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Equality of variances based on Rule of Thumb (for very small groups)

I have three groups with very small sample sizes (6 obs per each group). In order to use ANOVA I just want to make sure that the equality of variances is satisfied, as Levene's test does not have ...
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Sample size required to determine which of a set of advertisements has the highest click through rate

I am a software designer by trade and I am working on a project for a client, and I would like to make sure that my analysis is statistically sound. Consider the following: We have n advertisements (...
Jonathan's user avatar
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4 answers

MANOVA and correlations between dependent variables: how strong is too strong?

The dependent variables in a MANOVA should not be "too strongly correlated". But how strong a correlation is too strong? It would be interesting to get people's opinions on this issue. For instance, ...
Freya Harrison's user avatar