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5 votes
3 answers

Judging a model through the TP, TN, FP, and FN values

I am evaluating a model that predicts the existence or not existence of a "characteristic" (for example, "there is a dog in this image") using several datasets. The system outputs ...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
2 votes
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Is relying on just the confusion matrix for highly imbalanced test sets to evaluate model performance a bad idea?

I have a binary classification model with a test set that is highly skewed, the majority class 0 is 22 times greater than the minority class 1. This causes my Precision to be low and Recall to be high,...
statsnoob's user avatar
11 votes
8 answers

My machine learning model has precision of 30%. Can this model be useful?

I've encountered an interesting discussion at work on interpretation of precision (confusion matrix) within a machine learning model. The interpretation of precision is where there is a difference of ...
wmmwmm's user avatar
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Sensitivity vs. specificity vs. recall

Given a binary confusion matrix with true positives (TP), false positives (FP), true negatives (TN), and false negatives (FN), what are the formulas for sensitivity, specificity, and recall? I'm ...
user72716's user avatar
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A metric for a big/medium/small ML classification

I am working on an ML classification task which is similar to the following: Apples have to be classified to three classes: Big, Medium and Small. I need a metric which I can use to assess the system. ...
Alexey's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Logistic Regression: What is the value for precision when recall (true positive rate) is 0?

A quick overview of definitions before I get into the question: True Positive (TP): An actual positive that the model classified as positive False Positive (FP): An actual negative that the model ...
Nova's user avatar
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Estimate sample size from a variable population

Context: I want to measure accuracy, precision, and recall for individual raters. Each rater completes a variable amount of labels, for ex. rater A may complete 500 in a given time period while rater ...
acrobaticrock's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

When comparing classifiers on different datasets with different prevalences, is it valid to calculate prevalence-adjusted PPV?

Scenario: comparison of 2 different binary classifiers Both classifiers report sensitivity and specificity and number actually positive (P), but classifier 1 is tested on a dataset with prevalence 20%,...
sideburns28's user avatar
1 vote
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Calculating overall Precision and Recall, one versus all

I've got several confusion matrices, all of binary classification (negative, positive). I would like to get general scores of all the matrices combine. Problem is, that the data is not balanced at all....
M.F's user avatar
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How to practically calculate the accuracy of each class in muliclass classification problem?

I have the following confusion matrix: ...
Federico Gentile's user avatar
2 votes
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How can accuracy be greater than my precision, recall and F-Score metrics?

I have trained two models to detect gestures using ambient light and solar panels. I am now testing the two models in different light scenarios. I have a Convolutional Neural Network model that ...
Quine's user avatar
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1 answer

Interpreting NaN values for precision in Confusion Matrix

Please refer to the confusion matrix here: Would I get precision values of NaN because of 0/0 in the right most columns? Is that even possible? How should I interpret ...
User_13's user avatar
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How to obtain conditional use accuracy equality with communities with different real positive rates?

The short version is that I would like to know what the confusion matrices (numbers of true positives, false positives, true negatives, and false negatives) should be to achieve conditional use ...
Ellen Spertus's user avatar
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A question about precision

We have 2 Classification models (Random forest on balanced Data Set), the first one classify a Bank's client as a Churner (closing his account) or an active client, the second one classify a Bank's ...
yassine ben's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is it called Sensitivity/Recall and Specificity?

Where do the terms: Sensitivity, Recall and Specificity come from historically? I've been looking for an answer for quite some time but to no avail. I understand the formulae and what they mean but I ...
Metrician's user avatar
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When should one look at sensitivity vs. specificity instead of precision vs. recall?

The precision vs. recall tradeoff is the most common tradeoff evaluated while developing models, but sensitivity vs. specificity addresses a similar issue. When should one of these pairs of metrics be ...
John S's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it ok a threshold of 0?

I am dealing with a classification problem with a dataset containing 60k rows: 69k are negative class, and 1k is positive. I trained my models and I obtained the confusion matrices with a threshold of ...
CasellaJr's user avatar
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Weighting common performance metrics by classification outcomes?

