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Find the confidence interval of ratio of variance with unknown distribution but known mean [closed]

From the previous question, I'm going to assume that for a random sample $X_1,X_2,\dots,X_n$ and $Y_1,Y_2,\dots,Y_n$, that $\frac{\bar{X}-\mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}} \xrightarrow{D} N(0,1)$ by ...
Albert Wijaya's user avatar
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Learning to do the parametric bootstrap

I learned about the parametric bootstrap (Can we bootstrap regression coefficients instead of data?) and I am interested in applying this method to determine the confidence interval on the ratio of ...
user_436830's user avatar
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Can we bootstrap regression coefficients instead of data?

I have a question about using the bootstrap in situations (e.g. Confidence intervals for the ratio of marginal effects? (GAM Regression)) where the traditional bootstrap method might be complicated (e....
user_436830's user avatar
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Expected Value Chi Square distribution

I'm trying to simulate the distribution from the sample variance $s^2$ and compare it with the theoretical distribution. Therefore, I perform a fairly simple simulation (upfront, I'm not a ...
Mexx's user avatar
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In Regression Through the Origin, why do the CIs of the slope depend on datapoints with zero x value?

I'm working with a Regression Through the Origin model as described in this reference. The model is $Y_i = \beta X_i + \epsilon$ and the least squares estimate of $\beta$ is $\hat\beta = \frac{\sum ...
Ryan Moulton's user avatar
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Difference between F-test and confidence intervals on variance estimates

Given n samples from a normally-distributed variable X, we estimate variance as $s^2=\frac{1}{n-1}\sum{(x_i - \bar{x})^2}$. We can also get a confidence interval for such a variance estimate as: $$...
feetwet's user avatar
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Shouldn't we consider the difference in variance between population and a sample while calculating confidence intervals?

To comprehend the concept of confidence intervals, I came up with an example. I want to share it here for your better understanding what my question is all about. Suppose, we want to figure out what ...
Davie Blain's user avatar
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Metric for run-to-run consistency of time series data

If I run $n$ samples of a physical experiment, I expect to see roughly similar time vs. position plots but with slight variations run-to-run. What are good statistical metrics to quantify the ...
asyndeton256's user avatar
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Variance of powers of a standard normal random variable

To predict growth of money in a stock market I try to calculate expected return over a longer timeframe (e.g. 30 years) with a confidence interval. The simple math of taking an average stock market ...
Bastiaan's user avatar
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For non-normally distributed random variables, why does $[\mu - 1.96 \sigma, \mu + 1.96 \sigma]$ contain $\approx$ 95% of the distribution?

My question is, if you take a random variable $X$ with an arbitrary distribution, which has a known and well defined mean & variance, then why does the following interval contain $\approx 95\% $ ...
gowerc's user avatar
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How to get confidence interval for the population variance?

I have data that is reasonably assumed to be iid samples from some distribution. Our goal is to put a confidence interval on the population variance. Notationally, we have IID $X_i, i = 1, ..., n$ ...
travelingbones's user avatar
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How to calculate the p-value of a log-odds ratio, given that the variance depends on the observed frequencies?

I am a bit confused about how people calculate p-value when calculating odds-ratios. The log-odds ratio (LOR) for a contingency table with two entries is $L = \log \frac{p_{1}}{p_{0}}$ and has an ...
Abelaer's user avatar
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Why are published stats generally given as +/- standard deviation?

I've been wondering why most publications give stats as mean +/- standard deviation, even for things like measurement devices, where reproducibility is a major concern. (E.g., for a given sample, our ...
user388264's user avatar
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Probability that both the mean and sample variance are both covered by their respective confidence intervals?

I am given the question: "What is the probability that both the mean is in its confidence interval for confidence level a and the variance is in its confidence interval for confidence level a?&...
user386465's user avatar
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Confidence Intervals for Odd's Ratio? [duplicate]

I am an MBA Student and I am trying to understand how to calculate the Confidence Interval for an Odd's Ratio. Our professor gave us this link ( which ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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Variance in a confidence interval for a percentage in a survey sample

I'm teaching an undergrad class on survey sampling (not in the stats department) for the first time. This seems like a very basic question that I should know the answer to, but I can't find it ...
St4096's user avatar
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I'm stuck in a part of an exercise where I'm asked to find a variance so that its confidence interval is within some bounds

I'm trying to complete an exercise from my book, asking me to find the variance to allow a sample of 49 items (that follows a normal law) to stay in bounds of one confidence interval, at 95% of ...
Marc Le Bihan's user avatar
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How to Calculate the Variance of the Aggregate of a Bernoulli Process Given Known False Positive and False Negative Rates

I have $n$ sensors which output either $0$ or $1$. These sensors have known measurement error reflected by a false positive rate, $fpr$ and false negative rate, $fnr$. In my case, $fnr > fpr$. ...
Jeremy Neiman's user avatar
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What is the impact of duplicate data on the variance of regression coefficient? [duplicate]

What is the impact of duplicate data on the variance of the regression coefficient?. Does increasing the size of data always certainly decrease the variance of the model coefficients? Suppose I have ...
NAS_2339's user avatar
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Are there possibilities to determine 95% confidence interval for right skewed data?

