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Studying more than one sampling unit in a single randomization

So we have a list of organizations that dedicate themselves to a certain social service. Our goal is to ask both laborers and customers an overlapping(but not fully) set of questions for each one of ...
Vacoiide's user avatar
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Is it appropriate to pre-stratify and post-stratify along different delineations of the same variables in a single survey?

I am working in the context of opt-in, web-based surveys. Often the desire is for accurate population estimates, and often at a country-wide level. The standard approach at this organization is to ...
spathartic's user avatar
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How can I show probability of selection change when adding stratification to a survey design

I have a survey that uses a stratified sampling approach with optimal allocation. The team conducting the survey has asked that we make two changes: Subdivide one of the strata into smaller pieces. ...
B. Bogart's user avatar
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How do you calculate the total sample size in stratified sampling?

I know that we can allocate observations from the total sample to each strata either using proportional allocation ($n_{h}/N_{h} = n/N$) or optimal allocation: $$n_{h} = \left [ \frac{\frac{N_{h}S_{h}}...
NoLifeKing's user avatar
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Age and sex standardised incidence rates

If I were to compute age-sex standardised incidence rates based on a simple random sample of a nationwide household survey on hearing loss. Noting that this a sample not the total population, so the ...
SarahJ's user avatar
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How to update survey weights after fixing strata membership/assignments?

Imagine we conduct a survey using stratified sampling, and after the survey closes, we find out that we had misclassified some of the respondents. They actually belong to different strata than we had ...
jdcrossval's user avatar
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How to resample members from the population who didn't respond after the survey?

I have used stratified random sampling on population to generate the sample. Now the issue is if after the survey is conducted some of the members in the sample ...
10sha25's user avatar
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Sample Size determination at coutry level or states levels

A country is stratified into states. A researchers wants to carry out a survey with a main requirement of state level data representation. I wonder if sample size should be determine using country ...
MYaseen208's user avatar
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Are the differences between sampling clusters and sampling strata, conceptual, methodological, neither or both?

I am fuzzy on the distinctions between sampling strata and sampling clusters. Both seem to aim at designs aiming at creating useful estimates of between/within group (strata, cluster) variation, and ...
Alexis's user avatar
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Should I use simple random sampling instead of stratified sampling when some strata have low counts?

I am designing a survey for which I would like to stratify "events" by state / province, creating $h=86$ strata for the particular dataset I'm working with. However, there are some strata with low ...
cdlm's user avatar
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Neyman allocation and proportional allocation

Suppose that a city has 90,000 dwelling units, of which 35.000 are houses, 45,000 are apartments, and 10,000 are condominiums. We want to estimate the overall proportion (p) of households in which ...
Walls's user avatar
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Benefit of scaling survey design weights

In the european social survey the design weights are scaled to the sample size (see quote and source): As with the design weights also the post-stratification weights are scaled to the sample size, ...
Elsie's user avatar
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Stratified random sampling when strata overlap

I am sure the title might be confusing, but here is what I am dealing with: I am running a survey at a health care center. The health center has around 15k active visitors. There are 5 departments ...
Lefkios Paikousis's user avatar
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Random sampling with different stages

I'd appreciate some help solving this sampling issue: I have select a random sample of people for a survey in a certain country. The country is divided in 6 regions. In total, there are 981 ...
Chris's user avatar
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Using post-stratification weights in R survey package

I am analyzing a dataset that has a variable for post-stratification weights. As this is a complex survey, the plan is to use the R survey package. I have been ...
3mpad4's user avatar
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Ideas for sampling design

I have a data base of schools per district and the number of teachers per school. I want to select a sample where between 1 an 10 schools are selected in each district. Once a school is selected, the ...
CreamStat's user avatar
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