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Variance test with survey weights

When not working with surveys, you do a variance test with var.test(). What do you do when you want to account for complex survey design?
Santiago Valdivieso's user avatar
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How does the TraMiner Package Calculate Standard Error Using Weighted Data?

The TraMiner Package includes an option to include sampling weights in the analysis. However, I haven't found any discussion in the package documentation (or associated user manual) of how standard ...
LTD's user avatar
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Error variance estimation with weights

I am using data which include a (sample-)weight for each observation, i.e. the data is from a survey that has weights to make the sample representative for the US-population. I perform OLS to get some ...
Phil's user avatar
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Estimating variance of data with a non-response bias

I have a set of scores whose mean is shifted by a non-response bias and whose variance is reduced as a result of the same bias. I know how to improve the estimate of the mean using non-response ...
Mala James's user avatar
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Variance estimation for regression coefficients with complex survey data

I would like to explain to one of my professors why the regular methods for variance estimation are biased for complex survey data, but I am having some trouble articulating my point. With weighted ...
Carl Ganz's user avatar
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