The dataset that I'm using for my thesis is right skewed. It is about lead times (days) I tried log10 transforming it in SPSS but it still does not meet the requirement p>0,05 (Shapiro-wilk). So ...
Yorick's user avatar
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What is the confidence interval of consecutive subsampling

I have a situation where I do consecutive subsampling from an original population and I'm trying to figure out what the final confidence interval would be. I know that Var(A,B) = Var(A) + Var(B) if A ...
Malte Jensen's user avatar
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Evaluating randomized algorithms on randomized problem instances

Suppose we want to compare the performances of two algorithms — call them A and B — on a problem X. In particular, suppose that we want to evaluate the algorithms on random instances of X drawn from ...
beserious's user avatar
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Calculating variance / standard errors for a Weighted Repeat Sales model

I'm writing an implementation of the Case-Shiller Real Estate Index, which is based on a variation of the weighted least squares, except for the introduction of a dummy matrix Z. I've calculated the ...
Ilya Voytov's user avatar
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How can I confidently state the error of a specific test is within a range with a 95% confidence interval

I have a test that provides values with known amounts of error. For instance the error on the test (Value - TrueValue) = -7.62, -9.33, -8.36, -9.79,-10.45, -9.51, -10.83, -10.64, -9.96, -10.30 I want ...
Jonah Kornberg's user avatar
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Confidence interval for exponentially distributed estimator

We have an estimator $\hat{\theta}\geq 0$ for $\theta$, with distribution function $P\{\hat{\theta}\leq t \}=1-e^{-t/\theta}$, which we can recognize as the cdf of the exponential distribution. Our ...
Joe's user avatar
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Deriving a confidence interval for the variance $\sigma^2$ of a non-normal distribution

If $X_1, \cdots, X_n$ are normally distributed, the Student's Theorem asserts that the pivot variable $$\frac{(n-1)S^2}{\sigma^2}$$ is distributed $\chi^2(n-1)$. Then suppose I can find constants $a$ ...
TheProofIsTrivium's user avatar
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Confidence interval calculation: why sometimes the SD is dividted by the sqrt of sample size, and sometimes not?

I have trouble understanding the following: Looking how reference ranges for laboratory values are calculated, I found the following: In our sample of 72 printers, the standard error of the mean was ...
John V's user avatar
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Where does (co)variance come from in a linear (OLS) regression?

Given that linear models can be solved exactly via calculus, how is it possible to define a variance for the parameters ($\mathbf{a}$) which minimize some error function? say $Err=(o_i-f(x_i; \mathbf{...
Craig's user avatar
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Practical use for heritability value at sub-population level?

For me as a layperson, heritability is something that much smarter people than me calculate, and there are several questions already on the forum about how to do that (eg, this and this). I ...
Arnon Weinberg's user avatar
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How to calculate errors of best value of parameters that obtained from MCMC method and observational data

I had a model and some observational data. I used MCMC method to obtain the best value of free parameters and used some coding to plot contours of 1 to 3 sigma confidence levels (as you see in the ...
nooshineh zabihi's user avatar
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Estimate confidence interval for the variance of whatever population distribution

Given a sample of the variable $X$ = ($X_1$, .., $X_n$). If the $X$ follows a normal distribution, I know that we can estimate the confidence interval of the variance of $X$ by using the $\chi^{square}...
InTheSearchForKnowledge's user avatar
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What are the implications of a low coverage in multiple imputation?

When testing multiple imputation algorithms in simulations, the bias of the examined estimates and the 95% coverage rate are often used as a quality metric. I understand that it is generally ...
joacim022's user avatar
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Question about confidence intervals and prediction intervals

Considering following linear multiple regression model: \begin{equation} y=X\beta + e, \end{equation} where observations $y\in\Re^n$, coefficents $\beta\in\Re^p$ and $e\sim N(0,\sigma I)$ is a white ...
Stephen Ge's user avatar
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Bootstrap estimation of variance and C.I. in cases with small group of outliers

I have a given quantity, say $y_a$ which parametrically depends on $a$ value. I consider $N$ values for the $a$ parameter and, for each one take multiple measures of the corresponding $y_a$ (say $N_a$ ...
user1172131's user avatar
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Confidence interval for relative risk with uncertain incidences

The usual suggestion for computing a confidence interval for a relative risk estimate is to start from the variance: $$ \text{CI}_R = R \pm z \cdot \exp \sqrt{\sigma^2_{\log R}} $$ where $R$ is the ...
zwol's user avatar
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Bootstrapping variance in R gives weird shaped distribution- how to obtain confidence intervals?

this is the first time I've used bootstrapping so it's quite basic! I'm trying to obtain confidence intervals for the standardised variance- defined as the variance over the square of the mean- across ...
Ellen's user avatar
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How to compute the confidence interval for the Difference of Two Means with unknown variance?

