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Is $b$ in Support Vector Regression constant or not?

In Support Vector Regression, the following dual optimization problem is solved with respect to $\alpha_i$ and $\alpha_i^*$: \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} & \text{maximize} && \begin{...
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linear kernel SVM

The linear kernel is defined as: $K(x1,x2)=\langle x1,x2\rangle$. I can see that all that this kernel does is to calculate the dot product in the original space of the data. Why is this kernel then ...
Minaj's user avatar
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Evolution strategies in libsvm

I'm working on a protein multi-classification problem, using libsvm and the edit distance kernel. This kernel depends on a parameter $\gamma$. I'm able to get the best parameters ($\gamma$ and $C$) ...
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