✨✨Suffering 💖 ✨✨

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I’ve been on this website a while but I don’t have a pinned post,, so here we go!

A light-skinned hijabi girl looks at the screen and smiles. She wears a yellow sweatshirt and a frog-themed bucket hat. She has gold glasses and a septum piercing.ALT


Hi! Call me Misery, or Luna, or some other name I approve of!

she/her, North African Muslim

Audhd | Special Interests are Neurodivergence and My Hero Academia

I’m also interested in Detective Conan, Avatar the Last Airbender, and Danganronpa (games only) !

I love receiving asks, tags and messages, so feel free to do that! But please don’t send me spam/chain asks.

I am a minor. If that makes you uncomfortable feel free to block me!



#misery doodles - my art!

#misery talks - my talking posts!

divider composed of  yellow butterflies side by sideALT


@hyperfixations-and-cringe -> MHA sideblog

@hijabi-detected -> Hijabi appreciation sideblog

@lunas-little -> agere/nostalgia sideblog

@eternal-pain-and-suffering -> whump/writing sideblog

Don’t forget your daily clicks!

A white banner with a rainbow infinity symbol on the left side. the text, also in a rainbow gradient, on the right side reads: This user is autisticALT

Image IDs in Alt

Link to picrew

Pinned Post pinned post intro post

Underrated/less talked about forms of stimming:

- swimming

- eating ice cream

- chewing gum

- taking showers

- using strongly scented products that you enjoy the smell of

- interpretive dance

- making big hand gestures while talking

- drinking fizzy drinks

and more!


  • Scampering on all fours
  • Slav squatting and lightly bouncing up and down
  • Stilt walking for hours at a time three days a week for two months until I injured my forearm tendon
  • Standing like a flamingo
  • Crossing your arms tightly into your chest for the pressure
  • Rubbing the back of your neck
  • Jumping
  • Rolling yourself back and forth on a skateboard while sitting
  • Music boxes
  • Crushing your own head between your forearms
  • Applying lip balm like a fiend (especially if it’s minty, spicy, or tingly lip balm)
  • ASMR tapping on random things and tapping your own nails
irish dancing in a slightly more lowkey way

Hey, random writing tip: Instead of having something be a ridiculously unlikely coincidence, you can make the thing happen due to who this particular character is as a person. Instead of getting stuck on "there's no logical reason to why that would happen", try to bend it into a case of "something like this would never happen to anybody but this specific fucker." Something that makes your reader chuckle and roll their eyes, going "well of course you would."

Why would the timid shy nerd be at a huge sketchy downtown black market bazaar? Well, she's got this beetle colony she's raising that needs a very specific kind of leaf for nest material, and there only place to get it is this one guy at the bazaar that sells that stuff. Why would the most femininely flamboyant guy ever known just happen to have downright encyclopedic knowledge about professional boxing? Well, there was this one time when he was down bad for this guy who was an aspiring professional boxer...

I know it sounds stupidly obvious when written out like this, but when you're up close to your writing, it's hard to see the forest for the trees. Some time ago I finished reading a book, where the whole plot hinges on character A, who is 100% certain that character B is dead, personally getting up and coming down from the top rooms of a castle, to the gates, at 3 am, to come look at some drunk who claims to be this guy who died 17 years ago. Why would A do that, if he's sure that B is dead?

Because he's a Warrior Guy from a culture of Loyalty And Honour, and hearing that someone's got the audacity to go about claiming to be his long-lost brother in battle, there is no other option than to immediately personally go down there to beat the ever-loving shit out of this guy. Who then turns out to actually be character B, after all.



I'm feral for novels that give the absurd events reason instead of "random lol."


Still reading Inside the Battle of Algiers by Zohra Drif and y’all need to read it if you haven’t

This part…

“In August 1956, Samia and I, assuming full responsibility, chose to become “volunteers for death” to recover and free our mother, Algeria—who had been taken by force, raped, and kidnapped for 126 years—or to die. Faced with the choice between our mother and our lives, like Camus, we chose our mother. Yet in truth, we did not face the same dilemma as Camus, who, ordered to choose between justice and his mother, sacrificed justice. In fact, his mother being his country, France, as a colonial power she was antithetical to justice.

Our own mother being Algeria, her liberation was one and the same with justice.

As for the civilians who perished during the war of national liberation, if they are Algerian, I would propose that they go to the ALN fighters and ask them, “Why did we die?” I know that the ALN will reply, “You are dead because your lives were part of the price we had to pay for our country to be free and independent.”

And if they are French, I would propose that they go see the French authorities and ask, “Why did we die?” I do not know what the French authorities would say, but I would propose to them the one real truth there is: “You died because you were among the hundreds of thousands of Europeans that we used to subjugate and occupy a foreign country, Algeria, so that we could make it our settler colony.””

Do I even need to comment on it?

(Shoutout to @suffering-and-misery who asked me 8 months ago if I had read the book and I told her I would start in on the next day except I didn’t I started it waaaaaay later and now that I’m reading it I’m super slow and need breaks because of how emotional some parts make me)

omg so happy youve finally read it! or perhaps started to its very very worth it as im sure youve been discovering algeria

Think of all the "durable goods" sitting on store shelves and in warehouses, still unpurchased, and all of the factories that still continue to make more of them. Think of the raw materials and the countless collective centuries of workers' lives that are wasted making things that will be buried in landfills without ever being used. Think of all of that life wasted when they could have enjoyed doing something meaningful and fulfilling with it instead.