags and messages, so feel free to do that! But please don’t send me spam/chain asks.

I am a minor. If that makes you uncomfortable feel free to block me!



#misery doodles - my art!

#misery talks - my talking posts!

divider composed of  yellow butterflies side by sideALT


@hyperfixations-and-cringe -> MHA sideblog

@hijabi-detected -> Hijabi appreciation sideblog

@lunas-little -> agere/nostalgia sideblog

@eternal-pain-and-suffering -> whump/writing sideblog

Don’t forget your daily clicks!

A white banner with a rainbow infinity symbol on the left side. the text, also in a rainbow gradient, on the right side reads: This user is autisticALT

Image IDs in Alt

Link to picrew

Pinned Post pinned post intro post

It's nice that some people are very gentle, play with their dogs and praise them and take an interest in their individuality, but realistically not everyone has that kind of time. Poor people have fewer options for taking adequate care of their dogs, are under more day to day pressure and have less patience for training them, so they're more likely than rich people to resort to hitting them. It's not like it's unusual or necessarily traumatic for a dog to be smacked when it disobeys a command, and it is an effective teaching method, even if it's not strictly ideal. Half the time the dog knows what it's doing and it's acting up to be a little shit on purpose. Leaving the dog on its own and ignoring it until it stops crying is a viable alternative. You could also try taking away its toys, or stop taking it to the park for a week. Frankly, some dogs are born bad and beating them is the only way to make them behave. Other dogs have it worse anyway.

^ things people will say about small children without batting an eye


that's it, I can't take this anymore. I'm so fucking done. I feel like a non-Christian person in fucking December. Listen, people: the Ides of March is a FINE holiday, it's fun and nerdy, I like it - but I've seen like 6 memes for it in the last 3 days and not a Single one for its sibling nerd holiday, MARCH 14, aka 3/14, aka


  • 3/14, optimized at 1:59 and 26 seconds, AM or PM (3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399... that's as far as I ever memorized).
  • Celebrations around the world - as is ONLY appropriate for the one and only celebration of the constant ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter!
  • And the radius to its area, and the radius of a sphere to its volume and surface area, AND one of the key five numbers in Euler's Identity, aka e^(iπ) + 1 = 0, aka the sexiest, simplest mathematical equation in the world.
  • There's going to be an HOUR-LONG LUNAR ECLIPSE this year, visible throughout East Asia, Australia, North and South America, and most of Africa and Europe!
  • It's even Albert Einstein's birthday!
  • Is Pi Day because math is continuously viewed as the subject it's culturally acceptable to hate, where even "boring" history and "pretentious" literature can be lauded? Does every holiday need a centuries-famous play in order to get attention these days? DO PEOPLE NOT WANT AN EXCUSE TO EAT SAVORY PIES FOR DINNER (PIZZA, SHEPHERD'S PIE, ETC) AND SWEET PIES OF FRUIT AND/OR CHOCOLATE FOR DESSERT??

So help me god I'm going to start making a new Pi Day meme every time I see an Ides of March meme. I'm going to blaze them. PRETENDING TO KILL A DICTATOR IS FUN, BUT IT IS A TREAT BEST PAIRED WITH THE ELEVATION OF SCIENCE!