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What are the differences between PS-match and adjusted Cox regression?

This is more like an extension of the following question: Propensity Score Matching with Cox Regression I am wondering what are the differences between these: matching patients with PS and running ...
Math Avengers's user avatar
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Log-Rank Test After Optimal Pair Matching

I have clinical data and used optimal matching in the MatchIt package to match cases to controls on several variables. Matching was done in a 1:1 ratio, and balance was achieved. I then did a Kaplan-...
John Ryan's user avatar
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Log-Rank test with propensity score matched data

Let's assume that I have two groups that I would like to compare in terms of death rates. One group (group A) got a specific treatment and the other group (group B) did not get any treatment. I ...
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How to model an interaction in a propensity-score matched dataset

Suppose I am performing a propensity score matched analysis using the MatchIt package in R, following the example reported here:
user89547235's user avatar
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Choosing variables for propensity score matching

I'm working on a project dealing with transplants and comparing outcomes of first time (primary) transplants with re-transplants. I'm trying to decide which set of variables to include for propensity ...
jk3's user avatar
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How to account for dependencies in survival analysis of PS-matched cohorts with replacement?

I work on data from a cohort study (n = 3100). We want to compare outcomes of individuals with a special condition (n = 300) and their matched controls. I estimated propensity scores and used genetic ...
Snamhdaen's user avatar
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Propensity Score Matching with Cox Regression

I am conducting a survival analysis with a Cox regression whereby the outcome variable (promotion to a senior role) is either 0 or 1. I am particulalry interested in the hazard rate (i.e., the 'hazard'...
aspark2020's user avatar
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How do I 'control for' between cases and controls in survival analysis?

I would appreciate some advice concerning the best practice for controlling covariates in KM curve survival analysis. Individuals suffer from headaches and individuals and are sub-grouped by ...
Anthony Nash's user avatar
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matched cohort with 1:n pairs - correct stratified logistic model

In this hypothetical example we have access to a database. In it cases are people with children and controls are those without kids. We want to measure the association between having children and Lung ...
lukeg's user avatar
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Propensity Score Matching w/ 3 levels Rx

I'm trying to match consecutive patients by fitting a Propensity Score. The treatment has 3 levels (Controls, Treat_1, Treat_2). The "MatcheIt" package, is designed to work only with 2 levels ...
Gabriele Crimi's user avatar
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Proper way to match a reference population for survival analysis

I am performing survival analysis on a specific group under study containing thousands of individuals. I am looking for the best way to obtain a reference population from the total population (...
Marc Claesen's user avatar
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