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How to compare cases and controls after adjusting for age differences?

I have a dataset in which I have different measures (a, b, c) and two independent variables: D which is an independent binary variable representing cases (1) and controls (0), and age is another ...
elven's user avatar
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When to use paired samples tests? Specific case in clinical research

I am working on the analysis of an observational clinical study. It is basically a control/intervention study, where the intervention group received a novel protocol. In order to assess its ...
LevG's user avatar
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Can propensity score matching be used in nested case-control study?

I'm poor with epidemiological methodology and I'm working on a study that look at the effects of a binary exposure on three time-to-event outcomes in a large cohort (general population). As the ...
Tylorc's user avatar
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Use of simple statistics for matched study designs

This might be a silly question, but I have always found this confusing. In a case-control study one selects participants to the study based on having or not having the outcome, in addition to some set ...
dean's user avatar
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Retrospective cohort study with case:control matching 1:5. Is clogit really appropriate?

I study school grades in children with brain tumors (=cases), using databases. Every case in the database has five healthy controls, matched on sex, birth year and residency. The hypothesis is that ...
Gus Hell's user avatar
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Members in treatment group serve as controls for other treatment members to eliminate unmeasured confounders in pre/post observational study?

Consider a typical observational healthcare study where pre/post health outcomes among patients receiving a treatment or care program are compared to a counterfactual control group who didn't receive ...
RobertF's user avatar
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test for difference between matched pairs in 1:1 matched study

Background: I have a retrospective study (registry) that contains data on people with kidney transplant. Among these patients, we have a very small number of people with a specific genetic disease (n=...
R. Simian's user avatar
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Propensity score matching in a case-control study: can the number of matches per patient be correlated with a matching variable?

Say I am trying to investigate the association between antidepressants and achieving recovery in a depression programme. I have an observational cohort of depressed patients enrolled in the programme ...
hhattiecc's user avatar
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Limits to how many control and treatment subjects may be paired in propensity score matching?

I'm working on a difference-in-differences project where we're matching up to 5 control subjects to each treatment subject using a combination of techniques to estimate treatment effects (ATT): exact, ...
RobertF's user avatar
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Balance diagnostics: Why not measure post-matching balance **within** matched treatment-control pairs?

I understand there are a number of techniques for evaluating post-matching balance at the covariate level: standardized mean difference (SMD), variance ratios, and empirical CDF statistics. Are there ...
RobertF's user avatar
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Extreme differences between control group and affected group

I am reviewing an article and cannot be overly specific but it involves one group of people with a medical condition and another group without it; the dependent variables are various mental health ...
Peter Flom's user avatar
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Interaction with a matching variable (time) in conditional logistic regression

Short version: I want to look at the interaction between an explanatory variable and a matching variable in my conditional logistic regression. Is that possible? I'm doing a case-control study on risk ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Matching when there are missing data

In a treatment effects framework, I have a control and treatment group with some covariates on which to match (I'm using nearest-neighbor method). The control group has a no missing data, but some ...
cel's user avatar
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The appropriate match ratio between case and controls: the obsession with 1:5 [duplicate]

My intention with this question is to collect relevant references or literature for a recurrent methodological approach commonly applied in health research. The main question is: what is the ...
cmirian's user avatar
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Variable ratio matching

I am working on a simulated study where I have variable number of control matches for my treatment subjects. I am new to this type of analysis. I realize after matching I can utilize logistic ...
ykeesa's user avatar
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3:1 matching with MatchIt in R. The number of matched control is not equal to 3 times the number of cases

Hello I'm using the MatchIt package in R I have a total of unmatched 116 treated cases and 462 unmatcehd non-treated case with the command ...
ecjb's user avatar
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Interacting treatment variables with independent variables in matched samples

Can we interact the treatment variables with independent control variables that have been used for matching? I have a binary treatment variable called 'medicine'. It indicates whether a person ...
wake_wake's user avatar
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Matching inflation

I have data on a few millions of patients, about 1000 of them are cases, that is, they were diagnosed having a certain disease at some timepoint in their life. I think I basically have two options: 1)...
Yossi Levy's user avatar
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matched cohort with 1:n pairs - correct stratified logistic model

In this hypothetical example we have access to a database. In it cases are people with children and controls are those without kids. We want to measure the association between having children and Lung ...
lukeg's user avatar
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Should cohort studies in diagnosis research be age-matched?

It is clear that cohort studies in epidemiology should be matched for such variables as age, gender, etc. However, cross-sectional cohort studies may also be used to assess the accuracy of a new ...
Max's user avatar
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Is a comparison of patients between 2 clinics using propensity score matching a matched case control study?

I'm helping my boss design a study that will look at the effects of a clinic level intervention on a patient level outcome. I would like to look at the effect of our intervention on one clinic (...
Emily 's user avatar
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Matching and study design

I am currently designing a retrospective case-control study and am having some difficulty coming up with an adequate matching solution. The study assesses a specific surgical procedure and the only ...
Makaira Murakami's user avatar
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Optimal way to match cases and controls w/ multiple per strata [closed]

I need to do a matched analysis. However, I cannot find good reference for the best way of matching when each stratum may contain multiple cases and controls. As an extreme example, say we want to ...
Peter's user avatar
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Review of case control matching algorithms?

Can you suggest a good review of case control matching algorithms? Algorithms that can be used to set up the matched pairs of one case and one control, or matched blocks of a case and multiple ...
GaBorgulya's user avatar
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