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Best practice for estimating values between 5% and 95% CIs for multimodal distribution

How can I improve my quantile estimation method for estimating values between the 5% and 95% confidence intervals for a multimodal distribution (as a mixture of gaussians) ? Where the CI are only for ...
Daniel Wiczew's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Build a (normal?) distribution from $n$, quartiles and mean?

I have some data that is described by $n$, quartiles (+ additional quantile point) and the mean. Is it possible to rebuild or model this distribution from these statistics? As the median and the ...
robbie's user avatar
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4 votes
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The correct way to fit a normal distribution to truncated/trimmed data

I have data where I believe that most of it is normally distributed, but a few extreme outliers are drawn from a different distribution. To estimate the mean and variance of the normal part of my ...
Curt F.'s user avatar
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Computing a bound on the percentile of the normal distribution's CDF

Let $X\sim\mathcal N(0,1)$ be a normal random variable and $\alpha>1/2$. The $\alpha$ percentile of $X$ is usually denoted as $Z_\alpha$ and satisfies $\alpha = \int_{-\infty}^{Z_\alpha}\frac{1}{\...
John McGregor's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

References on how to calculate quantile of a population from a small sample

I'm a novice in statistics. I need to study a problem that basically consists in checking if the 5% quantile of a population (that can be assumed normally distributed) is above or below a given value ...
xanz's user avatar
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