I have to determine the 90% confidence interval for the difference of Two Means of expenses in products for the cleaning of Palace A and Palace B. I have the following data: on a sample of 21 cleaners ...
MacUser's user avatar
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Calculate confidence interval for the population variance [duplicate]

Here is the problem: When cheching the Chi squared distribution table, the it seems like in the solution the denominators should be switched, because for .025 quantile the value is 13.844 and for ....
Gianni D'Adova's user avatar
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Standard error of estimated sum or product mean

Updated question: Given two sample means ($\bar X, \bar Y$) and sample standard deviations ($S_X, S_Y$) with different sample sizes ($n_X, n_Y$), I want to calculate the standard errors ($SE_\theta, ...
Luka Seamus Wright's user avatar
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Calculating confidence intervals for the variance of the residuals in R

I have three variables: Number of house sales Month (in couples) Region of a city (N-W-E-S) and I want to calculate confidence intervals for the residual of the errors. So, given the data: ...
SharkCaller's user avatar
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Generating a confidence interval for the difference in standard deviation between two populations

Background I've made a device which sizes potatoes, and one component in that device comes with a known error with respect to mean and standard deviation. I want to know whether my device - which ...
Tom Hosker's user avatar
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Linear model – confidence interval for $\sigma$

I'd like to derive a $100\%(1-\alpha)$ confindence interval for $\sigma$ in a linear model $Y=X\beta+\epsilon$, $X$ - $n\times p$. I thought that I could make use of the fact that: $\frac{RSS}{\sigma}=...
thesecond's user avatar
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How to estimate the confidence interval for a "predicted difference" from a quadratic model?

Assume you have past consumption levels $c_1, \dots c_n$ at times $t_1, \dots t_n$ and cumulated consumption levels $y_1=c_1, y_2 = c_1 + c_2, \dots y_n=\sum_{k=1}^{n} c_k$. (I use the quadratic term ...
Christoph's user avatar
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Confidence intervals for averages of averages

Suppose we have an experiment involving $N$ independent samples of single variable functions, $y_1(t),...,y_N(t)$ where $$y_k(t) = \dfrac{1}{M}\sum_{j = 1}^{M} x_j(t); \ \ k = 1,...,N.$$ I am ...
algae's user avatar
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Confidence Ellipsoids

I need help to understand and answer the following question. I referred the following website to read about the confidence ellipsoids.
Gopal Krishna's user avatar
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Pointwise standard error and confidence interval for a smoothing spline

I wish to generate confidence intervals for a smoothing spline using the pointwise standard error of $\hat{f}_\lambda(x)$. In particular, I am trying to construct the following interval: $$\hat{f}_\...
Seraf Fej's user avatar
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If you know a normal distribution's population variance, does a sample variance tell you nothing about the sample's mean's confidence interval?

If I understand correctly (which I might not), if I know a normal distribution's population variance but not its population mean, and take just one sample consisting of three measurements, then no ...
MCC's user avatar
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Computing the confidence interval for two samples but getting slightly different answers

Consider two samples $X_1,..,X_k$ and $Y_1,..,Y_m$ where $X_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_x,\,\sigma^{2})\,$ and $Y_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_y,\,\sigma^{2})\,.$ Say $k=m=100$ and $k+m=n$. Say that the ...
OBIEK's user avatar
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Ratio of Standard Deviations from a Normal Distribution to an F Distribution

Apologies if the title is confusing, I couldn't think of a more apt title. I have that $W_i$s are iid $N(\mu_a,\sigma_a^2)$ and independent of $Z_i$s which are iid $N(\mu_b,\sigma_b^2)$. This means $...
strwars's user avatar
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Can the variance of a U-statistic be of the order $O(\frac{1}{n^2})$?

It is not that easy to find estimators $T_n$ such that $\mbox{Var}[T_n] \sim O(n^{-B})$ with $B = 2$. In most cases, $B=1$.Here $n$ is the sample size. It seems, according to this paper on U-...
Vincent Granville's user avatar