Cost-sensitive classification metrics are somewhat common (whereby correctly predicted items are weighted to 0 and misclassified outcomes are weighted according to their specific cost). Some examples ...
Bryan Shalloway's user avatar
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Precision-Recall Curve Intuition for Multi-Class Classification

I am running a CNN image multi-class classification model with Keras/Tensorflow and have established about a 90% overall accuracy with my best model trial. I have 10 unique classes I am trying to ...
Coldchain9's user avatar
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Imbalanced classification what is good F1 score?

For imbalanced classification (say 85:15), what is good value of F1 score? An answer says "Experiments indicate that the sweet spot here is around ...
ewr3243's user avatar
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ROC Curve for data sets with large negative bias

For context, I've read this forum here regarding a similar issue, and it seems the conclusion on there was that precision-recall curves are better-suited for data sets where there is a large negative ...
Malek's user avatar
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How to verify that one ML-classifier is better then the other using the same train and test data set without cross-validation?

I have compared 5 methods (ML classifiers) on the same data set. These methods are 5 different types of neural networks. Each is trained on the training set and evaluated with precision, recall and f1-...
user3352632's user avatar
1 vote
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Real vs True Positives

Wikipedia defines TPR (True Positive Rate) as $\frac{\text{TP}}{P}$ where: $\text{TP}$ = # of true positives $\text{P}$ = # of real positives This confuses me. I thought: $\text{TP}$ is supposed ...
Josh's user avatar
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F1 score macro-average

In this question I'll differentiate by using lower-case for class-wise scores, e.g. prec, rec, f1, which would be vectors, and the aggregate macro-average Prec, Rec, F1. My formulae below are written ...
Mobeus Zoom's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a name for this metric: TN / (TN + FN)?

Given a confusion matrix, there's all kind of metrics: Accuracy, Precision, Recall/Sensitivity, Specificity. But I haven't seen any name for the ratio between the TN (True Negative) and the sum of ...
Maverick Meerkat's user avatar
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Precision, Recall, F1 Score and multiclass confusion matrix

My goal is to evaluate some clustering algorithms. Lets say that I’ve got one set o elements: { 1 ; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8 }. This set was grouped by human into two groups: (1 ; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8) and (7)....
Geth's user avatar
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Understanding ratio between precision and recall

I have a naive question regarding the ratio of precision and recall. When I build the model, I am able to get precision and recall. Later, I could use this model to make perditions, which is ...
TTT's user avatar
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Precision-Recall curve interpretation

When given an example confusion matrix: TP = 5000 FP = 1000 FN = 0 ...
Vincent's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Confidence interval of precision / recall and F1 score

To summarise the predictive power of a classifier for end users, I'm using some metrics. However, as the users input data themselves, the amount of data and class distribution varies a lot. So to ...
Felix's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Is there any difference between Sensitivity and Recall?

In most of the places, I have found that sensitivity=recall. In terms of the Confusion Matrix, the formula for both of these is the same: $TP/(TP+FN)$. Is there any difference between these two ...
Abdullah Al Imran's user avatar
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How to correctly read a classification report?

Firstly, is there a difference between model performance and it's accuracy? If yes, what exactly? Secondly, what can I interpret from this classification_report of ...
Jaskaran Singh Puri's user avatar
4 votes
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How can Precision-Recall (PR) curves be used to judge overall classifier performance when Precision and Recall are class based metrics?

How can Precision-Recall (PR) curves be used to judge overall classifier performance when Precision and Recall are class based metrics? Since in a binary classifier, there are two classes, often ...
Aalawlx's user avatar
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5 votes
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Confusion matrix, metrics, & joint vs. conditional probabilities

In the binary classification/prediction problem we have unknown labels $y\in\{0,1\}$, which we try to predict using an estimator $\hat{y}$. Commonly the performance of an estimator is summarized using ...
GeoMatt22's user avatar
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3 votes
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Classification using ctree in R [closed]

I've been trying to perform classification on Indian Liver Patients Disease dataset available at I have used Conditional ...
amankedia's user avatar
1 vote
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Are the total false positives and false negatives of a large confusion matrix equal?

I have a confusion matrix which is 20x20 that is the product of a random forest classification of ~20k instances. Each of these instances was put into a specific class where rows are actual class and ...
Brandon Kieft's user avatar
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How to get confusion matrix with 100% precision or 100% recall in Weka

Here is the original confusion matrix: ...
frankdede's user avatar
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