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How to calculate the evaluation metrics on streaming data for online ML algorithms

I am working on a binary classification problem where I need to develop an online ML model that can work on streaming data. However, I am not sure how can I use the evaluation metrics for ...
Amhs_11's user avatar
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Why shouldn't you mix variable size inputs in the same minibatch?

I am trying to build a CNN-LSTM architecure in tf.keras that classifies sequences of varying sizes. My training data is highly variable and I would have to crop/pad sequences in order to create ...
Tom's user avatar
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What are the classifiers that can be used for sequence data?

I've been going through the classifiers like Naive Bayes, Decision Tree etc. I've a sequence data like so ...
vbnr's user avatar
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Predicting the Winner of a sequence of numbers

I have various series of numbers of different lengths (ranging from 4 to 10) such as the example below: [1.5, 5.0, 6.0, 6.0, 8.0] [1.4, 6.0, 7.5, 9.0, 50.0, 100.0, 200.0] For each one of them I ...
Peterlytics's user avatar
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Likelihood Matrix from a Random Forest?

I'm going through the supporting material of a paper ( , trying to reproduce their results (see below, note that HVG=highly variable gene). The data ...
Jo Fisher's user avatar
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Sequence prediction based on non-sequential inputs

I have a dataset with timestamps and event values (true or false -- these are based on sensor data which detect room occupancy). I'd like to build a model that would take a timestamp as an input and ...
de1pher's user avatar
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Method to predict action based on previous sequence of actions

Given $n-1$ sequences of actions [$k_{i1}$...$k_{in}$] as training/example I want to be able to predict $k_{nn}$ in the sequence [$k_{n1}$...$k_{n(n-1)}$] where $k_{nn}$ would be the most likely ...
andrei's user avatar
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How to build a model that maps strings to lists of strings?

I have a mapping from strings to rows in a data table. Each strings maps to exactly one row in a table but the opposite is not generally true (one row can be "bound" to different strings. For example ...
Roman's user avatar
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what is "target delay" in the context of RNN/LSTM?

I'm currently reading a paper on sequence-to-sequence classification (speech-to-text) and it is stated that "there are ways to introduce future context, such as adding a delay between the ...
Mike Dooley's user avatar
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Determining the class of a new sequence using Markov chains

I want to use a Markov chain to classify a new given sequence as from model+ or model-. For that purpose first I trained two ...
Nilani Algiriyage's user avatar